The Choice of CIC and CRS Models of 210Pbexc Dating for Tidal Flat Area
摘要: 现代沉积物测年方法已经在海岸带地区得到了广泛应用,但在开放潮坪地区还存一定的问题,尤其是在通过210Pb进行沉积速率计算时,常量初始浓度(constant initial concentration,简称CIC)模式和恒定补给速率(constant rate of supply,简称CRS)模式给出的结果通常差别很大,即使是与137Cs时标法进行比对时,有时也不易解释.这严重制约了现代沉积物测年方法在开放潮坪及浅海区的应用效果.有鉴于此,选取了其中的1个典型站位的柱状样品,同时开展210Pbexc过量的210Pb的CRS模式和CIC模式计算,并与137Cs时标法进行对比,结合区域沉积历史数据,对210Pbexc的CRS模式和CIC模式的选择进行了综合分析,为现代沉积物测年在海岸带地区的应用和解释提供了过程参考.结果显示,对210Pbexc数据分段采用CIC模式获得的结果较CRS模式获得的更为可靠.这是因为海岸带地区,被潮流搬运来的沉积物更容易满足CIC计算模式所要求的前提条件,即沉积物中的210Pbexc初始比活度是恒定的.作为一般数据使用者,更倾向于通过210Pbexc测年方法(也就是CRS模式)能够获得每一层的年龄,但在海岸带地区应用该方法时就需要更加慎重.Abstract: Although modern sediment dating method has been widely used in coastal areas, applications in the open tidal flat are still challenged. Especially, 210Pbexc dating results given by CIC (constant initial concentration) model and CRS (constant rate of supply) model in the same core are sometimes very different, which is difficult to interpret even compared with the 137Cs data. In this paper, one typical short core collected from open tidal flat was chosen for a comparison study to facilitate future applications of 210Pbexc methods in open coastal areas. The 210Pbexc CIC and CRS models were employed for the calculation, and the two 210Pbexc dating models were analyzed and compared with 137Cs method on the basis of sedimentary history data. It is found that the results given by CIC model are more reliable than those by CRS model, which is attributed to the fact that it is easier for the sediments transported by currents to meet the prerequisites for CIC model, in other words, the initial concentration of 210Pbexc is constant in most instances in coastal areas. As data users generally are expecting to obtain the age of each layer by 210Pbexc dating method (e.g. CRS model), its applications in open coastal area require prudence.
图 1 渤海湾概况和取样位置
Fig. 1. Study area and location of sampling sites in the supratidal zone of Bohai Bay, China
图 5 理想137Cs沉积剖面
a.北半球逐年大气总沉降量变化曲线(Mcmanus and Duch, 1993);b.137Cs逐年沉降量变化曲线(Smith et al., 1997),实线为北半球、虚线为南半球;c.为日本东京地区137Cs逐年大气总沉降量变化曲线(曾理等, 2009));d.为美国南部137Cs大气沉降量变化曲线(Milan et al., 1995);e.为欧洲地区的137Cs降尘(Roux and Marshall, 2010)
Fig. 5. Ideal 137Cs activity-depth profile
图 6 海河口、北塘口以及独流减河口1950—2000年入海径流量
Fig. 6. Water discharges at the Haihe River estuary, Beitang estuary and Duliujianhe estuary betwen 1950 and 2000
表 1 C0703孔210Pbexc和137Cs比活度及CRS年龄
Table 1. 210Pbexc and 137Cs activity and CRS age of C0703
C0703样品编号 平均深度
(Bq/cm2)深度x以上的沉积物的沉积时间(a) 每一层年份(年) 1 2.5 1.82 0.98 0.27 113.43 8.60 34.66 3.47 78.77 5.97 0.008 9 0.72 0.72 3.21 2004 2 7.5 1.52 0.29 0.16 106.79 6.94 46.88 4.69 59.91 3.90 0.002 2 0.46 1.17 5.43 2001 3 12.5 1.54 0.36 0.16 112.30 6.70 38.55 3.85 73.76 4.40 0.002 8 0.57 1.74 8.43 1998 4 17.5 1.44 0.82 0.22 90.02 5.45 32.40 3.24 57.62 3.49 0.005 9 0.41 2.15 10.81 1996 5 22.5 1.61 2.37 0.52 84.43 4.91 29.85 2.98 54.58 3.17 0.019 0 0.44 2.59 13.54 1993 6 27.5 1.55 1.98 0.56 84.11 7.63 43.97 4.40 40.14 3.64 0.015 3 0.31 2.91 15.63 1991 7 32.5 1.59 1.73 0.57 85.27 6.19 36.24 3.62 49.03 3.56 0.013 8 0.39 3.30 18.45 1988 8 37.5 1.56 2.70 0.60 66.79 5.60 33.99 3.40 32.80 2.75 0.021 0 0.26 3.55 20.45 1986 9 42.5 1.69 5.13 0.79 42.98 5.87 39.18 3.92 3.81 0.52 0.043 4 0.03 3.58 20.71 1986 10 47.5 1.52 10.50 1.18 61.02 4.65 33.97 3.40 27.04 2.06 0.079 8 0.21 3.79 22.42 1984 11 52.5 1.60 8.87 1.02 83.79 5.31 30.70 3.07 53.09 3.36 0.070 9 0.42 4.21 26.28 1981 12 57.5 1.45 5.23 0.83 47.17 5.06 34.06 3.41 13.11 1.41 0.037 9 0.10 4.31 27.21 1980 13 62.5 1.56 5.58 0.88 77.52 6.60 31.92 3.19 45.61 3.88 0.043 6 0.36 4.66 30.95 1976 14 67.5 1.61 3.09 0.64 61.35 4.97 18.92 1.89 42.43 3.44 0.024 9 0.34 5.01 35.01 1972 15 72.5 1.69 0.00 0.00 59.44 4.16 29.75 2.97 29.70 2.08 0 0.25 5.26 38.36 1968 16 77.5 1.77 0.00 0.00 65.64 5.05 34.56 3.46 31.07 2.39 0 0.27 5.53 42.48 1964 17 82.5 1.80 0.00 0.00 61.15 4.53 32.51 3.25 28.64 2.25 0 0.26 5.79 46.89 1960 18 87.5 1.87 0.00 0.00 56.56 7.33 46.22 4.62 10.34 1.34 0 0.10 5.89 48.72 1958 19 92.5 1.91 0.00 0.00 66.22 4.65 37.39 3.74 28.82 2.03 0 0.28 6.16 54.56 1952 20 97.5 2.02 0.00 0.00 48.72 6.90 41.18 4.12 7.53 1.07 0 0.08 6.24 56.39 1950 21 102.5 1.70 0.00 0.00 43.32 5.15 32.89 3.29 10.43 1.24 0 0.09 6.33 58.65 1948 22 107.5 1.92 0.00 0.00 79.16 5.56 37.97 3.80 41.20 2.89 0 0.40 6.72 71.31 1936 23 112.5 1.64 0.00 0.00 54.92 5.54 42.52 4.25 12.40 1.25 0 0.10 6.82 75.57 1931 24 117.5 1.71 0.00 0.00 50.24 6.33 40.12 4.01 10.12 1.28 0 0.09 6.91 79.70 1927 25 122.5 1.76 0.00 0.00 60.76 4.96 39.48 3.95 21.28 1.74 0 0.19 7.10 91.02 1916 26 127.5 1.82 0.00 0.00 74.09 4.33 42.57 4.26 31.52 1.84 0 0.29 7.38 124.49 1882 27 132.5 1.84 0.00 0.00 43.85 5.84 33.33 3.33 10.52 1.40 0 0.10 7.48 155.54 1851 28 137.5 1.80 0.00 0.00 42.35 0.00 35.47 0.00 6.88 0.00 0 0.06 7.54 注:210Pbtot比活度是指210Pb总比活度. -
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