The Biostratigraphic Correlation of the Permian-Triassic Boundary in Jinzhong Section, Weining, Guizhou, South China
摘要: 二叠纪—三叠纪之交发生了显生宙最大的生物灭绝事件,同时发生了复杂的环境变化.由于陆相二叠系-三叠系界线附近生物化石记录没有海相记录完整,同时也缺乏其他可靠的年代地层标志,所以如何标定陆相剖面的二叠纪—三叠纪界线一直是研究热点和难点.贵州威宁金钟地区二叠纪—三叠纪之交位于康滇古陆的东侧,毗邻海陆过渡相区,可以与同期的浅海碎屑岩相、海陆过渡相、陆相剖面进行由海到陆“追索式”的生物地层对比,是我国研究海、陆相二叠系-三叠系界线及对比的关键研究区之一.研究区的金钟二叠系-三叠系界线剖面中化石丰富,共发现双壳类化石4属6种,叶肢介2属4种,植物化石9属及腕足类化石1属,为海、陆相地层对比提供了桥梁.依据叶肢介Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis组合、植物Annalepis-Peltaspermum组合以及双壳类Pteria ussurica variabilis-Neoschizodus orbicularis组合的生物化石时代归属讨论,识别出金钟剖面的二叠系-三叠系界线应该在卡以头组下部.通过与邻区不同相剖面的对比,提出双壳类Pteria ussurica variabilis-Neoschizodus orbicularis组合以及陆相的叶肢介Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis组合可以作为三叠纪最早期的识别和对比标志.Abstract: The Permian-Triassic extinction event, which was associated with major global environmental changes, was the most significant one in the Phanerozoic. However, fossil records around the Permian-Triassic boundary in the terrestrial section are not complete compared with those in the marine section, and the precise time framework is not available. Thus the study of the Permian-Triassic boundary in terrestrial section has been hot and complicated. The Jinzhong section located in the eastern margin of the Kangdian Continent, near the transitional facies zone of the Permian and Triassic, can be compared with the marine section and terrestrial section at the same time in this period. The Jinzhong section has abundant fossils, including bivalve (4 genus 6 species), conchostracans (2 genus 4 species), plant fossils (9 genus) and brachiopods (1 genus).According to the age of the conchostracans fossil assemblages Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis, the plant fossil assemblages Annalepis sp.-Peltaspermum sp. and the bivalve fossil assemblages Pteria ussurica variabilis-Neoschizodus orbicularis, the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Jinzhong section is at the bottom of Kayitou Formation. In addition, the conchostracans fossil assemblages Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis and the bivalve fossil assemblages Pteria ussurica variabilis-Neoschizodus orbicularis can be used as a reliable marker of early Triassic in stratigraphic division and correlation in the marine-continental transitional facies in South China.
Key words:
- Permian-Triassic boundary /
- biostratigraphy /
- paleobiolgy /
- Jinzhong section /
- stratigraphy /
图 3 黔西滇东地区剖面地层对比
岔河剖面(杨逢清等,2005;Shen et al., 2011)、小河边剖面(楚道亮等,2013)、金钟剖面、密德剖面(喻建新等,2008)
Fig. 3. The biostratigraphic correlation of various sections in western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan
图 4 研究区化石标本
a,b.Gigantopteris sp.;a.登记号:JZ06-12.产地:金钟剖面6层顶部;b.登记号:JZ07-40.产地:金钟剖面7层底部;c, d.Pecopteris sp.;c.登记号:JZ06-08.产地:金钟剖面6层顶部;d.登记号:JZ07-48.产地:金钟剖面7层底部;e, f.Annalepis sp.;e.登记号:JZ07-30.产地:金钟剖面8层顶部;f.登记号:JZ07-34.产地:金钟剖面9层顶部;g, h.Peltaspermum sp.;g.登记号:JZ08-28.产地:金钟剖面9层顶部;h.登记号:JZ07-37.产地:金钟剖面8层顶部;i, j.Euestheria gutta Lyutkevich, 1937i.左瓣.登记号:JZ07-01.产地与层位:金钟剖面卡以头组8层顶部;j.右瓣.登记号:JZ08-20.产地:金钟剖面卡以头组9层底部;k, l.Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis Shen, 1976k.右瓣.登记号:JZ07-04.产地:金钟剖面8层顶部;l.右瓣.登记号:JZ07-05.产地:金钟剖面8层中部;m.Pteria ussurica variabilis Chen and Lan in Gu et al., 1976, 登记号:JZ07-14.产地:金钟剖面8层底部;n.Neoschizodus orbicularis(Bronn, 1837),登记号:JZ07-24.产地:金钟剖面8层底部;o.介壳层, 产地:金钟剖面8层底部;本文研究的化石标本均保存在中国地质大学(武汉)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,采集于贵州威宁金钟剖面宣威组和卡以头组.说明的标本登记号中包括剖面缩写、化石产出层位和标本编号(金钟剖面1层1号标本=JZ01-01).图片使用单反相机(Canon EOS 7D)和体视显微镜(Leica SAP80) 拍摄
Fig. 4. Collection of fossils of research area
表 1 研究区岩性与分层描述
Table 1. Lithology and stratigraphy of research area
东川组(未到顶) 19.紫红色厚层状细砂岩 9.30 m 18.紫红色中厚层状细砂岩 8.20 m 卡以头组 17.土黄色、紫红色、灰绿色薄层状泥质粉砂岩互层.含叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta 7.30 m 16.黄绿色-土黄色粉砂质泥岩.含叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp. 11.10 m 15.土黄色厚层状粉砂岩.含植物化石:Annalepis sp.;含叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp.,Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis,Palaeolimnadia sp. 14.80 m 14.黄绿色薄层粉砂岩夹土黄色粉砂质泥岩.含植物化石:Annalepis sp.,Peltaspermum sp.;含叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp.,Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis,Palaeolimnadia sp. 9.80 m 13.土黄色薄层粉砂质泥岩.含植物化石:Annalepis sp.,Peltaspermum sp.;含叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp.,Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis,Palaeolimnadia sp. 5.00 m 12.土黄色薄层粉砂岩.含叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp. 6.20 m 11.土黄色粉砂质泥岩夹黄绿色中薄层砂质泥岩.含植物化石:Annalepis sp.,Peltaspermum sp.;含叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp.,Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis,Palaeolimnadia sp. 5.30 m 10.黄绿色薄层粉砂质泥岩.含植物化石:Annalepis sp.,Peltaspermum sp.;双壳化石:Pteria ussurica variabilis,Neoschizodus orbicularis,Neoschizodus laevigatus,Promyalina schamarae,Permophorus bregeri,Pteria sp.;叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp.,Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis,Palaeolimnadia sp.;以及腕足化石Lingula sp.和腹足化石 3.00 m 9.黄绿色薄层粉砂岩.含植物化石:Annalepis sp.;叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis,Palaeolimnadia sp. 2.20 m 8.黄绿色厚层状泥质粉砂岩.含植物化石:Peltaspermum sp.,Annalepis zeilleri,Annalepis angusta;双壳化石Neoschizodus orbicularis,Pteria ussurica variabilis,Neoschizodus laevigatus,Pteria sp.;叶肢介化石:Euestheria gutta,Euestheria sp.,Palaeolimnadia xuanweiensis,Palaeolimnadia sp.;腕足化石Lingula sp. 2.80 m 7.黄绿色薄层状泥岩.含植物化石:Gigantopteris sp.,Cordaites sp.,Gigantonoclea sp. 0.88 m 宣威组(未到底) 6.黄绿色厚层状粉砂岩,下部2层煤线,不连续.含植物化石Pecopteris sp.,Cordaites sp.,Stigmaria sp.,Lepidodendron sp.,Fascipteris densata 1.46 m 5.厚层土黄色泥岩夹厚度不均的煤层 0.60 m 4.黄绿色厚层状粉砂岩,顶部为薄层煤层.含植物化石Gigantopteris sp.,Cordaites sp.,Gigantonoclea sp.,Fascipteris densata 1.60 m 3.灰绿色-土黄色厚层粉砂岩,夹0.70 m白色古土壤,顶部夹0.03 m煤线.含植物化石Gigantopteris sp.,Pecopteris sp.,Gigantonoclea sp.,Stigmaria sp. 3.53 m 2.土黄色厚层状粉砂岩,夹0.38 m灰白色粘土,顶部夹0.08 m煤层.含植物化石Pecopteris sp.,Cordaites sp. 2.41 m 1.土黄色厚层状粉砂岩,可见0.90 m灰白色粘土,带铁质包壳,顶部夹0.06 m煤层.含植物化石Gigantopteris sp.,Cordaites sp.,Gigantonoclea sp.,Pecopteris sp. 未见底 -
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