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    常艳艳 林畅松 周心怀 夏世强

    常艳艳, 林畅松, 周心怀, 夏世强, 2014. 辽西凹陷北洼沙河街组沉积层序结构与有利砂体分布. 地球科学, 39(10): 1371-1380. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.129
    引用本文: 常艳艳, 林畅松, 周心怀, 夏世强, 2014. 辽西凹陷北洼沙河街组沉积层序结构与有利砂体分布. 地球科学, 39(10): 1371-1380. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.129
    Chang Yanyan, Lin Changsong, Zhou Xinhuai, Xia Shiqiang, 2014. Depositional Sequences and Prediction of Favorable Reservoir Sand of Shahejie Formation of Liaoxi Depression. Earth Science, 39(10): 1371-1380. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.129
    Citation: Chang Yanyan, Lin Changsong, Zhou Xinhuai, Xia Shiqiang, 2014. Depositional Sequences and Prediction of Favorable Reservoir Sand of Shahejie Formation of Liaoxi Depression. Earth Science, 39(10): 1371-1380. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.129


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.129

    国家重大科技专项 2011ZX05023-002-004



    • 中图分类号: TE121.3

    Depositional Sequences and Prediction of Favorable Reservoir Sand of Shahejie Formation of Liaoxi Depression

    • 摘要: 综合地震、测井及岩心等资料表明,辽西凹陷北洼古近系沙河街组存在完整的地层序列,其可划分为5个三级层序.沙一段和沙二段之间不存在不整合层序界面;SQs3-1(沙三上段)在相对隆起区遭受剥蚀,但在坳陷带内发育完整.沙河街组发育的主要沉积体系包括扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、近岸水下扇、滨浅湖滩坝等,其分布受到了同沉积断裂、次级古隆起、古坳陷分布的制约.研究区内有利的储集体包括分布于古隆起边缘低位体系域的砂体、洼陷中部的深水重力流砂体、古隆起高部位的碳酸盐岩等.它们与下部沙三段发育的大套暗色泥岩及上覆的沙一段泥质层可形成良好的生储盖组合,并在古隆起边缘、次级洼陷带、断裂坡折带及缓坡边缘形成岩性地层圈闭.


    • 图  1  辽西凹陷的区域位置

      Fig.  1.  The location of Liaoxi depression in Bohai bay basin, Northeast China

      图  2  辽西凹陷古近系沙河街组层序地层序列和沉积演化

      Fig.  2.  The sequence classification and depositional evolution of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Liaoxi depression

      图  3  辽西凹陷沙河街组典型剖面层序划分和对比(层序界面标志参见正文)

      Fig.  3.  3D seismic profile of the Shahejie Formation in Liaoxi depression

      图  4  辽西凹陷连井层序划分对比

      Fig.  4.  Well log correlation of the Shahejie Formation in Liaoxi depression

      图  5  辽西凹陷典型扇三角洲地震剖面及单井相特征(图例同图 4)

      Fig.  5.  Seismic reflection feature and corefaciesanalysis of fan-delta in Liaoxi depression

      图  6  辽西凹陷沙河街组SQs3-1沉积相(a)和SQs2沉积相(b)

      Fig.  6.  The depositional pattern of SQs3-1(a) and SQs2 (b) of the Shahejie Formation in Liaoxi depression

      图  7  辽西凹陷沙河街组砂质储集体发育模式


      Fig.  7.  Depositional systems and systems tracts in lacustrine sequence framework of the Liaoxi depression

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