Faults Characteristics and Evolution in the Eastern Kuqa Depression
摘要: 山前逆冲褶皱带的几何学和运动学研究属于构造地质学前沿课题,也是全球山前盆地油气勘探开发所关注的问题.综合二维地震剖面、钻测井数据、地质填图资料,建立了库车坳陷东部两类断层几何学和运动学模型,绘制了吐孜洛克断层和东秋里塔格断层断距分布图以及东秋里塔格背斜位移缩短量分布图.研究资料表明库车坳陷东部发育两种类型断层,古近纪发育高角度逆冲断层,造成山前基底抬升,白垩系-古近系被剥蚀;上新世发育低角度逆冲断层,引发库车坳陷中生界-新生界变形,形成盆地腹部隐伏的叠瓦状逆冲构造.Abstract: Geometry and kinematics analysis of thrust-related fold system in piedmond is a frontier subject of structure and tectonics. These concepts and technical methods are relevant for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon systems in piedmont basins worldwide. The geometry and kinematics models of the faults and folds are established by using the 2D seismic profiles, drilling well logging data, and geological mapping data in the eastern Kuqa depression in the piedmont of Tianshan Mountains, China. The fault throw maps of the Tuziluke fault and the eastern Qiulitag and the shorting map of the eastern Qiulitag anticline have been drew. The results reveal that there are two types of fault in the eastern Kuqa depression, i.e. the steeply basement-involved faults and the low dipping thrust faults. In Tertiary, the steeply faults made the basement uplift and the Meso-Cenozoic squence erosion in the piedmont of Tianshan. The low dipping faults develop in Pliocene, which was detachment in the lower of Mesozoic and formed the blind imbricate thrust-related fold system in the Kuqa basin
图 1 库车坳陷东部盆地断裂地质图
Pt.元古界; P.二叠系; T.三叠系; J.侏罗系; K.白垩系; E.古近系; N1j.下中新统; N1k.上中新统; N2k.上新统; Q1x.第四系西域组; ① 吐格尔明断层; ② 依奇克里克断层; ③ 吐孜洛克断层; ④ 东秋里塔格断层; ⑤ 迪北断层; ⑥ 南天山山前断层; ⑦ 巴什基奇克断层; 绿色虚线为吐孜洛克断层测量区域; 蓝色虚线为东秋里塔格断层测量区域; 断裂特征见表
Fig. 1. Geological sketch with structural belts of the eastern Kuqa thrust fold belt
图 2 吐孜洛克断层二维地震解释剖面(a)和断层运动学模型(b)
J.侏罗系;K.白垩系;E.古近系;N1j.下中新统;N1k.上中新统;N2k.上新统;Q1x.第四系;剖面a位置见图 2;图b据Narr and Suppe(1994)
Fig. 2. Interpreted 2-D seismic section (a) and kinematic model (b) of Tuziluke fault
图 3 吐孜洛克断层断距分布
测线区域图 1绿色虚线标出; 绿色曲线为早期断距; 红色曲线为晚期断距; 黄色曲线为总断距
Fig. 3. Fault throw sketch of the Tuziluke fault
图 6 东秋里塔格断层和迪那背斜断距分布
测线区域图 1蓝色虚线标出;紫色曲线为东秋里塔格断层位移量;蓝色曲线为迪那背斜缩短量
Fig. 6. Fault throw sketch of the eastern Qiulitag fault and Dina anticline
表 1 库车坳陷东部断裂分类
Table 1. The classification of faults in the eastern Kuqa
编号 名称 断层类型 形成时代 发育区域 变形特征 1 吐格尔明断层 高角度逆断层 上新世 吐格尔明构造带 上新世发育 2 依奇克里克断层 高角度逆断层 早中新世 天山山前 发育高陡背斜 3 吐孜洛克断层 高角度逆断层 早中新世 库车坳陷 基底卷入型断裂,元古界-古生界基
底抬升,白垩系-古近系剥蚀.4 东秋里塔格断层 低角度逆冲推覆断层 上新世 库车坳陷 中生界-新生界逆冲褶皱,形成挤压
构造楔.5 迪北断层 高角度逆断层 早中新世 库车坳陷 盆地基底断层 6 南天山山前断层 高角度逆断层 早屮新世 天山山前 盆山边界断层 7 巴什基奇克断层 低角度逆冲推覆断层 上新世 天山山前 山前浅层中生界-新生界逆冲褶皱 -
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