Characteristics of Magnetic Anomalies in the Philippine Sea Plate Lithosphere
摘要: 利用NGDC720地磁模型提供的磁异常数据, 分析了菲律宾海板块磁异常特征, 进而对磁异常进行多尺度分解, 给出了研究区岩石圈深部和浅部磁异常.结合热流分布特点和磁异常信息, 进一步分析了研究区引起磁异常成因.菲律宾海板块区域的磁异常既反映了该区域岩石圈浅部的构造特征, 也隐含深部构造信息.在西菲律宾海盆以及大东脊构造区, 浅部构造磁异常信息较好地继承了深部构造特征, 反映这些区域岩石圈的整体性特征.四国海盆与帕里西维拉海盆浅部磁异常信息显示了与近代(约10Ma)扩张轴一致的特征, 且磁异常与海底构造走向不一致; 而深部异常显示的帕里西维拉海盆磁异常走向与西菲律宾海盆一致的信息, 可能指示帕里西维拉海盆岩石圈曾与西菲律宾海盆有过类似的演化史.Abstract: In this paper, we analyze characteristics of magnetic anomalies calculated from NGDC720 geomagnetic model in the Philippine Sea plate and then decompose magnetic anomalies into the shallow and the deep components. Further, we interpret the causes of magnetic anomalies in the study area. Magnetic anomalies in the Philippine Sea plate not only show tectonic features in the shallow part of the lithosphere, also imply the deep structure information. In the Philippine basin and Daito tectonic zone, shallow magnetic anomalies inherit deep structural features better and magnetic characteristics in these regions reflect the integrity of the lithosphere. The shallow magnetic anomalies in Shikoku and Parece Vela basin show the characteristics corresponded with spreading axis during about 10Ma and magnetic anomaly trends do not agree with those of the seafloor structures. In the Parece Vela basin, the deep anomalies show a consistency with those in Philippine basin, which indicates that Parece Vela basin might have undergone a similar evolution of the Philippine basin.
Key words:
- the Philippine Sea plate /
- lithospheric magnetic anomaly /
- tectonics /
- geophysics
图 1 研究区地形及主要构造示意(数据来源:ETOPO1)
Fig. 1. The sketch map of the topography and the main structure in the study area
图 5 菲律宾海及其周边海洋岩石圈年龄(据Müller et al., 2008)
Fig. 5. Age of oceanic lithosphere
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