Genesis of Chazangcuo Cu-Pb-Zn Deposit, Tibet: Constraints from C-H-O-S-Pb Isotope Geochemistry
摘要: 查藏错铜铅锌矿床是近年来在冈底斯成矿带北亚带西部林子宗群火山岩中发现的一个铜多金属矿床.到目前为止,对其矿床成因还缺乏明确的认识.C、H、O、S、Pb同位素分析结果表明:δ13CV-PDB值为-5.60‰~-2.40‰,δDV-SMOW值为-111.00‰~-68.00‰,δ18OV-SMOW值为-8.65‰~0.27‰,显示成矿流体早期主要来自岩浆热液,后期大气降水有所混入.δ34SCDT值集中分布在0.50‰~2.50‰,具塔式分布特征,表明硫的来源为相对单一的岩浆源.Pb同位素比值较为稳定,μ值较大(>9.58),具有上地壳铅源的特征,与冈底斯成矿带北亚带矿床矿石硫化物的铅同位素特征比较相似,但明显不同于典中组火山岩的铅同位素特征,推测成矿物质主要来自上地壳的岩浆源.结合矿床地质特征,并与国内外典型岩浆热液脉型矿床对比,认为其属岩浆热液脉型矿床.Abstract: Chazangcuo Cu-Pb-Zn deposit, hosted by the Linzizong Group volcanic rocks in the west of Gangdese metallogenic belt, is a copper polymetallic deposit discovered in recent years. So far, the genesis of the deposit is still lack of clear understanding. The results of C, H, O, S, Pb isotopic analysis show that the δ13CV-PDB values range from -5.60‰ to -2.40‰, δDV-SMOW values range from -111.00‰ to -68.00‰, and δ18OV-SMOW values range from -8.65‰ to 0.27‰, indicating that the ore-forming fluid mainly derived from the magma hydrothermal in the early time, however, with the mineralization continuing, the proportion of atmospheric precipitation gradually turned larger. δ34SCDT values range from 0.50‰ to 2.50‰ and possess the distribution characteristics of tower, indicating that the sulfur isotope derived from the single magma source. Lead isotope ratios are relatively stable and have large μ values (more than 9.58), possessing the characteristics of the upper crust lead. The lead isotope characteristics are similar to the ore sulfides from the deposits in the north subzone of Gangdese metallogenic belt, but obviously different from the lead isotope characteristics of volcanic rocks of Dianzhong Formation. Therefore, the authors infer that the source of ore-forming materials mainly came from the magmatic source of the upper crust. Combining with the geological characteristics of Chazangcuo deposit, and contrasting the typical magmatic hydrothermal vein-type deposit at home and abroad, the authors think that it belongs to the typical magmatic hydrothermal vein-type deposit.
Key words:
- ore-forming fluid /
- ore-forming material /
- magmatic hydrothermal vein-type /
- ore deposit /
- tectonics
图 3 查藏错矿床成矿流体δDV-SMOW-δ18OV-SMOW关系(Taylor, 1974)
Fig. 3. δDV-SMOW versus δ18OV-SMOW of the Chazangcuo deposit
图 5 查藏错矿床含矿方解石δ13CV-PDB-δ18OV-SMOW关系
Fig. 5. δ13CV-PDB vs. δ18OV-SMOW isotopic compositions of ore-bearing calcites from Chazangcuo deposit
图 7 查藏错矿床矿石硫化物铅同位素构造环境演化图解(Zartman and Doe, 1981)
Fig. 7. Diagram showing evolutionary tectonic settings of lead isotopes of ore sulfides from the Chazangcuo deposit
表 1 查藏错矿床碳氢氧同位素组成
Table 1. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions from the Chazangcuo deposit
矿区 样号 矿物 δ13CV-PDB(‰) δDV-SMOW(‰) δ18OV-SMOW(‰)(矿物) δ18OV-SMOW(‰)(水) 资料来源 查藏错 CZC-12 石英 - -73.00 0.30 -8.65 本文 CZC-13 石英 - -109.00 0.50 -8.46 CZC-14-1 方解石 -4.60 -111.00 2.60 -5.48 CZC-14-2 方解石 -2.40 -91.00 8.40 0.27 CZC-15 方解石 -5.60 -89.00 4.20 -3.89 CZC-16 方解石 -4.80 -68.00 1.60 -6.47 CZC-11 方解石 -2.70 -111.00 9.30 1.17 康家湾 KJW-044 石英 - -65.00 9.61 -5.17 左昌虎等,2014 KJW-04404 石英 - -60.00 7.79 -7.25 KJW-048 石英 - -68.00 7.26 -7.19 KJW-50-2 石英 - -63.00 9.05 -5.32 夏塞 K10-2 石英 - -122.40 8.90 -4.90 陈冲,2013 K10-4 石英 - -128.00 9.50 -3.60 K74-1 石英 - 130.50 13.80 7.90 4695-1-3 石英 - -105.20 13.10 2.00 K18-3 石英 - -137.50 11.10 -5.80 表 2 西藏查藏错矿床和典型岩浆热液脉型矿床硫同位素组成
Table 2. Sulfur isotopic compositions of ore sulfides from the Chazangcuo deposit and the typicalmagmatic hydrothermal vein-type deposits
矿区 样号 矿物 δ34SCDT(‰) 资料来源 查藏错 CZC-12-1 黄铜矿 0.40 本文 CZC-12-2 方铅矿 0.90 CZC-13-1 黄铜矿 1.60 CZC-13-2 闪锌矿 3.00 CZC-14-1 黄铜矿 1.80 CZC-14-2 方铅矿 1.10 CZC-15-1 黄铜矿 2.30 CZC-15-2 方铅矿 1.70 CZC-18-1 黄铜矿 2.30 CZC-18-2 方铅矿 3.10 CZC-19-1 黄铜矿 -1.60 CZC-19-2 方铅矿 0.40 Arapucan -- 硫化物矿石 -5.20~-1.20 Mannijou et al., 2012 Chehelkureh -- 硫化物矿石 1.00~5.00 Orgun et al., 2005 拉诺玛 -- 硫化物矿石 -1.60~2.60 陶琰等,2011 康家湾 -- 硫化物矿石 -6.20~3.00 杨传益,1985 枞树板 -- 硫化物矿石 -6.87~2.35 陈柏林等,1999 表 3 西藏查藏错矿床和典中组火山岩铅同位素组成
Table 3. Lead isotopic compositions of ore sulfides from the Chazangcuo deposit and the volcanic rocks of Dianzhong Formation, Tibet
矿区 样号 矿物 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb μ 资料来源 查藏错 CZC-12-1 黄铜矿 18.698 15.767 39.388 9.67 本文 CZC-12-2 方铅矿 18.660 15.723 39.248 9.71 CZC-13-1 黄铜矿 18.676 15.720 39.294 9.73 CZC-13-2 闪锌矿 18.659 15.720 39.229 9.73 CZC-14-1 黄铜矿 18.675 15.740 39.292 9.81 CZC-14-2 方铅矿 18.687 15.752 39.336 9.66 CZC-15-1 黄铜矿 18.689 15.749 39.334 9.67 CZC-15-2 方铅矿 18.726 15.793 39.480 9.69 CZC-18-1 黄铜矿 18.655 15.715 39.221 9.74 CZC-18-2 方铅矿 18.663 15.721 39.231 9.72 CZC-19-1 黄铜矿 18.669 15.731 39.258 9.56 CZC-19-2 方铅矿 18.694 15.758 39.362 9.77 林周盆地典中组火山岩 典中组3 --- 18.640 5 15.637 1 38.689 0 9.54 莫宣学,2011 典中组2 --- 18.641 8 15.573 1 38.670 3 9.46 --- 18.716 1 15.581 3 38.655 2 9.52 --- 18.754 0 15.656 6 38.784 5 9.53 --- 18.683 6 15.609 7 38.754 1 9.49 典中组1 --- 18.707 4 15.644 8 39.012 1 9.55 措勤地区典中组火山岩 PM004-11TZ --- 18.734 15.651 39.053 9.66 岳相元,2012 PM004-7TZ --- 18.821 15.634 39.324 9.51 P11-7B1 --- 18.708 15.657 39.136 9.68 P11-11B1 --- 18.846 15.721 39.387 9.67 PM004-13TZ --- 18.501 15.628 39.127 9.71 P11-28B1 --- 18.757 15.729 39.237 9.73 -
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