Distinct Tectonic Evolutions and Its Effect on Hydrocarbon Accumulation of the Papuan Basin
摘要: 为了系统揭示巴布亚盆地的结构、构造特征及其与油气聚集的关系, 在综合前人认识的基础上, 通过精细解释二维地震资料, 详细刻画了盆地结构-构造及其运动学特征, 分析了盆地结构-构造在油气聚集中的作用.研究表明: (1)巴布亚盆地现今结构-构造存在明显的东西差异.盆地西部以薄皮构造为主, 在此基础上形成大规模的冲断-褶皱构造, 横向上由北向南依次可以划分为冲断带、褶皱-冲断带、宽缓褶皱带和稳定台地区4个构造变形带; 盆地东部则形成前陆盆地结构.(2)盆地结构-构造上的差异也导致盆地油气聚集分布存在东西差异.盆地西部以中生代含油气系统和逆冲构造圈闭为主, 逆冲推覆导致上盘地层叠置加厚, 使得位于下部的中生代烃源岩进入成熟阶段; 盆地东部则以新近纪含油气系统为主, 巨厚的前陆沉积使烃源岩达到成熟阶段; 逆冲构造圈闭仅局限发育于Aure褶皱带.(3)中生代塑性层的存在与否是导致盆地东西结构构造差异的主要原因.Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis of previous research, detailed interpretation of the 2D seismic data, and combined with the analysis of basin petroleum geological conditions, the structural and tectonic features of Papuan basin and its relationship with hydrocarbon accumulation have been studied in this paper. The results show that: (1) There are significant differences between the eastern and western parts of the Papuan basin in structural-tectonic styles. In the western part of the basin, the thin-skinned structure occupies the main deformation style, and the large-scale thrust-fold tectonics are formed, which can be divided into four deformation zones—thrust belt, fold-thrust belt, broad fold belt and stable platform from north to south. While in the eastern part of the Papuan basin, the foreland basin structure is formed. (2) Attributed to the differences in structural-tectonic styles, significant differences of hydrocarbon accumulation and potential also presents between the eastern and western parts of the Papuan basin. The western part of the basin is dominated by the Mesozoic petroleum system and thrust-controlled structural traps. And the Mesozoic source rock turns into mature stage because of the overlying thickening strata, caused by the overthrust sheet. Meanwhile in the eastern part of the Papuan basin, the Neogene petroleum system is the main petroleum system. The overlying huge thick strata sedimentation in foreland basin stage causes the Neogene source rock become mature. And the thrust-controlled structural traps only present in Aure thrust-fold belt. (3) The presence or absence of the Mesozoic incompetent beds is the key factor which causes the differences between the eastern and western parts of the Papuan basin in structural-tectonic styles.
Key words:
- Papuan basin /
- foreland basin /
- structural /
- tectonics /
- petroleum geology /
- hydrocarbon accumulation
图 1 巴布亚盆地构造位置及构造单元分布(据Hill and Keetley, 2004; Jablonski et al., 2006; Craig and Warvakai, 2009)
Fig. 1. Tectonic location and tectonic units distribution of the Papuan basin
图 2 巴布亚盆地充填序列及构造演化阶段(据Norvick et al., 2001; Hill and Keetley, 2004; Jablonski et al., 2006修编)
Fig. 2. Basin filling and tectonic evolution stages of the Papuan basin
图 3 过巴布亚盆地西部结构剖面(a)及其构造演化(b)(剖面位置见图 1中A-A’)
Fig. 3. Structural profile and restored section (below) across the western part of Papuan basin
图 4 过巴布亚盆地东部结构剖面(剖面位置见图 1中B-B’)
Fig. 4. Structural profile across the eastern part of Papuan basin
图 5 过巴布亚盆地东部结构剖面(a)及其构造演化示意图(b)(剖面位置见图 1中C-C’)
Fig. 5. Structural profile across the eastern part of Papuan basin
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