Linkages of the Boundary Faults and Deformation Features in the West of Bachu Uplift, Tarim Basin
摘要: 在前人研究的基础上, 利用最新的地震和钻井资料, 分析了巴楚隆起西段与麦盖提斜坡过渡区色力布亚、康塔库木两条边界断层的构造特征.色力布亚和康塔库木断层均表现为基底卷入型逆冲断层, 两条断层之间通过软联接的形式发生相互作用.色力布亚断层沿其走向往南东方向位移量逐渐减小并终止, 康塔库木断层沿其走向往南东方向位移量逐渐增大.构造转换带传递了色力布亚断层和康塔库木断层的位移量, 使巴楚隆起西段边界断层总位移量保持一致.该转换带属于同向倾斜型构造转换带, 现今处于转换带复杂阶段.转换带内发育次级断层和走向裂缝, 有利于形成裂缝型油气藏, 也是油气运移的有利通道, 是巴楚地区未来油气勘探的重要目标.Abstract: Based on the interpretation of the new drilling and seismic data, the structural characteristics of the Selibuya fault and Kangtakumu fault, which are the boundary faults between the western Bachu uplift and Maigaiti slope, are analyzed in this paper. The Selibuya and Kangtakumu faults are basement-involved thrust faults interacting by soft-linkage. Along the SE strike, the displacement of the Selibuya fault gradually decreases, while the displacement of the Kangtakumu fault increases. The transform zone between the two faults transferred their displacements, and kept the conservation of fault displacements in western part of the Bachu Uplift. The transform zone belongs to the synthetic overlapping zone which is in the evolution stage of complex. There are much secondary faults and fractures, which is good basis for the formation of fractured-type reservoirs and hydrocarbon migration. The transform zone is the favorable objective for petroleum exploration in the Bachu area.
Key words:
- faults soft linkage /
- transfer zone /
- Selibuya fault /
- Kangtakumu fault /
- Bachu uplift /
- petroleum /
- structural geology
图 4 巴楚隆起西段边界构造(断层名同图 1)
Fig. 4. The west boundary stucture of Bachu uplift
图 7 巴楚隆起西段边界断层转换带形成演化(据Davis et al., 2005; Kim and Sanderson, 2005)
Fig. 7. Evolution stages of transfer zones in the west of Bachu uplift boundary faults
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