The Sedimentary Characteristics and Evolution Law of Trassic, Luoyi District
摘要: 洛伊地区三叠系沉积体系是近年来研究的重点,利用岩心、录井、测井及野外露头资料,并结合前人研究成果,对其进行分析.通过研究发现:洛伊地区三叠系沉积时期主要发育3种沉积体系类型,分别是曲流河沉积体系、三角洲沉积体系及湖泊沉积体系.中下三叠统主要发育曲流河沉积,上三叠统发育湖泊三角洲沉积,且从上三叠统沉积早期到晚期伴随着湖水面的上涨和湖盆面积的扩大.三叠系的沉积体系演化主要受控与中三叠世末印支运动的影响,印支运动造成扬子板块向华北板块俯冲,使洛伊地区周边隆起成山,并在洛伊地区形成深水湖盆.在对比洛伊地区与鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统沉积特征及圈闭特征基础上,认为洛伊地区有较大的勘探潜力.洛伊地区沉积特征及演化规律的研究,为该地区未来的勘探提供了较为有利的地质依据.Abstract: By using the data of core, well logging and outcrop, the sedimentary characteristics and evolution law of Triassic system, Luoyi District are studied. It is found that there are three sedimentary facies including meandering river, delta and lacustrine developed in Triassic period. The middle and lower Triassic system mainly developed meandering river, while the upper Triassic system developed delta and lacustrine sedimentary facies along with the expansion of the lake area and the rising of the lake surface. The evolution law of sedimentary system is controlled by the Indosinian movement during middle Triassic. This movement caused the Yangtze plate to subduct to the North China plate, uplifted the surrounding of Luoyi District and made the sedimentary of deep-water lake in Luoyi District. By contrasting the sedimentary characteristics and stratigraphic trap of Luoyi District with those of Ordos basin, the exploration potential of Luoyi District is proved. The study of the sedimentary characteristics and evolution of Luoyi District provides more favorable geological evidences for the future exploration in the region.
Key words:
- Luoyi /
- Triassic /
- large depression basin /
- sedimentary system /
- delta /
- petroleum geology.
图 1 洛伊地区地质背景
1.盆地边界;2.山脉边界;3.城市;4.井位;5.伊川刘窑-孟家窑剖面;6.伊川丁留剖面;7.义马苗元-常窑剖面;A-A′为图 11剖面位置
Fig. 1. The geological background of Luoyi District
图 4 洛伊地区刘窑-孟家窑露头剖面
a.中三叠统曲流河沉积露头;b.河床亚相底部滞留沉积;c.堤岸亚相;d.河床滞留沉积底部交错层理;e.天然堤亚相中虫孔构造;剖面位于图 1中A点位置
Fig. 4. The outcrop of Liuyao-Mengjiayao, Luoyi District
图 5 洛伊地区义马苗元-常瑶露头剖面
a.上三叠统三角洲前缘露头;b.水下分流河道冲刷面;c.冲刷面之上砾岩沉积;d.冲刷面及上部细砂岩中平行层理;e.水下分流河道砂岩中植物化石;剖面位于图 1中C点所在位置
Fig. 5. The outcrop of Miaoyuan-Changyao, Luoyi District
图 9 洛伊地区三叠系上统沉积演化连井剖面
连井剖面位置位于图 1中
Fig. 9. The well-tie ecolution of sedimentary system in upper Triassic, Luoyi District
图 10 洛伊地区三叠纪所处区域构造背景
Fig. 10. The tectonic background of Luoyi District during Triassic system
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