Fine Structure and Their Genetic Significance of Clay Minerals from the Permian-Triassic Boundary, Huaxi Area, Guizhou Province
摘要: 为了揭示贵州花溪区海相P-T界线附近粘土岩的成因及物质来源, 采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)以及差示扫描量热法(DSC), 对粘土层中粘土矿物的精细结构进行了深入的研究.结果表明, 样品中的粘土矿物共有两种物质来源.样品YN06质地致密, 粘土颗粒具有一定的定向性, 主要粘土矿物成分为伊利石和少量绿泥石.粘土矿物颗粒具有不规则的轮廓及参差不齐的边缘; 样品脱羟基反应温度为590 ℃, 表明样品中的伊利石主要为tv结构, 来源于陆地机械风化作用.其余五件样品主要粘土矿物为伊蒙规则混层和伊利石以及少量蒙脱石、绿泥石, 脱羟基温度均大于600 ℃, 表明样品中的粘土矿物主要以cv结构为主, 含有少量的tv结构, 指示粘土岩主要来源于火山物质的蚀变并伴随部分陆源碎屑物质沉积形成.Abstract: The fine structure and provenance of clays across the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) in the Yanlou section were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results suggest that the layers have two different provenances. The sample of YN06 exhibits a condensed texture with an oriented arrangement of detrital clay particles and consists mainly of illite and minor chlorite, with irregular outlines or ragged edges. The dehydroxylation temperature occurred at 590 ℃, indicating that clay minerals are composed of trans-vacant (tv) octahedral sheets derived from weathering of detrital illite. Other samples are composed mainly of I-S, illite and minor smectite, chlorite, with dehydroxylation temperature all above 600 ℃, suggesting that clay minerals consist of a mixture of tv and cv sheets and were derived from a mixture of terrigenous and volcanic sources.
Key words:
- Permian-Triassic Boundary (PTB) /
- clay minerals /
- volcanic rocks /
- fine structure
图 5 a.扫描电镜下YN04中的伊蒙混层矿物;b.扫描电镜下YN06中的伊利石;c.扫描电镜下YN05中挑选出的微球粒;d、e.扫描电镜下YN05中的六方双锥石英;f.微球粒及六方双锥石英双目镜下形态;g.伊蒙混层矿物的能谱分析结果;h.伊利石能谱分析结果;i、j.微球粒及六方双锥石英能谱分析结果
Fig. 5. a.SEM image of I-S clays in the sample YN04;b.SEM image of illite in the sample YN06;c.SEM images of the spherule in sample YN05;d、e.SEM images of hexagonal dipyramid quart in the sample YN05;f.Image of spherule and hexagonal dipyramid quart under the binocular; g.EDS analysis of I-S clays; h.EDS analysis of illite; i、j.EDS analysis of spherule and hexagonal dipyramid quart
表 1 样品中粘土矿物相对含量(%)
Table 1. Clay mineral components of clay fractions of the samples (%)
样品编号 伊利石 伊蒙混层 蒙脱石 绿泥石 I/S中S晶层含量 YN06 90 10 YN05 45 55 32 YN04 100 42 YN03 25 60 15 36 YN02 20 60 15 5 41 YN01 10 90 39 -
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