Foraminiferal Evolution and Formation of Oolitic Limestone near Permian-Triassic Boundary at Yangou Section, Jiangxi Province
摘要: 江西乐平沿沟剖面均一的碳酸盐相岩沉积, 完整地记录了二叠系-三叠系界线附近生物演变过程.通过对该剖面系统的化石切片研究, 共鉴别出有孔虫27属39种, 包含类4属7种.该剖面有孔虫的演变在二叠纪-三叠纪之交呈现出单幕式的消减过程, 对应于华南两幕生物灭绝中的第1幕.有孔虫的个体数和多样性在21-2层顶部发生了突然降低.4个不同有孔虫组合的演替关系, 揭示了有孔虫在灭绝事件中的演变过程, 即由灭绝前的高丰度、高分异度组合转变为灭绝后低丰度、低分异度组合.通过对二叠系-三叠系界线处鲕状灰岩的化石和沉积特征研究, 发现Hindeodus changxingensis带内的鲕状灰岩中仍存在较为丰富的有孔虫等化石.剧烈的海平面变化以及鲕状灰岩形成使下伏地层中的化石颗粒发生再沉积作用, 是形成这一特殊现象的主要原因.通过对鲕状灰岩中化石和沉积特征的深入研究, 论证了该鲕状灰岩形成于二叠纪-三叠纪之交大灭绝之后, 是当时特殊的海洋生态系产物, 反映了当时较高的海水回旋速率、微生物繁盛、海水碳酸盐超饱和等异常的环境条件.Abstract: The homogeneous carbonate Permian-Triassic boundary section at Yangou records the integrated extinction process of the shallow marine area, which killed over 90% marine invertebrates. This study of foraminifers explores the extinction pattern and deposition progress during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. In total, 39 species in 27 genera of foraminifers have been identified, including 7 species in 4 genera of fusulinids. The richness and diversity remarkably decrease at the top of Bed 21-2, marking the disappearance horizon. 4 distinct assemblages evolved within the Permian-Triassic boundary beds: the assemblages with low richness and low disparity replaced those with high richness and high disparity. The diversity and assemblage analysis exhibit a rapid decline process at the top of Bed 21-2. Whereas, the mixing of pre-extinction fauna, fusulinids, with post-extinction fauna, Hindeodus changxingensis, within the oolitic beds, implies that the fossil could be reworked to the shoal by the sea level changes. Meanwhile, the coating of foraminifers and aragonite-calcite cement around the grains indicate a catastrophic ocean with high water velocity, elevated microbes and carbonate super-saturation.
Key words:
- Permian-Triassic /
- foraminifer /
- extinction /
- Yangou Section /
- paleontology
图 2 沿沟剖面二叠系-三叠系界线附近(20层-28层)的牙形石和有孔虫化石分布
牙形石数据引自Sun et al.(2012).①Clarkina yini-Clarkina zhangi带;②Hindeodus changxingensis带;③Clarkina taylorae带;④Hindeodus parvus带
Fig. 2. The distribution of foraminifers and conodonts at Yangou section (Bed 20 to Bed 28)
图 4 沿沟二叠纪-三叠纪之交有孔虫群落组成
a.Palaeofusulina sinensis-Glomomidiella nestellorum组合;b.Glomomidiella nestellorum组合;c.Earlandia sp.-Globivalvulina bulloides组合;d.Earlandia sp.-Rectocornuspira kalhori组合.Earlandia sp.-Rectocornuspira kalhori组合:产于21-4层到46层,其中发现有孔虫化石5属5种,共43枚,以Earlandia sp.和Rectocornuspira kalhori含量较高,相对丰度分别达到了55.8%和35.4%,同时还有Nodosaria sp.和Diplosphaerina inaequalis,相对丰度分别达到了5%和2.8%,另外还有约0.5%的Globivalvulina bulloides.该组合依据2个优势种命名,以低分异度和低丰度为特征
Fig. 4. The composition of foraminifer assemblages near the Permian-Triassic boundary at Yangou section
图 5 沿沟剖面二叠系-三叠系界线附近地层中有孔虫化石
图中线条比例尺长度为0.1mm.1~2.Nankinella sp.;1.LY201028,弦切面,产自20层;2.LY20544,弦切面,产自20层;3.Sphaerulina sp., LY21522,旋切面,产自21层;4.Palaeofusulina minima, LY20038,轴切面,产自20层;5.Palaeofusulina simplex, LY21125,近轴切面,产自21层;6~9.Palaeofusulina sinensis,LY205113,弦切面,产自20层;7.LY20016,近轴切面,产自10层;8.LY20514,轴切面,产自20层;9.LY205131,轴切面,产自20层;10.Climacammina moelleri, LY205328,纵切面,产自20层;11.Colaniella nana, LY20518,斜切面,产自20层;12~13.Cribrogenerina spp.;12.LY205130,纵切面,产自20层;13.LY205316,纵切面,产自20层;14.Pachyphloia robusta, LY212114,纵切面,产自21-2层;15~16.Palaeotextularia spp.;15.LY20532,纵切面,产自20层;16.LY212130,纵切面,产自21-2层;17~18.Robuloides lens;17.LY211211,纵切面,产自21-1层;18.LY212315,纵切面,产自21-2层;19.LY212326,纵切面,产自21-2层
Fig. 5. Foraminifer fossils from the Permian-Triassic boundary strata at Yangou section
图 6 沿沟剖面二叠系-三叠系界线附近地层中有孔虫化石
图中比例尺长度为0.1mm.1~5.Reichelina cribroseptata;1.LY20223,近旋切面,产自20层;2.LY212415,斜切面,产自21-2层;3.LY21114,近旋切面,产自21-1层;4.LY211210,弦切面,产自21-1层;5.LY21122,近轴切面,产自21-1层;6~9.Reichelina purlchra;6.LY20041,近轴切面,产自20层;7.LY20522,轴切面,产自20层;8.LY20527,弦切面,产自20层;9.LY205121,弦切面,产自20层;10.Agathammina pusilla,LY21121,横切面,产自21-1层;11~12.Diplosphaerina inaequalis;11.LY2255,球切面,产自22层;12.LY23123,球切面,产自23层;13~14.Rectocornuspira kalhori;13.LY2321,球切面,产自23层;14.LY2285,纵切面,产自22层;15~16.Earlandia sp.;15.LY2321,球切面,产自23层;16.LY2311,纵切面,产自23层;17~18.Globivalvulina bulloides;17.LY205310,纵切面,产自20层;18.LY2251,纵切面,产自22层;19~22.Glomomidiella nestellorum;19.LY20515,球切面,产自20层;20.LY21146,球切面,产自21-1层;21.LY211432,球切面,产自21-1层;22. LY212414,球切面,产自21-2层;23.Hemigordius saidi LY211118,纵切面,产自21-1层;24~25.Ichthyofrondina palmate;24.LY20532,纵切面,产自20层;25.LY201014,纵切面,产自20层;26~27.Neodiscus milliloides;26.LY205134,纵切面,产自20层;27.LY21223,纵切面,产自21-2层;28.Neoendothyra reicheli,LY211313,纵切面,产自21-1层;29~31.Nodosinelloides aequiampla;29.LY21116,纵切面,产自21-1层;30.LY211213,纵切面,产自21-1层;31.LY211428,纵切面,产自21-1层;32~33.Nodosinelloides camerata;32.LY21112,纵切面,产自21-1层;33.LY211428,纵切面,产自21-1层;34.Pachyphloia iranica,LY20516,纵切面,产自20层;35.Pachyphloia ovate,LY2010313,纵切面,产自20层;36~37.Pachyphloia schwageri;36.LY21123,纵切面,产自21-1层;37.LY212517,纵切面,产自21-2层;38~39.Pachyphloia spp.;38.LY205323,纵切面,产自20层;39.LY205410,纵切面,产自20层
Fig. 6. Foraminifer fossils from the Permian-Triassic boundary strata at Yangou section
图 7 沿沟及邻区二叠纪-三叠纪之交沉积演变示意
DJ.打讲剖面;YG.沿沟剖面;MS.煤山剖面.测年数据引自Shen et al.(2011a),牙形石带和照片引自Jiang et al.(2007)及Sun et al.(2012)
Fig. 7. The model of the depositional progresses during the Permian-Triassic transition
表 1 沿沟剖面二叠纪-三叠纪之交有孔虫分布统计
Table 1. Distribution of foraminifers near the Permian-Triassic boundary at Yangou section
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