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    赵艳军 刘成林 张华 王立成 丰勇 吴悠 刘宝坤

    赵艳军, 刘成林, 张华, 王立成, 丰勇, 吴悠, 刘宝坤, 2014. 渤海湾盆地束鹿凹陷沙一段石盐岩中流体包裹体特征及其地质意义. 地球科学, 39(10): 1355-1363. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.127
    引用本文: 赵艳军, 刘成林, 张华, 王立成, 丰勇, 吴悠, 刘宝坤, 2014. 渤海湾盆地束鹿凹陷沙一段石盐岩中流体包裹体特征及其地质意义. 地球科学, 39(10): 1355-1363. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.127
    Zhao Yanjun, Liu Chenglin, Zhang Hua, Wang Licheng, Feng Yong, Wu You, Liu Baokun, 2014. Characteristics and Geological Significance of Fluid Inclusions in Halite of the First Member of Shahejie Formation in Shulu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. Earth Science, 39(10): 1355-1363. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.127
    Citation: Zhao Yanjun, Liu Chenglin, Zhang Hua, Wang Licheng, Feng Yong, Wu You, Liu Baokun, 2014. Characteristics and Geological Significance of Fluid Inclusions in Halite of the First Member of Shahejie Formation in Shulu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. Earth Science, 39(10): 1355-1363. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.127


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.127

    国家重点基础研究计划973项目 2011CB403007

    国家自然科学基金项目 41302059


      赵艳军(1982-),男,助理研究员,主要从事沉积学及流体包裹体地质学研究.E-mail: zhaoyanjun266@163.com

    • 中图分类号: P611.4

    Characteristics and Geological Significance of Fluid Inclusions in Halite of the First Member of Shahejie Formation in Shulu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

    • 摘要: 束鹿凹陷内古新统沙河街组一段石盐岩中发育了大量原生的人字形单一液相水溶液包裹体和次生油包裹体,这为深刻揭示凹陷内蒸发岩成因及油气运移、保存提供了有利条件.在流体包裹体岩相学研究的基础上,开展了流体包裹体均一温度测试、并恢复了钻井的埋藏史和包裹体捕获时间及古压力.研究表明石盐岩中与次生油包裹体同期的水溶液包裹体均一温度分为66.5~91.5 ℃和103.7~108.9 ℃两期,其对应的捕获时间分别为10.56~10.11 Ma和1.10 Ma,表明油气流体进入盐岩层的时间分别为馆陶组沉积的中晚期和更新统沉积期,与生烃史的研究结果基本吻合.石盐岩层中部利用包裹体模拟的古压力系数高达1.64,底部石盐岩中存在大量超压条件下形成的单一液相油包裹体,证明盐下存在超压系统,而超压系统的存在为油气的运移和保存提供了动力条件.


    • 图  1  渤海湾盆地束鹿凹陷构造及位置


      Fig.  1.  Sketch structure geological map and situation of Shulu depression, Bohai bay basin

      图  2  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段蒸发岩宏观特征

      Fig.  2.  Macrofeature of the evaporite in the first member of Shahejie Formation in Shulu depression

      图  3  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段石盐岩的显微特征

      a.深度2 980.65 m;b.深度3 060.40 m;c.深度2 977.88 m;d.深度2 878.1 m;e、f.深度2 968.85 m

      Fig.  3.  Microscopic characteristic of the halite in the first member of Shahejie Formation in Shulu depression

      图  4  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段石盐岩的重结晶现象

      a.深度2 817.38 m,巨晶石盐岩;b.深度2 811.37 m,盐间“薄夹层”附近重结晶的石盐

      Fig.  4.  Recrystallization of the halite in the first member of the Shahejie Formation in the Shulu depression

      图  5  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段石盐岩中的水溶液包裹体

      a.明暗相间的条带状原生包裹体; b.人字形分布的原生包裹体; c.大量次生带状包裹体,次生包裹体条带可以贯穿多个石盐晶体; d.次生带状包裹体

      Fig.  5.  Aqueous inclusions in the halite in the first member of the Shahejie Formation in Shulu depression

      图  6  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段石盐岩中的油包裹体

      a、c.为透射光; b、d.为对应的紫外光

      Fig.  6.  Petroleum inclusions from the halite in the first member of Shahejie Formation in Shulu depression

      图  7  流体包裹体均一温度测试样品位置

      Fig.  7.  The sampling depth of the halite for the homogenization temperature test

      图  8  深度3 028.04 m石盐岩样品油及其同期盐水包裹体均一温度统计直方图

      Fig.  8.  Statistical histogram of the homogenization temperature of the both oil and aqueous fluid inclusion from the halite sample at the depth of 3 028.04 m

      图  9  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段石盐岩中油包裹体捕获时间的确定

      Fig.  9.  The verification of petroleum inclusions' capture time of the halite in the fist member of the Shahejie Formation in the Shulu depression

      图  10  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段流体包裹体古压力模拟相

      a.同期盐水包裹体Th=79.5 ℃, 模拟古压力32.7 MPa;b.同期盐水包裹体Th=80.4 ℃, 模拟古压力32.8 MPa

      Fig.  10.  Paleopressure facies diagram for fluid inclusions in the first member of the Shahejie Formation in the Shulu depression

      表  1  束鹿凹陷沙河街组岩性特征

      Table  1.   The petrography character of Shahejie Formation in Shulu depression

      地层 厚度(m) 岩性
      沙河街组一段 0~800 上部为浅灰色的细砂岩、粉砂岩和紫红色泥岩.下部为红色和黑色的泥岩、碳酸盐岩、石膏、泥质石膏和盐岩,在凹陷的南部发育从北向南依次为灰岩-白云岩-石膏-盐岩的特殊岩性段
      沙河街组二段 0~400 棕色、紫色泥岩和浅灰色细砂岩互层
      沙河街组三段 0~2 200 棕色和灰色砾岩,砾石主要由灰岩或白云岩组成, 褐灰色、灰色、灰白色泥岩, 局部页岩,上部为深灰色和灰色细砂岩
      沙河街组四段 500~1 000 凹陷周缘主要为碎屑沉积,中部为泥岩和泥膏岩
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      表  2  束鹿凹陷沙河街组一段石盐岩中油包裹体捕获时古压力及压力系数计算

      Table  2.   Modeling data of fluid inclusions in the first member of Shahejie Formation in the Shulu depression

      油包裹体均一温度(℃) 74.0 74.6 96.7
      同期盐水包裹体均一温度(℃) 79.5 80.4 105.7
      VTFLINC软件模拟古压力(MPa) 32.7 32.8 34.4
      埋藏史图计算古埋深(m) 2 000 2 000 2 900
      压力系数 1.64 1.64 1.19
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