Petrogenesis and Tectonic Significance of Late Yanshanian Granites in Yunkai Area, Southeast China: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes
摘要: 相比较丰富的前寒武纪和早古生代地质记录, 云开地区燕山晚期花岗岩类分布很少, 且未见详细的研究报道.对云开地区广西陆川米场、三叉冲钨矿床以及松旺钨锡钼矿床等3个典型地区的燕山晚期花岗岩进行了系统的LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素研究.定年结果表明, 米场黑云母花岗岩、三叉冲黑云母花岗岩和松旺花岗岩的侵位年龄分别为113±1 Ma, 103±1 Ma和88±1 Ma, 为燕山晚期岩浆作用的产物.三叉冲黑云母花岗岩和松旺花岗岩具有较一致锆石εHf(t)值(分别为-5.2~-2.7和-5.2~-3.6)和二阶段模式年龄TDM2(分别为1.3~1.5 Ga和1.4~1.5 Ga), 指示为中元古代地壳物质再造的产物.米场黑云母花岗岩具有相对较高的εHf(t)值(-2.3~1.4)和TDM2(1.1~1.3 Ga), 并且其含有大量的镁铁质微粒包体(MME), 表明米场黑云母花岗岩很可能是壳源-幔源岩浆混合的产物.结合中国东南部构造-岩浆演化来看, 云开地区燕山晚期花岗岩的形成可能与白垩纪时太平洋板块向华南板块俯冲后板片的折返-断离有关.Abstract: Compared with abundant Precambrian and Early Paleozoic geological records in the Yunkai area, southeast China, Late Yanshanian granitoids are sparsely distributed in the area and are thus reported less. In this study, we present LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb age and Hf isotope data of zircons from three representative granites in the Yunkai area, southeastern Guangxi, each from the Michang area, Sanchachong W and Songwang W-Sn-Mo deposits respectively. Zircon U-Pb results indicate that all the granites were formed in Late Yanshanian period, with emplacement ages of 113±1 Ma (Michang biotite granite), 103±1 Ma (Sanchachong biotite granite) and 88±1 Ma (Songwang granite) respectively. The Sanchachong biotite granite and Songwang granite have consistent zircon εHf(t) values (-5.2 to -2.7 and -5.2 to -3.6 respectively) and two-stage Hf modal ages (TDM2) (1.3-1.5 Ga and 1.4-1.5 Ga respectively), indicating that they were formed by reworking of Mesoproterozoic juvenile crust; whereas the Michang biotite granite has relatively higher zircon εHf(t) values of -2.3 to 1.4 and corresponding TDM2 of 1.1-1.3 Ga, which, combined with widespread microgranular mafic enclaves (MMEs) in the granite, suggests that it was formed by mixing of crust- and mantle-derived magmas. In combination of Mesozoic tectono-magmatic evolution in southeast China, the Late Yanshanian magmatism in the Yunkai area was likely related to the rollback and break-off of the subducted Pacific plate during the Cretaceous.
Key words:
- zircon U-Pb age /
- geochronology /
- Hf isotope /
- Late Yanshanian /
- Yunkai area /
- geochemistry
图 1 华南板块东南部地质简图(a)和云开地区地质简图(b)(据Wang et al., 2011修改)
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map showing the Yanshanian granitoids in the southeastern South China Block and the Precambrian basement in the Cathaysia Block (a) and simplified geological map of the Yunkai area (b)
图 2 云开地区燕山晚期花岗岩的野外地质、样品及镜下特征
a.米场黑云母花岗岩中含有大量的镁铁质微粒包体; b.米场黑云母花岗岩显示典型的花岗结构; c.三叉冲黑云母花岗岩岩心样品; d.三叉冲黑云母花岗岩的镜下特征,局部可见黑云母绿泥石化,斜长石绢云母化; e.松旺花岗岩岩心样品; f.松旺花岗岩镜下特征,显示强烈的蚀变特征.矿物代号据Whitney and Evans, 2000
Fig. 2. Field geological, sample and microscopic characteristics of the Late Yanshanian granites in the Yunkai area
图 8 中国东南部燕山期岩浆岩同位素年龄频谱图(引自Li et al., 2010a)
Fig. 8. Histograms and cumulative probability plots of isotopic ages for Yanshanian igneous rocks in SE China
表 1 云开地区燕山晚期花岗岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测定结果
Table 1. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb data for zircons from the Late Yanshanian granites in the Yunkai area, southeast China
点号 Th(μg·g-1) U(μg·g-1) Th/U 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb(Ma) 1σ 207Pb/235U(Ma) 1σ 206Pb/238U(Ma) 1σ 米场黑云母花岗岩(MC02)22°24'45.3"N, 110°15'13.1"E 1 1 569 4 884 0.32 0.047 94 0.001 94 0.114 56 0.004 42 0.017 30 0.000 19 95 96 110 4 111 1 2 861 4 355 0.20 0.047 92 0.001 71 0.120 37 0.004 30 0.018 06 0.000 20 95 83 115 4 115 1 3 1 565 5 366 0.29 0.048 61 0.001 72 0.117 63 0.004 12 0.017 46 0.000 16 128 83 113 4 112 1 4 907 3 863 0.23 0.049 49 0.002 03 0.121 82 0.004 95 0.017 91 0.000 22 172 96 117 4 114 1 5c 102 231 0.44 0.06654 0.005 46 0.973 51 0.073 24 0.109 43 0.002 37 833 172 690 38 669 14 6 1 040 4 046 0.26 0.049 20 0.001 97 0.121 06 0.004 76 0.017 89 0.000 20 167 97 116 4 114 1 7 1 050 5 840 0.18 0.046 24 0.001 54 0.114 78 0.003 83 0.017 91 0.000 18 9 78 110 3 114 1 8 219 1 446 0.15 0.055 30 0.003 18 0.136 47 0.007 99 0.017 80 0.000 27 433 123 130 7 114 2 9 1 689 5 643 0.30 0.047 39 0.001 93 0.117 11 0.004 76 0.017 85 0.000 22 78 87 112 4 114 1 10 1 444 5 523 0.26 0.047 86 0.001 88 0.119 53 0.004 63 0.018 01 0.000 20 100 83 115 4 115 1 11 1 093 4 690 0.23 0.048 84 0.001 89 0.119 34 0.004 62 0.017 65 0.000 20 139 86 114 4 113 1 12 1 775 5 475 0.32 0.061 56 0.002 23 0.152 46 0.005 47 0.017 78 0.000 18 657 78 144 5 114 1 13c 1 151 3 709 0.31 0.050 22 0.002 06 0.138 26 0.006 04 0.019 79 0.000 35 206 96 131 5 126 2 14 832 4 127 0.20 0.047 66 0.001 81 0.116 51 0.004 46 0.017 66 0.000 20 83 85 112 4 113 1 15 869 3 745 0.23 0.052 74 0.002 24 0.125 72 0.005 14 0.017 21 0.000 18 317 98 120 5 110 1 16 1 264 5 048 0.25 0.046 64 0.001 66 0.113 82 0.004 02 0.017 61 0.000 18 32 91 109 4 113 1 三叉冲黑云母花岗岩(SC07)22°18'08.9"N, 110°10'05.7"E 1 304 2 358 0.13 0.051 72 0.002 60 0.117 09 0.006 08 0.016 24 0.000 22 272 115 112 6 104 1 2 618 1 851 0.33 0.050 01 0.002 97 0.112 95 0.006 42 0.016 47 0.000 28 195 139 109 6 105 2 3c 358 1 367 0.26 0.056 27 0.002 64 0.256 67 0.017 38 0.030 98 0.001 52 461 106 232 14 197 9 4 543 4 737 0.11 0.046 96 0.001 87 0.102 83 0.003 99 0.015 79 0.000 17 56 83 99.4 3.7 101 1 5 200 920 0.22 0.060 63 0.004 30 0.131 69 0.009 56 0.015 95 0.000 34 628 154 126 9 102 2 6 582 1 951 0.30 0.051 18 0.003 14 0.112 48 0.006 54 0.016 11 0.000 24 256 141 108 6 103 2 7 897 3 178 0.28 0.049 38 0.002 32 0.107 55 0.004 77 0.015 99 0.000 20 165 109 104 4 102 1 8 612 3 327 0.18 0.049 72 0.002 13 0.109 70 0.004 51 0.015 94 0.000 18 189 100 106 4 102 1 9 624 2 638 0.24 0.048 80 0.002 68 0.109 38 0.005 91 0.016 33 0.000 22 139 -69 105 5 104 1 10 1 185 2 505 0.47 0.046 44 0.002 23 0.103 85 0.004 87 0.016 30 0.000 21 20 111 100 4 104 1 11 783 2 797 0.28 0.048 16 0.002 33 0.107 74 0.005 03 0.016 24 0.000 20 106 111 104 5 104 1 12 532 2 541 0.21 0.047 46 0.002 68 0.106 98 0.005 87 0.016 40 0.000 29 72 139 103 5 105 2 13c 383 384 1.00 0.080 83 0.002 97 2.254 76 0.080 82 0.201 13 0.002 49 1 218 72 1 198 25 1 181 13 14 338 1 858 0.18 0.051 39 0.003 09 0.115 03 0.006 62 0.016 36 0.000 25 257 134 111 6 105 2 15 357 1 279 0.28 0.061 05 0.006 82 0.138 09 0.016 05 0.016 25 0.000 25 643 238 131 14 104 2 松旺花岗岩(SW08)21°53'32.8"N, 109°45'01.0"E 1 151 241 0.63 0.100 71 0.013 63 0.179 77 0.028 16 0.012 95 0.000 51 1 637 253 168 24 83 3 2c 416 2 011 0.21 0.052 62 0.002 17 0.328 45 0.014 35 0.045 37 0.000 65 313 90 288 11 286 4 3 393 683 0.58 0.062 38 0.006 33 0.115 15 0.013 36 0.013 39 0.000 38 687 213 111 12 86 2 4 302 498 0.61 0.079 45 0.007 12 0.150 63 0.015 57 0.013 75 0.000 38 1 183 173 142 14 88 2 5 215 393 0.55 0.082 43 0.011 11 0.151 61 0.023 14 0.013 34 0.000 48 1 256 270 143 20 85 3 6 200 246 0.82 0.101 32 0.013 57 0.187 73 0.029 88 0.013 44 0.000 58 1 649 250 175 26 86 4 7 1 132 961 1.18 0.046 10 0.005 33 0.084 37 0.010 64 0.013 27 0.000 29 3 216 82 10 85 2 8 285 463 0.61 0.090 27 0.006 74 0.152 14 0.012 16 0.013 53 0.000 38 1 431 139 144 11 87 2 9 416 684 0.61 0.059 95 0.008 86 0.111 50 0.017 63 0.013 49 0.000 32 602 315 107 16 86 2 10 1 661 1 062 1.56 0.055 66 0.003 00 0.107 86 0.006 20 0.014 40 0.000 29 439 116 104 6 92 2 11 1 199 956 1.25 0.046 71 0.006 26 0.087 60 0.012 86 0.013 60 0.000 36 35 246 85 12 87 2 12 166 257 0.65 0.079 29 0.015 83 0.136 17 0.030 53 0.012 46 0.000 52 1 179 415 130 27 80 3 13 301 458 0.66 0.063 73 0.009 90 0.120 31 0.020 71 0.013 69 0.000 45 733 324 115 19 88 3 14 2 377 1 283 1.85 0.047 21 0.005 34 0.090 15 0.011 29 0.013 85 0.000 27 60 220 88 11 89 2 15c 172 655 0.26 0.067 11 0.002 91 0.431 51 0.019 72 0.046 40 0.000 68 841 88 364 14 292 4 16c 958 1 281 0.75 0.067 11 0.003 15 0.431 51 0.019 72 0.046 40 0.000 68 2 628 54 2 392 31 2 098 26 17 1 326 970 1.37 0.046 56 0.004 51 0.088 69 0.009 49 0.013 81 0.000 27 27 194 86 9 88 2 18 2 165 1 300 1.67 0.051 65 0.004 46 0.099 38 0.008 75 0.014 09 0.000 25 270 187 96 8 90 2 19 1 392 952 1.46 0.056 57 0.005 52 0.108 28 0.010 75 0.013 86 0.000 26 475 211 104 10 89 2 20 151 241 0.63 0.100 71 0.013 63 0.179 77 0.028 16 0.012 95 0.000 51 1 637 253 168 24 83 3 松旺花岗岩(SW08)21°53'32.8"N, 109°45'01.0"E 1 151 241 0.63 0.100 71 0.013 63 0.179 77 0.028 16 0.012 95 0.000 51 1 637 253 168 24 83 3 2c 416 2 011 0.21 0.052 62 0.002 17 0.328 45 0.014 35 0.045 37 0.000 65 313 90 288 11 286 4 3 393 683 0.58 0.062 38 0.006 33 0.115 15 0.013 36 0.013 39 0.000 38 687 213 111 12 86 2 4 302 498 0.61 0.079 45 0.007 12 0.150 63 0.015 57 0.013 75 0.000 38 1 183 173 142 14 88 2 5 215 393 0.55 0.082 43 0.011 11 0.151 61 0.023 14 0.013 34 0.000 48 1 256 270 143 20 85 3 6 200 246 0.82 0.101 32 0.013 57 0.187 73 0.029 88 0.013 44 0.000 58 1 649 250 175 26 86 4 7 1 132 961 1.18 0.046 10 0.005 33 0.084 37 0.010 64 0.013 27 0.000 29 3 216 82 10 85 2 8 285 463 0.61 0.090 27 0.006 74 0.152 14 0.012 16 0.013 53 0.000 38 1 431 139 144 11 87 2 9 416 684 0.61 0.059 95 0.008 86 0.111 50 0.017 63 0.013 49 0.000 32 602 315 107 16 86 2 10 1 661 1 062 1.56 0.055 66 0.003 00 0.107 86 0.006 20 0.014 40 0.000 29 439 116 104 6 92 2 11 1 199 956 1.25 0.046 71 0.006 26 0.087 60 0.012 86 0.013 60 0.000 36 35 246 85 12 87 2 12 166 257 0.65 0.079 29 0.015 83 0.136 17 0.030 53 0.012 46 0.000 52 1 179 415 130 27 80 3 13 301 458 0.66 0.063 73 0.009 90 0.120 31 0.020 71 0.013 69 0.000 45 733 324 115 19 88 3 14 2 377 1 283 1.85 0.047 21 0.005 34 0.090 15 0.011 29 0.013 85 0.000 27 60 220 88 11 89 2 15c 172 655 0.26 0.067 11 0.002 91 0.431 51 0.019 72 0.046 40 0.000 68 841 88 364 14 292 4 16c 958 1 281 0.75 0.067 11 0.003 15 0.431 51 0.019 72 0.046 40 0.000 68 2 628 54 2 392 31 2 098 26 17 1 326 970 1.37 0.046 56 0.004 51 0.088 69 0.009 49 0.013 81 0.000 27 27 194 86 9 88 2 18 2 165 1 300 1.67 0.051 65 0.004 46 0.099 38 0.008 75 0.014 09 0.000 25 270 187 96 8 90 2 19 1 392 952 1.46 0.056 57 0.005 52 0.108 28 0.010 75 0.013 86 0.000 26 475 211 104 10 89 2 20 151 241 0.63 0.100 71 0.013 63 0.179 77 0.028 16 0.012 95 0.000 51 1 637 253 168 24 83 3 注: c表示继承锆石核. 表 2 云开地区燕山晚期花岗岩中锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS Hf同位素测定结果
Table 2. Hafnium isotope analyses of zircons from the Late Yanshanian granites in the Yunkai area, southeast China
序号 176Hf/177Hf ±2σ 176Lu/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf εHf(t)a ±2σ TDM1(Ma) ±2σ TDM2(Ma) ±2σ U-Pb分析点 米场黑云母花岗岩(MC02) 1 0.282 666 0.000 008 0.001 863 0.049 169 -1.4 0.3 850 22 1 260 35 1 2 0.282 664 0.000 007 0.001 749 0.046 481 -1.5 0.2 850 20 1 263 31 2 3 0.282 659 0.000 007 0.001 184 0.032 406 -1.6 0.2 844 20 1 271 32 3 4 0.282 640 0.000 007 0.001 206 0.033 077 -2.3 0.2 872 20 1 314 31 4 5 0.282 670 0.000 007 0.001 159 0.031 322 -1.2 0.3 829 21 1 247 33 6 6 0.282 654 0.000 008 0.000 522 0.013 455 -1.7 0.3 838 21 1 281 34 7 7 0.282 645 0.000 008 0.001 275 0.034 986 -2.1 0.3 866 24 1 303 37 8 8 0.282 665 0.000 007 0.001 981 0.053 591 -1.5 0.2 855 19 1 262 30 9 9 0.282 644 0.000 007 0.001 083 0.029 848 -2.1 0.3 864 21 1 306 33 10 10 0.282 684 0.000 007 0.001 856 0.050 236 -0.8 0.2 824 20 1 219 31 12 11 0.282 658 0.000 007 0.001 133 0.031 479 -1.6 0.3 845 20 1 274 32 14 12 0.282 692 0.000 009 0.001 537 0.039 525 -0.5 0.3 806 25 1 200 39 16 13 0.282 746 0.000 008 0.002 065 0.058 448 1.4 0.3 739 22 1 081 34 15 14 0.282 685 0.000 008 0.001 619 0.045 048 -0.7 0.3 818 23 1 216 36 11 三叉冲黑云母花岗岩(SC07) 1 0.282 621 0.000 008 0.001 751 0.052 075 -3.2 0.3 913 24 1 366 37 1 2 0.282 585 0.000 007 0.001 396 0.040 504 -4.4 0.3 955 21 1 444 33 2 3 0.282 619 0.000 008 0.001 381 0.039 415 -1.3 0.3 906 24 1 314 37 3 4 0.282 611 0.000 006 0.001 490 0.043 578 -3.5 0.2 920 18 1 387 28 4 5 0.282 611 0.000 008 0.001 357 0.040 013 -3.5 0.3 917 24 1 387 37 5 6 0.282 635 0.000 009 0.001 458 0.041 999 -2.7 0.3 886 25 1 334 39 6 7 0.282 607 0.000 007 0.001 473 0.043 716 -3.7 0.2 926 19 1 396 30 7 8 0.282 626 0.000 006 0.001 723 0.050 824 -3.0 0.2 904 18 1 353 28 8 9 0.282 568 0.000 006 0.001 266 0.038 634 -5.0 0.2 976 17 1 482 27 9 10 0.282 617 0.000 008 0.001 427 0.043 266 -3.3 0.3 910 22 1 373 35 10 11 0.282 203 0.000 010 0.000 829 0.026 779 6.2 0.4 1 474 28 1 628 44 13 12 0.282 563 0.000 007 0.001 284 0.037 851 -5.2 0.2 984 20 1 494 31 12 13 0.282 570 0.000 006 0.000 949 0.028 518 -4.9 0.2 965 16 1 476 26 11 14 0.282 615 0.000 007 0.001 758 0.051 455 -3.4 0.3 921 21 1 378 33 14 15 0.282 594 0.000 006 0.001 244 0.036 480 -4.1 0.2 939 18 1 424 28 15 松旺花岗岩(SW08) 1 0.282 603 0.000 008 0.001 435 0.043 672 -4.1 0.3 930 23 1 412 37 20 2 0.282 602 0.000 008 0.001 708 0.051 302 -4.2 0.3 939 24 1 416 37 19 3 0.282 613 0.000 006 0.001 433 0.043 770 -3.8 0.2 916 17 1 391 27 18 4 0.282 591 0.000 008 0.001 331 0.041 517 -4.5 0.3 945 23 1 439 37 17 5 0.281 310 0.000 010 0.000 506 0.013 333 6.4 0.4 2 678 27 2 708 43 16c 6 0.282 572 0.000 007 0.001 419 0.043 717 -5.2 0.3 974 21 1 482 33 7 7 0.282 610 0.000 007 0.000 625 0.019 498 -3.8 0.2 901 19 1 395 30 14 8 0.282 591 0.000 007 0.000 445 0.013 804 -4.5 0.2 923 19 1 437 31 13 9 0.282 617 0.000 006 0.001 470 0.045 928 -3.6 0.2 911 17 1 381 26 12 10 0.282 597 0.000 009 0.000 489 0.015 190 -4.3 0.3 916 25 1 424 40 11 11 0.282 612 0.000 008 0.000 766 0.025 093 -3.8 0.3 901 21 1 391 34 9 12 0.282 594 0.000 009 0.000 818 0.026 854 -4.4 0.3 928 24 1 431 39 6 13 0.282 599 0.000 014 0.000 790 0.024 339 -4.2 0.5 920 40 1 420 64 1 14 0.282 585 0.000 007 0.000 647 0.020 822 -4.7 0.3 936 20 1 451 32 3 15 0.282 602 0.000 008 0.000 630 0.020 282 -4.1 0.3 912 22 1 412 35 4 注:a初始Hf同位素比值εHf(t)以锆石结晶年龄t计算(详见文中). -
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