2.7 Ga Granitic Gneiss in the Northern Foot of Daqingshan Mountain, Central Inner Mongolia, and Its Geological Implications
摘要: 本文报道了在内蒙中部大青山北麓西乌兰不浪地区早前寒武纪基底中发现的太古宙变质深成体-黑云母花岗质片麻岩的SHRIMP U-Pb定年结果.样品的锆石特征较为一致,阴极发光图像上具明显核-幔-边结构.核部锆石发育密集的岩浆环带,年龄数据分布区间较小,其加权平均年龄(2 697±11 Ma)代表了原岩形成时间,为区内有报道的最古老的高精度岩石年龄,表明区内存在一期2.7 Ga左右的岩浆活动.幔部及边部锆石具变质重结晶成因,两者除了在阴极发光图像上的差异外,其加权平均年龄(幔部2 561±18 Ma;边部2 539±34 a)及Th、U含量特征极为接近.笔者认为它们共同反映了区域内~2.5 Ga的构造-热事件.大量证据表明华北克拉通~2.5 Ga的构造-热事件是华北克拉通形成演化过程中所经历的重要地质事件,该事件之前的岩石在这一地质过程中遭受了强烈改造.Abstract: This study presents the SHRIMP U-Pb dating results of Archean biotite granitic gneiss found in the Early Precambrian metamorphic basement in Xi Ulanbulang area in northern foot of Daqingshan Mountain in central Inner Mongolia. Zircon characteristic of the rock is consistent and it obviously shows core-mantle-boundary structure from cathodoluminescence images. The core of zircons not only has intensive magmatic zoning but also has a smaller range of age distribution. The weighted average age (2 697±11 Ma) represents the diagenetic age of rock which is the oldest one of all rocks reported in the region. It shows that a magamatism occurred to 2.7 Ga years ago in the region. The mantle and of zirons is considered to be featured with metamorphic recrystallization causes. Both the weighted average age (mantle 2 561±18 Ma; rige 2 539±34 a) and Th, U content features of them are very close except for different cathodoluminescence images. Therefore, we consider that the ages of the mantle and boundary together reflect the tectono-thermal event which occurred to 2.5 Ga ago that has been proved to be an important geological event by substantial evidences during the formation and evolution of the North China craton and a large number of pre-rocks have been strongly transformed.
Key words:
- Xi Ulanbulang /
- biotite granitic gneiss /
- zircon /
- geochemistry /
- tectonics
图 1 西乌兰不浪地区地质简图
1.石榴蓝晶石英岩组合;2.石榴石英岩组合;3.中性麻粒岩组合;4.基性麻粒岩组合;5.村空山片麻岩;6.狼牙山片麻岩;7.黑云斜长片麻岩;8.实测剖面位置;9.采样位置及编号;图b为华北克拉通早前寒武纪构造区划,其中:Ⅰ.东部陆块;Ⅱ.中部造山带;Ⅲ.西部陆块;Ⅲ-1.鄂尔多斯地块;Ⅲ-2.孔兹岩带;Ⅲ-3.阴山地块(据Zhao et al., 2005简化);图b中方框表示图a所在位置
Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of Xi Ulanbulang area
图 3 黑云花岗质片麻岩球粒陨石标准化稀土元素分布(a)和上地壳标准化微量元素蛛网图(b)
(球粒陨石标准化数值引自Sun and McDonough, 1989;上地壳标准化数值引自Taylor et al., 1981)
Fig. 3. Chondrite-normalized REE pattern (a) and primitive mantle-normalizd trace element spidergrams (b) of the biotite granitic gneiss
表 1 西乌兰不浪黑云花岗质片麻岩的地球化学分析结果
Table 1. Geochemical data of the biotite granitic gneiss in Xi Ulanbulang area
样号 2p5b25-2 2p5b17-1 2p5b43-1 样号 2p5b25-2 2p5b17-1 2p5b43-1 样号 2p5b25-2 2p5b17-1 2p5b43-1 Na2O 3.50 4.38 3.21 La 47.00 14.60 15.50 Y 4.15 2.21 8.41 MgO 0.60 1.22 2.85 Ce 78.30 21.40 19.70 Zr 194.00 48.00 118.00 Al2O3 13.76 15.64 12.25 Pr 7.61 2.49 2.15 Hf 4.62 1.25 3.04 SiO2 72.75 70.73 67.11 Nd 22.90 8.13 6.42 V 23.10 36.30 123.00 P2O5 0.08 0.03 0.01 Sm 2.69 0.97 0.83 Cr 146.00 419.00 334.00 K2O 3.69 0.41 1.44 Eu 0.81 0.97 0.91 Co 4.40 8.00 22.40 CaO 2.23 4.09 3.12 Gd 2.52 0.80 0.96 Ni 7.62 30.00 70.40 TiO2 0.36 0.04 0.63 Tb 0.19 0.06 0.14 Rb 40.00 2.65 30.90 MnO 0.01 0.02 0.08 Dy 0.77 0.26 1.01 Sr 248.00 331.00 454.00 Fe2O3 1.00 0.07 2.86 Ho 0.12 0.04 0.24 Nb 2.76 0.38 5.11 FeO 1.37 1.99 5.23 Er 0.37 0.12 0.89 Ba 955.00 201.00 554.00 H2O+ 0.50 0.80 0.62 Tm 0.04 0.02 0.15 Ta 0.06 0.04 0.20 CO2 0.20 0.37 0.29 Yb 0.31 0.09 1.09 Th 5.06 0.12 5.34 LOI 0.52 0.76 0.27 Lu 0.05 0.02 0.19 U 0.24 0.09 0.32 A/CNK 1.00 1.04 0.97 Eu/Eu* 0.93 3.27 3.10 Sc 2.26 2.65 13.90 K2O/Na2O 1.05 0.09 0.44 ∑REE 163.66 49.89 50.25 (La/Yb)N 103.28 106.63 9.58 注:常量元素的单位为%;稀土和微量元素单位为10-6. 表 2 西乌兰不浪黑云花岗质片麻岩(B1001)SHRIMP U-Pb分析结果
Table 2. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb data of biotite granite gneiss (B1001) from Xi Ulanbulang area
测试点 206Pbc(%) U(10-6) Th(10-6) 232Th/238U 206Pb*(10-6) 207Pb*/206Pb* ±% 207Pb*/235U ±% 206Pb*/238U ±% 误差 207Pb/206Pb(Ma) 1.1M 0.00 101 28 0.29 44.80 0.173 6 0.84 12.33 2.2 0.515 0 2.1 0.928 2 593±14 2.1M 0.05 317 86 0.28 125.00 0.163 8 1.00 10.34 2.2 0.458 1 2.0 0.886 2 495±17 3.1C 0.11 75 32 0.44 32.30 0.185 0 1.00 12.83 2.4 0.503 0 2.2 0.906 2 698±17 4.1R 0.00 32 8 0.25 12.30 0.160 8 1.60 9.97 3.0 0.450 0 2.5 0.839 2 464±27 4.2C 0.03 126 21 0.17 59.70 0.185 1 1.20 14.06 2.3 0.551 0 2.0 0.868 2 699±19 4.3M 0.14 50 42 0.87 20.50 0.166 5 1.30 11.00 2.7 0.479 0 2.4 0.882 2 523±21 5.1C 0.00 167 16 0.10 72.40 0.184 0 0.59 12.79 2.1 0.503 9 2.0 0.958 2 690±10 5.2R 0.00 27 12 0.47 11.40 0.168 3 1.70 11.46 3.1 0.494 0 2.6 0.842 2 540±28 5.3M 0.00 177 8 0.05 74.70 0.176 1 0.59 11.94 2.0 0.491 8 1.9 0.957 2 617±10 6.1R 0.67 23 10 0.45 8.65 0.148 9 3.90 8.80 5.1 0.429 0 3.2 0.641 2 333±66 6.2M 0.02 450 479 1.10 187.00 0.171 8 1.10 11.43 2.1 0.482 4 1.9 0.867 2 576±18 7.1R 0.00 70 31 0.45 29.10 0.160 7 0.89 10.71 2.3 0.483 0 2.1 0.924 2 464±15 8.1M 0.01 300 92 0.32 132.00 0.174 5 0.48 12.34 2.2 0.513 0 2.1 0.976 2 601±8 8.2C 0.00 65 10 0.15 30.20 0.185 7 1.10 13.82 2.6 0.540 0 2.3 0.909 2 704±18 9.1M 0.00 152 78 0.53 63.00 0.172 8 0.74 11.49 2.4 0.482 0 2.3 0.950 2 585±12 9.2C 0.00 47 11 0.25 21.00 0.182 1 1.30 12.94 3.4 0.515 0 3.1 0.920 2 672±22 10.1M 0.00 73 37 0.52 31.00 0.172 7 0.97 11.71 2.4 0.491 0 2.2 0.913 2 584±16 11.1R 0.20 45 40 0.91 19.20 0.174 7 1.40 11.92 3.9 0.495 0 3.6 0.932 2 604±23 11.2C 0.05 164 21 0.13 75.80 0.186 6 0.71 13.80 2.1 0.536 0 2.0 0.940 2 712±12 12.1C 0.00 35 14 0.42 15.80 0.192 2 1.20 13.85 2.7 0.523 0 2.4 0.901 2 761±19 13.1C 0.03 148 38 0.26 66.10 0.190 3 0.69 13.59 2.1 0.518 0 2.0 0.946 2 745±11 14.1R 0.16 21 17 0.84 8.84 0.172 4 2.40 11.59 3.7 0.488 0 2.8 0.760 2 581±40 15.1M 0.02 511 126 0.25 203.00 0.169 7 0.36 10.83 1.9 0.462 9 1.9 0.982 2 554±6 15.2R 0.00 49 8 0.17 19.00 0.163 6 1.20 10.11 2.6 0.448 0 2.3 0.893 2 493±19 16.1R 0.17 43 8 0.20 16.70 0.166 8 1.20 10.38 2.6 0.451 0 2.3 0.891 2 526±20 17.1M 0.04 120 1 0.01 47.40 0.165 9 0.75 10.50 2.2 0.459 3 2.0 0.938 2 516±13 17.2R 0.00 25 11 0.45 10.10 0.168 4 1.70 10.79 3.4 0.465 0 3.0 0.870 2 542±28 18.1R 0.16 38 29 0.80 16.10 0.168 2 1.30 11.54 2.7 0.498 0 2.4 0.882 2 539±21 18.2M 0.11 49 21 0.44 19.10 0.160 6 1.20 10.04 2.6 0.454 0 2.3 0.878 2 462±21 19.1M 0.03 171 99 0.60 72.40 0.171 0 0.69 11.58 2.1 0.491 3 1.9 0.942 2 568±12 20.1M 0.11 415 64 0.16 162.00 0.169 8 0.69 10.59 2.0 0.452 4 1.9 0.938 2 555±12 21.1M 0.03 220 70 0.33 96.80 0.168 1 0.53 11.88 2.0 0.512 5 1.9 0.964 2 538±9 注:*表示放射性成因Pb. -
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