Evolution of Neoproterozoic-Mesozoic Sedimentary Basins in Qilian-Qaidam-East Kunlun Area
摘要: 祁连-柴达木-东昆仑处于中央造山带的中西部, 经历了复杂的构造演化史.将祁连-柴达木-东昆仑地区划分为19个地层分区, 在总结各地层分区沉积盆地特征基础上, 讨论了祁连-柴达木-东昆仑地区的构造-沉积演化史: 新元古代-早古生代, 随着北祁连洋、赛什腾-锡铁山洋、东昆仑洋开始张裂, 研究区为陆缘裂谷、洋盆沉积; 早古生代末3个洋盆陆续消减闭合, 开始造山阶段的前陆盆地和碰撞造山后的陆缘裂陷沉积; 寒武纪-早-中三叠世, 东昆仑阿尼玛卿洋经历了拉张-俯冲-闭合, 之后全区进入陆内断陷、坳陷盆地阶段.研究区各地层分区的沉积盆地特征很好地记录了北祁连洋、赛什腾-锡铁山洋、东昆仑洋的开合及陆内造山等构造过程, 为重大构造事件提供了重要的沉积学证据.
- 祁连-柴达木-东昆仑 /
- 新元古-中生代 /
- 沉积 /
- 构造 /
- 盆地演化
Abstract: Qilian-Qaidam-East Kunlun area, located at the mid-western of the Central Orogenic Belt, has a complicated tectonic history. The tectonic-sedimentary evolution is discussed based on its sedimentary characteristics in this paper. During Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic, North Qilian Ocean, Saishiteng-Xitieshan Ocean, and East Kunlun Ocean opened, the study area developed continental-margin rift and ocean basin deposition. At the end of Early Paleozoic, foreland basin, continental-margin graben developed following the successive closing of the three oceans. From Cambrian to Early Triassic, A'nyemaqen Ocean completed an opening-closing cycle, and the study area began the phase of inland fault basin, downwarped basin deposits. The opening-closing cycles of ocean and intracontinent orogen are recorded in deposits of the study area, which provides sedimentary evidence for the above tectonic event.-
Key words:
- Qilian-Qaidam-East Kunlun /
- Neoproterozoic-Mesozoic /
- sedimentology /
- tectonics /
- basin evolution
图 1 祁连-柴达木-东昆仑地层分区示意
Ⅷ-3-1.走廊;Ⅷ-3-2.走廊南山;Ⅷ-3-3.北祁连;Ⅷ-4-1.中祁连;Ⅷ-4-2.党河南山-拉脊山;Ⅷ-4-3.南祁连;Ⅷ-5-1.宗务隆山-沟里-冈察;Ⅷ-5-2.全吉;Ⅷ-6-1.柴北缘;Ⅷ-6-2.滩间山;Ⅷ-7.柴达木;Ⅷ-8-1.祁漫塔格北坡-夏日哈;Ⅷ-8-2.祁漫塔格;Ⅷ-8-3.北昆仑;Ⅷ-8-4.乌鲁赛赤河;Ⅷ-8-5.鄂拉山;Ⅷ-8-6.赛什塘-兴海;Ⅷ-9-1.东昆仑南坡;Ⅷ-9-2.木孜塔格-布青山;Ⅷ-9-3.玛多-玛沁;蛇绿岩年龄来源:a.崔美慧等(2011);b.杨金中等(1999);c.李怀坤等(2006)、陆松年(2002)、任军虎等(2009);d.王秉璋等(2000)、张智勇等(2004);e.张祥信等(2009);f.边千韬等(2001);g.陈亮等(2001)、杨经绥等(2004);1.相振群等(2007); 2.史仁灯等(2004); 3.曾建元等(2007); 4.黄增保等(2010); 5.夏小洪和宋述光(2010); 6.孟繁聪等(2010); 7.汪双双等(2012); 8.夏林圻等(1995);据潘桂堂等,2009修改
Fig. 1. Sketch map of Qilian-Qaidam-East Kunlun strata region partition
图 3 祁连-柴达木-东昆仑沉积盆地划分
盆地类型: FT.断陷盆地; VFT.断陷盆地(含火山岩); DW.坳陷盆地; IG.陆内裂陷盆地; VIG.陆内裂陷盆地(含火山岩); OM.蛇绿岩; CP.碳酸盐岩台地; mr.陆缘裂谷; mg.陆缘裂陷; mc. 海陆交互表海; c.碳酸盐岩陆表海; me.混积陆表海; BF.弧后前陆盆地; BA.弧后盆地; FO.弧前盆地; FB.前陆盆地; rb.弧背盆地; cma.陆缘弧; OB.洋盆; sm.海山; Rs.残余海盆
Fig. 3. N eoproterozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary basin classification of Qilian-Qaidam- East Kunlun area
表 1 北祁连早古生代蛇绿岩测年汇总
Table 1. Early Palaeozoic ophilite dating summary of North Qilian area
表 2 东昆仑两期蛇绿岩测年汇总
Table 2. Two-phases ophilite dating summary of East Kunlun area
代号 地点 年龄(Ma) 测试对象(或证据) 数据来源 早期 a 祁漫塔格山鸭子泉 480 中基性火山岩:LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb 崔美慧等,2011 b 都兰县清水泉 436 辉绿岩脉:LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb 任军虎等,2009 507.7 麻粒岩:SHRIMP锆石U-Pb 李怀坤等,2006 522 辉长岩:TIMS锆石U-Pb 陆松年等,2002 e 布青山 奥陶纪 中、晚奥陶世疑源类;辉长岩467 Ma(锆石U-Pb);辉长辉绿岩495 Ma(Ru-Sr) 边千韬等,2001 晚期 a 祁漫塔格山鸭子泉 晚泥盆-早石炭世 含早石炭世放射虫;侵入岩体年龄:370 Ma 杨金中等,1999 c 苦海-赛什腾 368.6 玄武岩:40Ar-39Ar 张智勇等,2004 360.5 辉长岩:40Ar-39Ar 王秉璋等,2000 d 木孜塔格 297.7 玄武岩:全岩K-Ar 张祥信等,2009 早石炭世 硅质岩中放射虫组合:Albaillella indensis Zone 兰朝利等,2001 f 玛沁县德尔尼 345 玄武岩:40Ar-39Ar 陈亮等,2001 308 玄武岩:SHIRMP锆石U-Pb 杨经绥等,2004 -
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