Late Paleozoic Sedimentary Filling and Gas Accumulation in the North Ordos Basin
摘要: 为探究鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界的富气规律,综合野外露头和钻井的岩石学、沉积构造、剖面结构等资料,分析了沉积充填过程中“源-输-汇”耦合作用与沉积物的时空聚集规律,揭示出鄂尔多斯晚古生代克拉通坳陷盆地北部平坦宽缓的古地貌背景为多河道浅水三角洲频繁进退和侧向迁移及砂体集聚提供了空间,从而在多物源供砂与多水系输砂作用下形成了立体网毯状砂体.对上古生界进行了系统的层序划分,分析了盆地的构造演化和沉积充填过程,认为海相盆地向陆相盆地转化阶段的山西超长期旋回SLSC3和下石盒子超长期旋回SLSC4的底部辫状河三角洲或曲流河三角洲形成了有利于天然气运移聚集的立体网毯状砂体,是储层发育和分布的最有利相带,上石盒子超长期旋回SLSC5的网状河三角洲与湖泊沉积的厚层泥岩铸造了区域性盖层,加上陆表海和近海湖盆的聚煤作用,形成了鄂尔多斯盆地天然气藏的生储盖组合,成就了上古生界“满盆生气、过渡(层)含气、斜坡富气、岩性控气”的特点.Abstract: To reveal the nature gas accumulation regularity of Late Paleozoic in Ordos basin, based on the datum of field outcrops, drilling core, well log, seismic inversion, and sample analysis, this paper analyzes the coupling of "provenance-transportation-aggregation" and sandy accumulation in the sedimentary filling process, which shows that there were multi-provenances and several river systems during Late Paleozoic in the north of Ordos intercontinental basin and the broad and gentle slope palaeogeography and frequently migrating shallow water delta resulted in the stereoNET-blanket sand body. What's more, the sequence division of the Upper Paleozoic stratigraphy is proposed, and the history of basin evolution and sedimentary filling is analyzed, on basis of which is concluded that the stereoNET-blanket sand body formed by the distributary channels of braided river delta system or meandering river delta system benefited the gas migration and accumulation deposited in the period SLSC3-SLSC4 of Ordos basin transforming from marine to land, the mudstone of anastomosed river delta and shallow lake system founded the regional cover, and the coal of Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation is the source rock. They formed the source-reservoir-cap rock association of natural gas reservoir together, resulting in such striking features as "gas generated in the whole basin, gas bearing in transitional stratum, gas enriched in ramp region, and gas controlled by lithology".
Key words:
- provenance analysis /
- shallow water delta /
- stereoNET-blanket sand body /
- sedimentology /
- filling /
- petroleum reservoirs /
- Ordos basin
图 1 鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界重矿物组合分区(据陈安清等,2011)
Fig. 1. Distribution of heavy minerals in Upper Paleozoic of north Ordos basin
图 2 鄂尔多斯盆地北部不同类型的浅水三角洲沉积特征
Fig. 2. Typical sedimentary characters of delta environment in north Ordos basin
图 5 鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界煤层厚度与天然气运聚方向(煤层厚度据付金华等,2008)
Fig. 5. The isogram of coal and gas migration trend in Upper Paleozoic Ordos basin
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