Formation Mechanism of the Oils in Tazhong-4 Oilfield Analyzed by High Resolution Mass Spectrum
摘要: 塔里木盆地塔中4油田位于塔中构造较高部位, 具有显著不同于周边原油的特征.采用高分辨率质谱、色谱-质谱等对原油成因进行了调查.GC/MS分析表明, 塔中4油田石炭系原油中链烷烃(指示未降解-轻度降解)极其发育, 同时检测到丰富的降解三环萜烷及25-降藿烷系列(指示强烈生物降解), 反映该区油气具有多期充注特征.高分辨率质谱分析显示, 塔中4油田原油中硫化物分布正常, 低等效双键数(DBE)硫化物不太发育, 天然气组成与碳同位素也未显示异常, 反映石炭系原油可能未受TSR作用影响.观察到塔中4油田原油中硫化物组成与分布特征多数与下奥陶统原油相近, 指示两者可能有一定成因联系.混源模拟实验显示, 下奥陶统原油混入可导致塔中4油田原油出现高芳香硫特征.地质地球化学综合研究认为, 塔中4油田原油中芳香硫异常与深源油气混合有关, 与TSR作用关系不明显.Abstract: The Carboniferous oil in the Tazhong-4 Oilfield situated in the tectonic high of the Tazhong uplift, is quite different from the surrounding oil. High resolution mass spectrum and GC-MS is utilized to reveal the genetic mechanism of the oil. It is observed that the Tazhong-4 oil are abundant in both n-alkanes (suggesting no or little biodegradation) and biodegraded tricyclic terpanes as well as 25-norhopanes (indicating strong biodegradation) based on GC-MS analysis, which suggests multiple phases of petroleum charging in the area. No abnormal sulfur compounds are detected from the Tazhong-4 oils by FT-ICR MS, namely little sulfur compounds with low values of double-bond equivalent (DBE) detected, and no abnormality is observed for the gases associated with the Tazhong oil from views of both the composition as well as distribution and the stable carbon isotope, which suggests no or little TSR alteration of the Tazhong-4 Carboniferous oil. It is also found that the composition and relative distribution of the sulfur compounds in the Tazhong-4 oilfield is similar to that of the majority of the Lower Ordovician oil, suggesting a genetic affinity between them. It has been testified by experiments that oil-mixing of deep oil such as the Low Ordovician oil with the shallow oil could result in a kind of high dibenzothiophen (DBT) oil like the Tazhong-4 oil. After a comprehensive geochemical and geological investigation, we believe that it was deep oil-mixing that caused the unusually high DBT oil in the Tazhong-4 oilfield rather than TSR.
Key words:
- Tazhong uplift /
- Carboniferous oil /
- high resolution mass spectrum /
- maturity /
- dibenzothiophen /
- petroleum geology
图 7 芳烃馏分中二苯并噻吩、全油中DBE=9(DBE9)系列S1化合物相对丰度与饱/芳比关系(非石炭系数据源自Li et al., 2011b)
Fig. 7. Relative abundance of DBTs in aromatic fractions and DBE=9 compounds among S1 versus saturated hydrocarbons/aromatics ratio
表 1 塔中4油田石炭系原油基本特征
Table 1. Basic characteristics of the Carboniferous oils from the Tazhong-4 oilfield
井号 井段(m) 层位 密度(20 ℃)(g/cm3) 粘度(50 ℃)(mm2/s) 凝固点(℃) 硫醇(μg/mL) 饱和烃(%) 芳烃(%) 非烃(%) 沥青质(%) αααS/R DBT(μg/g) DBT(%) DBT/P TZ406 3 646.92~3 693.26 CⅢ 0.91 3.85 - - 23.1 32.7 11.5 32.7 0.53 861 42.1 0.94 TZ404 3 619.47~3 681.81 CⅡ-Ⅲ - - - - 55.5 28.2 11.8 4.5 0.51 3 790 46.2 2.59 TZ4 3 532~3 548 CⅡ 0.85 3.12 -25.0 - 74.8 19.5 5.7 0 0.47 4 230 29.8 1.52 TZ4 3 712~3 720 CⅢ 0.92 51.19 10.5 - 58.0 25.7 12.7 3.6 0.53 4132 51.7 2.53 TZ408 3 631.5~3 632.5 CⅢ 0.85 3.76 < -30.0 - 58.9 26.3 12.1 2.7 0.53 3 923 45.2 2.52 TZ402 3 510~3 535 CⅡ 0.83 2.56 -34.0 55.9 30.5 13.6 0 0.52 4 058 44.6 2.66 TZ402 3 613~3 628 CⅢ 0.84 2.81 -19.0 1.63 55.7 28.6 11.4 4.3 0.53 4 168 44.5 2.68 TZ402 3 705.5~3 708 CⅢ 0.92 72.05 -21.5 36.0 24.6 10.3 29.1 0.55 2 670 42.7 2.59 TZ421 3 221.0~3 223.5 CⅠ 0.82 4.75 -36.0 52.6 25.3 10.5 11.6 0.53 2 685 41.8 2.16 TZ421 3 478~3 494.5 CⅡ 0.75 0.91 -45.0 1.60 86.4 10.2 3.4 0 0.49 3 419 19.6 1.12 TZ421 3 570.5~3 575.0 CⅢ 0.84 2.85 -16.0 - 57.8 30.4 11.8 0 0.52 4 190 40.0 2.17 TZ421 3 700.5~3 702.5 CⅢ - - - 1.63 59.3 22.9 8.5 9.3 0.51 2 820 11.3 0.34 TZ422 3 604.0~3 624.0 CⅢ - - - - 54.3 32.6 10.1 2.9 0.54 3 809 45.8 2.76 TZ75 3 701.00~3 715 CⅢ 0.86 6.25 -14.0 - 46.5 32.6 11.6 9.3 0.51 4 590 44.8 2.96 TZ401 3 685~3 703 CⅢ 0.90 11.93 -5.0 - 40.4 31.7 15.4 12.5 0.53 6 243 54.1 4.56 TZ411 3 263~3 450 CⅠ - - - 52.1 27.6 9.8 10.4 0.52 2 938 41.9 1.76 TZ411 3 227.5~3 328 CⅠ 0.86 7.81 -18.0 36.4 38.6 14.8 10.2 0.52 3 320 40.6 2.24 TZ411 3 439~3 450 CⅠ 0.83 4.37 -10.0 48.7 31.1 11.8 8.4 0.53 3 131 42.2 1.93 TZ411 3 720~3 723 CⅢ 0.87 9.9 -12.5 - 60.9 25.4 6.5 7.1 0.54 4 711 53.8 4.75 注:表中αααS/R.C29甾烷ααα20S/(S+R);DBT/P.二苯并噻吩/菲;DBT(μg/g).二苯并噻吩在原油中的绝对丰度;DBT.二苯并噻吩在可定性芳烃中的百分含量. 表 2 常规GC/MS、FT-ICR MS检测的塔中83井原油(O1)中的含硫化合物对比
Table 2. Correlation of the sulfur compounds from the TZ83 (O1) oil detected by GC-MS and FT-ICR MS
含硫化合物类型 检测途径 硫化合物中的杂原子类型及数量 化合物名称 等价双键数DBE GC/MS(可检测碳数) FT-ICR MS(可检测碳数) S1 硫醚 0 - + C11~C40 环硫醚(四氢化噻吩) 1 + C10~C30 + C8~C46 2 - + C11~C45 噻吩 3 - + C9~C45 4 - + C12~C43 5 - + C11~C43 苯并噻吩 6 - + C9~C44 7 - + C9~C43 8 - + C14~C43 二苯并噻吩 9 + C12~C15 + C10~C47 10~11 - + C12~C44 12 - + C14~C44 13 - + C14~C41 14 - + C16~C44 15 - + C18~C42 16 - + C19~C41 17 - + C20~C41 18 - + C23~C40 19 - + C25~C40 O1S1 0~14 C8~C40* O1S2 4~9 - + C7~C29* O2S1 1~10 - + C11~C37* O3S1 2~7 C5~C28* S2 8~10 - + C13~C46* S3 7 C23~C48 注:“-”.未能检测;“+”.可检测;“*”.因化合物的DBE值而异. 表 3 三元混合模拟实验参数
Table 3. Parameters for the binary and ternary oil mixing experiment
混合类型 端元素油 与配比类型 DBTs(μg/g) 芳烃(μg/g) DBT*(%) 饱和烃(%) 芳烃(%) 饱/芳 A(TZ15, S) 646.31 4 854 13.31 36.1 30.9 1.17 端元油 B(TZ4, CⅡ) 4 230.00 14 179 29.83 74.8 19.5 3.84 C(ZG5, O1) 2 021.00 3 585 56.37 96.36 2.18 44.17 A∶B∶C=0.5∶0.5∶9 206 271.55 417 815 49.37 92.269 4.482 20.59 三元 配比油 A∶B∶C=1∶1∶8 210 443.10 477 130 44.11 88.178 6.784 13.00 A∶B∶C=1.5∶1.5∶7 214 614.65 536 445 40.01 84.087 9.086 9.25 A∶C=1∶9 1 883.531 3 684.9 51.11 90.3 5.1 17.88 二元 配比油 A∶C=2∶8 1 746.062 3 784.8 46.13 84.3 7.9 10.64 A∶C=3∶7 1 608.593 3 884.7 41.41 78.3 10.8 7.25 注:*.相对于GC/MS检测的芳烃馏分中可定性芳烃化合物总和. -
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