Influence of Mulched Drip-Irrigation with Brackish Water on Element Composition of Soil, Cotton, and Cotton Yield
摘要: 通过微咸水和淡水膜下滴灌对比试验,研究灌溉水质对土壤和棉花元素组成及产量的影响.结果表明:微咸水灌溉处理,土壤窄行和膜间微量元素(尤其是铜、铁、锌)含量明显高于宽行,Na+增长率低于宽行;多数棉花器官中钾钠比、钙钠比并未因灌溉水质的区别而产生显著差异;微咸水滴灌有利于促进棉花前期营养生长及后期生殖生长,棉花干物质、单铃重、单位面积铃数及籽棉产量均高于淡水处理;棉株内锰、硼与钙元素间存在显著的相关关系,在一定阈值内,硼、锰促进棉花对钙的吸收.试验证明:微咸水中含有一定量的微量元素,合理利用微咸水灌溉,不会对棉花生长造成胁迫,相反能有效抑制土壤中Na+增长,增强棉花对盐分胁迫的抵抗能力、提高棉花产量.Abstract: Irrigation with brackish water has a long history throughout the world. Irrational use of brackish or saline waters, however, may lead to soil salinization and reduction of crop yields. In order to promote reasonable applications of brackish water and fertilizer irrigation, a series of experiments of mulched drip-irrigation with brackish and fresh waters were carried out at Bazhou Irrigation Experimental Station (Korla, Xinjiang, China). Plant and soil samples were collected at every growth stage. Cotton yields were measured at boll opening stage. Nine elements (Ca, Na, Mg, K, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and B) of each sample were tested in triplicate by ICP-OES (ICAP6300) after pretreated. The influence of water quality on the element compositions of soil and cotton and cotton yield were discussed based on the experiment. The results show that growth rate of Na+ in narrow rows and interspace of mulches was lower than that in wide rows because of higher content of Cu, Fe, Zn. The ratios of K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+, however, in most cotton organs show no significant differences between the two treatments. From buds to boll stages, brackish water irrigation enhanced the accumulation of above ground dry matters, which was favorable for vegetative development. From boll to boll opening stages, root and reproductive growth under brackish water were superior to that for fresh water. Furthermore, dry matters, boll weight, numbers of boll per unit area and cotton yield under brackish water were higher than those for fresh water. According to the correlations analyses, relationship between most trace and macro elements was weak. High correlations, however, were found among manganese, boron, and calcium. Within a certain threshold, boron, manganese promoted the absorption of calcium in cotton. It has been proved that a rational use of brackish water will not lead to the growth stress. On the contrary, it would not only lower the growth rate of Na+ in the soil effectively, but also strengthen cotton's resistibility to salt stress and increase cotton yields as well.
Key words:
- brackish water /
- cotton /
- salt damage /
- inhibition /
- trace element /
- geochemistry /
- environmental engineering
表 1 2012年巴州灌溉试验站灌溉用水中主要元素和离子含量
Table 1. Elements and anions in irrigation water of Bazhou Irrigation Experimental Station in 2012
元素及离子 淡水 微咸水 Cu 6.1±0.2 8.0±0.3 Zn 84.4±4.3 127.3±4.2 Fe 449.7±29 690.6±23.1 Mn 21.6±1.9 27.1±1.5 B 92.9±12.5 293.7±20.5** Na 67.86±11.20 401.37±7.43** K 7.12±1.11 23.38±0.43** Ca 51.57±3.24 145.01±3.98** Mg 24.06±1.84 100.67±3.98** HCO3- 196.08±3.16 368.07±2.81** NO3- 16.37±1.36 47.14±2.25** Cl- 55.18±7.09 443.20±10.61** SO42- 132.75±13.57 704.70±15.15** 注:Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn、B含量的单位为μg/L,其余为mg/L;表内各项指标为平均值±标准差;*表示0.05水平上,2种处理差异显著;**表示0.01水平上,2种处理差异极显著;表 2、4~7同理. 表 2 供试土壤中各元素背景值(10-6)
Table 2. Background value of different elements in tested soil (10-6)
处理 深度(cm) Cu Fe Mn Zn B Ca Mg Na 有效钾 有效磷 有效氮 微咸水 0~10 0.88±0.06 102±0.8 58.9±3.2 1.58±0.24 1.56±0.09 21 023±1113 587±7 169±69 47.9±5.9 11.3±3.8 23.3±2.2 10~20 0.93±0.03 101±2.9 57.1±1.6 1.12±0.03 1.80±0.06 19 622±687 569±14 143±41 47.0±1.2 20.4±5.4 22.1±3.2 20~30 0.94±0.04 100±4.3 58.8±1.6 1.00±0.08 1.92±0.21 20 371±1097 557±9 123±10 55.6±8.1 14.0±3.5 26.0±3.5 30~40 0.75±0.03 87±2.8 55.0±2.2 0.87±0.11 1.40±0.13 21 124±607 447±8 108±5 50.8±4.6 5.5±3.3 18.3±2.0 40~50 0.81±0.13 83±5.1 58.8±4.0 0.96±0.34 1.55±0.29 18 244±1686 600±40 151±24 56.5±6.4 4.3±2.3 15.4±1.6 50~60 0.87±0.06 96±2.9 64.2±5.6 0.72±0.20 1.83±0.17 24 892±961 756±9 231±67 53.1±3.6 3.4±0.8 12.5±0.8 淡水 0~10 0.91±0.07 101±6.3 57.8±4.6 1.52±0.33 1.70±0.38 20 662±1690 610±35 156±47 50.6±2.1 12.0±4.7 24.5±2.1 10~20 0.96±0.17 102±6.9 59.3±3.3 1.09±0.23 1.78±0.43 20 332±953 587±43 135±30 46.0±3.7 19.7±4.1 23.2±2.8 20~30 0.99±0.16 97±6.8 56.3±4.1 1.02±0.16 2.07±0.70 19 232±1987 563±33 127±22 54.2±1.5 13.2±6.7 25.0±1.4 30~40 0.73±0.02 85±5.4 58.0±6.9 0.94±0.27 1.33±0.12 21 884±1450 470±84 104±27 52.8±4.6 5.9±7.3 17.5±4.1 40~50 0.79±0.11 88±8.8 62.8±9.0 1.04±0.17 1.51±0.27 19 650±3896 637±47 156±44 53.6±10.1 4.1±2.5 14.8±1.3 50~60 0.83±0.26 91±15.3 62.1±4.9 0.75±0.48 1.97±0.02 25 050±3322 762±66 214±3 55.5±6.9 3.5±0.2 13.3±3.6 表 3 2012年田间灌水、施肥方案
Table 3. Scheme of irrigation and fertilization in 2012
生育期 蕾期 花期 铃期 吐絮初期 合计 灌水次数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 灌水日期(月/日) 6/25 6/30 7/5 7/10 7/15 7/20 7/25 7/30 8/4 8/9 8/14 8/19 8/24 8/29 9/3 灌水份额(%) 4.3 7.1 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 5.7 5.7 2.9 2.9 2.9 100.0 灌水量(mm) 22.499 37.498 44.998 44.998 44.998 44.998 44.998 44.998 44.998 44.998 29.999 29.999 14.999 14.999 14.999 524.970 施氮量(kg/hm2) 14.4 19.2 52.8 60.0 60.0 60.0 266.4 表 4 不同生育期棉株钾钠比、钙钠比
Table 4. The ratio of K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ in cotton at different growth stages
生育期 器官 K+/Na+ Ca2+/Na+ 微咸水 淡水 微咸水 淡水 蕾期 根 16.33±1.44 13.35±1.97 3.16±1.36 2.22±0.54 茎 14.36±0.12* 8.14±1.11 5.87±1.82 3.79±1.47 叶 9.69±1.81 5.45±1.27 16.02±1.43** 9.12±0.74 蕾 86.64±3.36** 39.28±2.78 81.83±2.28** 51.35±1.71 絮期 根 5.32±1.93 5.10±0.13 1.64±0.45 1.48±0.23 茎 4.94±1.04* 6.31±0.54 2.16±0.76 2.41±0.09 叶 3.80±1.52 4.39±0.04 5.06±0.69** 8.22±1.34 铃 48.41±6.19 46.57±9.66 13.10±4.98 10.65±1.85 絮 25.22±8.83* 37.71±6.65 5.75±0.79** 7.73±0.31 表 5 咸、淡水膜下滴灌条件下棉花根冠比
Table 5. Root/shoot ratios under mulched drip irrigation with brackish and fresh water
播种后天数(d) 处理 棉花不同器官干物质(g) 根 茎 叶 蕾 花 铃 絮 地下部干物质重(g) 地上部干物质重(g) 根冠比 59 微咸水 1.03±0.78 1.61±0.35 1.64±0.52 0.27±0.03 1.03±0.78 3.51±1.17 29.2±5.1% 淡水 1.23±0.72 2.04±0.3 1.64±0.47 0.34±0.04 1.23±0.72 4.02±1.23 30.5±6.3% 66 微咸水 2.37±0.63 5.84±1.83 6.33±1.98 0.95±0.35* 1.27±0.44* 2.37±0.63 14.39±4.25 16.5±1.4% 淡水 1.58±0.58 3.61±0.46 4.81±0.48 0.45±0.13 0.31±0.02 1.58±0.58 9.17±1.11 17.2±1.2% 71 微咸水 2.24±0.35* 7.33±0.14* 8.08±0.74 2.81±0.51* 0.16±0.03* 2.24±0.35* 18.37±1.37* 12.2±1.5% 淡水 1.65±0.48 4.74±1.28 6.29±1.74 1.89±0.35 0.27±0.01 1.65±0.48 13.18±1.38 12.5±3.6% 81 微咸水 3.62±0.11** 10.56±1.82 9.02±1.68* 2.32±0.52* 0.30±0.02* 9.18±0.05** 3.62±0.11** 31.38±5.01* 11.5±1.5% 淡水 2.33±0.15 8.32±0.31 7.19±0.54 1.43±0.39 0.48±0.05 2.25±0.01 2.33±0.15 19.66±0.04 11.9±1.7% 116 微咸水 6.54±0.81* 16.62±2.87 16.16±2.81 27.17±2.11* 6.54±0.81* 59.95±3.04* 10.9±0.9%* 淡水 3.28±0.69 13.39±0.87 10.83±3.23 21.38±2.94 3.28±0.69 45.59±3.16 7.2±0.6% 137 微咸水 6.47±1.98 14.45±2.41 17.47±0.85* 29.89±8.74 25.61±7.72 6.47±1.98 87.42±3.94* 7.4±1.4% 淡水 4.04±0.42 9.32±2.96 8.53±1.85 22.23±8.18 19.71±5.41 4.04±0.42 59.79±6.97 6.8%±1.9% 表 6 咸、淡水膜下滴灌条件下棉株产量
Table 6. Cotton yields under mulched drip irrigation with brackish and fresh water
处理 单铃重(g) 单位面积铃数(个/3.3 m2) 籽棉产量(kg/hm2) 微咸水 6.014±0.534 397.8±48.5** 7 177.05±883.96** 淡水 5.833±0.428 318.3±42.6 5 569.95±754.32 表 7 咸、淡水膜下滴灌棉花内元素组成(吐絮期)
Table 7. Elements composition in cotton under mulched drip irrigation with brackish and fresh water (boll opening stage)
处理 器官 Cu Fe Mn Zn B Ca Mg Na K 微咸水 根 5.6±0.8 70.2±3.0 5.6±0.2** 9.0±1.1* 11.1±0.2 2 793±18** 1 437±3** 1 709±8** 9 099±50** 茎 7.4±0.1** 213.9±8.2* 11.0±0.8 23.2±9.2 32.4±0.2** 21 418±234** 10 840±313** 9 960±40** 49 145±467** 叶 4.4±1.0 374.6±5.4 27.5±4.2 16.3±1.1 39.0±1.5* 33 841±138** 7 710±30** 6 707±100** 25 470±466** 铃 3.3±0.6** 89.7±1.4* 8.3±0.5 14.5±1.2 15.5±1.7 3 741±223** 2 119±11 283±13 13 829±286 絮 2.6±0.1** 109.1±2.4** 8.5±0.6** 15.5±1.2* 10.6±0.4** 1 545±16** 1 407±18** 264±4** 6 763±23** 淡水 根 3.0±1.1 73.8±8.4 3.6±0.2 10.5±0.7 11.0±1.3 2 390±46 1204±12 1 614±18 8 221±45 茎 6.4±0.2 239.9±3.4 10.3±2.1 27.5±5.9 23.2±0.6 22 808±194 12 622±384 9 472±28 59 798±550 叶 4.8±0.1 384.0±45.4 29.1±1.8 17.9±1.5 43.3±1.6 35 825±465 7 857±27 4 368±15 19 177±786 铃 4.4±0.9 70.4±8.7 7.4±0.6 12.0±1.4 13.7±0.3 3084±21 2 071±51 291±6 13 506±316 絮 2.2±0.1 59.8±0.5 6.8±0.2 11.9±1.2 5.7±0.1 1254±29 1 023±144 163±4 6 111±76 注:元素单位为10-6. 表 8 棉株内9种元素间相关性分析(n=54)
Table 8. Correlations of 9 elements in cotton
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