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    邱世藩 欧阳婷萍 朱照宇 黄宁生 李明坤 田成静 卞勇

    邱世藩, 欧阳婷萍, 朱照宇, 黄宁生, 李明坤, 田成静, 卞勇, 2014. 中国东部表层土壤磁化率特征及其指示意义. 地球科学, 39(10): 1454-1464. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.138
    引用本文: 邱世藩, 欧阳婷萍, 朱照宇, 黄宁生, 李明坤, 田成静, 卞勇, 2014. 中国东部表层土壤磁化率特征及其指示意义. 地球科学, 39(10): 1454-1464. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.138
    Qiu Shifan, Ouyang Tingping, Zhu Zhaoyu, Huang Ningsheng, Li Mingkun, Tian Chengjing, Bian Yong, 2014. Magnetic Susceptibility Characteristics of Weathering-Pedogenic Topsoil along East Part of China and Its Significance. Earth Science, 39(10): 1454-1464. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.138
    Citation: Qiu Shifan, Ouyang Tingping, Zhu Zhaoyu, Huang Ningsheng, Li Mingkun, Tian Chengjing, Bian Yong, 2014. Magnetic Susceptibility Characteristics of Weathering-Pedogenic Topsoil along East Part of China and Its Significance. Earth Science, 39(10): 1454-1464. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.138


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.138

    国家自然科学基金委员会广东联合基金项目 U1201131

    国家自然科学基金项目 40930106

    广东省产学研项目 2012B090400045


      邱世藩(1975-), 男, 博士研究生, 主要从事区域环境与第四纪地质学研究.E-mail: oyangtp@gig.ac.cn

    • 中图分类号: P66

    Magnetic Susceptibility Characteristics of Weathering-Pedogenic Topsoil along East Part of China and Its Significance

    • 摘要: 磁化率是环境磁学研究中较常用、较易获得的指标之一,但其解释和意义又最为复杂.对采自中国东部从北到南涵盖中国主要气候带的风化-成壤成因的79个表层土壤样品进行高、低频磁化率和非磁滞剩磁测试并分析其与降水量、年均温等气候参数的关系.结果表明:(1)发育于不同类型母岩的风化-成壤成因表层土壤磁学性质之间存在显著差异,各磁化率参数与气候条件参数之间的关系大不一样,在大空间尺度进行磁学与气候条件的关系研究时,必须充分考虑地质背景与母岩类型的差异.(2)发育于花岗岩的表层土壤非磁滞剩磁磁化率与年降水量和年均温间呈显著负相关关系;而发育于玄武岩的表层土壤非磁滞剩磁磁化率与年降水量呈显著正相关关系.被广泛认可的黄土-古土壤序列磁化率与成壤的关系不一定适用于大空间尺度的其他气候区域.(3)在风化-成壤过程中,磁性颗粒有变细的趋势,但降水强度增大时,一些超细颗粒较易被搬运离开原地,单一磁学参数结果难以反映气候条件及环境变化.(4)风化-成壤成因表层土壤非磁滞剩磁磁化率能较好地反映风化成因土壤的风化程度,但风化-成壤表层土壤磁学性质变化的机制特别是对相应土壤剖面的磁性矿物迁移转化有待深入研究.


    • 图  1  研究区域与采样点分布


      Fig.  1.  Study area and sampling sites distribution

      图  2  母岩岩性对表层土壤磁化率的影响

      Fig.  2.  Impact of parent rock on magnetic susceptibility of topsoil

      图  3  不同类型表层土壤低频磁化率与非磁滞剩磁磁化率和频率磁化率之间的相关关系

      Fig.  3.  Relationship between χlf and χARM, χfd for different types of topsoil

      图  4  不同类型表层土壤磁化率的纬度效应

      Fig.  4.  Latitude effect of magnetic susceptibility for different types of topsoil

      图  5  发育于沉积岩的表层土壤频率磁化率与降水量、年平均气温的对应分布及回归拟合曲线

      Fig.  5.  Corresponding distribution and fitting curve of χfd of topsoil derived from sedimentary rock and precipitation, annual average temperature

      图  6  发育于花岗岩表层土壤低频磁化率、非磁滞剩磁磁化率与降水量、年均温的对应分布及拟合曲线

      Fig.  6.  Corresponding distribution, regression equation and fitting curve of χlf and χARM of topsoil derived from granite and precipitation, annual average temperature

      图  7  发育于玄武岩的表层土壤磁学性质与降水量、年均温的对应分布及回归拟合曲线

      Fig.  7.  Corresponding distribution and fitting curve of magnetic properties of topsoil derived from balsalt and precipitation, annual average temperature

      图  8  发育于玄武岩表层土壤非磁滞剩磁磁化率与风化强度指标之间的对应分布及回归拟合曲线

      Fig.  8.  Corresponding distribution and fitting curve of χARM of topsoil derived from balsalt and weathering intensity dependent parameters

      表  1  各类型表层土壤磁化率与纬度及气候参数之间的相关系数

      Table  1.   Correlation coefficients between magnetic susceptibility and latitude and climate parameters for different type of topsoil

      所有样品79个 纬度(°) 年均降水量(mm) 年均气温(℃) χlf(10-8 m3/kg) χARM(10-6 m3/kg) χfd(%)
      χlf(10-8 m3/kg) -0.042 -0.086 0.063 1
      χARM(10-8 m3/kg) -0.233* 0.089 0.236* 0.806* 1
      χfd(%) -0.236* 0.414* 0.181 -0.391* -0.190 1
      χlf(10-8 m3/kg) -0.011 -0.111 0.031 1
      χARM(10-8 m3/kg) -0.233 0.084 0.235* 0.796* 1
      χfd(%) -0.281* 0.451* 0.225 -0.383* -0.180 1
      χlf(10-8 m3/kg) 0.323 -0.309 -0.276 1 0.866 -0.244
      χARM(10-8 m3/kg) 0.294 -0.275 -0.282 0.866* 1 -0.040
      χfd(%) -0.236 0.522* 0.123 -0.244 -0.040 1
      χlf(10-8 m3/kg) 0.468 -0.414 -0.447 1
      χARM(10-8 m3/kg) 0.113 -0.155 -0.105 0.857* 1
      χfd(%) -0.771* 0.946* 0.631* -0.485 -0.287 1
      χlf(10-8 m3/kg) 0.713* -0.680* -0.744* 1
      χARM(10-8 m3/kg) 0.831* -0.784* -0.829* 0.907* 1
      χfd(%) 0.300 -0.035 -0.309 0.336 0.359 1
      χlf(10-8 m3/kg) -0.273 0.246 0.275 1
      χARM(10-8 m3/kg) -0.594* 0.561* 0.577* 0.697* 1
      χfd(%) -0.221 0.266 0.191 -0.149 0.116 1
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