Palaeoclimate Reconstruction of Middle Permian in Tuha Basin: Evidence from the Fossil Wood Growth Rings
摘要: 收集木化石年轮数据有助于古气候重建工作.首次通过对吐哈盆地北东缘中二叠统塔尔郎组中发现的木化石的年轮统计分析,还原了吐哈盆地中二叠世的古气候演化过程.木化石的年轮分析表明:该区中二叠世整体处于季节性明显的北亚热带,气候整体相对温暖,但出现过间歇性相对炎热的气候.木化石较低的晚材率以及部分年轮早材到晚材为过渡突变,反映树木生长时期季节性非常明显,夏季湿热,冬季干冷,为典型的亚热带季风型气候.木化石具较高的平均敏感度 (MS平均可达0.4),显示树木生长期间受季风气候的影响,环境非常不稳定,每年大气降水量有很大的变化.连续年轮宽度的宽窄不一以及伪年轮的存在,表明当时气候变化频繁,整体较为湿润,但也具有干旱-半干旱的波动.Abstract: The collection of fossil wood growth rings data is helpful for rebuilding paleoclimate. Based on the statistical analysis of fossil wood growth rings from Middle Permian Taerlang Formation in the northeast edge of Tuha basin, the paleoclimate evolution of Middle Permian is reconstructed for the first time. The analysis of fossil wood growth rings shows that this area was subject to north subtropical climate with obvious seasonal variations during the Middle Permian. The paleoclimate was relatively warm, but intermittent hot climate had occurred. The low percentage of latewood and the abrupt transition between earlywood and latewood of some growth rings reflect that the seasonal variations were very obvious during the period of trees' growth. The paleoclimate was prevailed by a subtropical monsoon climate with hot and humid summer and dry and cold winter. The relatively high mean sensitivity (MS average of 0.4) of fossil woods indicates that trees were influenced by monsoon climate during the growth period, and the environment was very unstable with uneven annual precipitation. The change of consecutive growth ring width and the existence of false rings implies that the climate changed frequently and generally was humid with arid and semi-arid fluctuations.
Key words:
- Tuha basin /
- Middle Permian /
- fossil wood /
- growth rings /
- climatology
图 4 研究区中二叠世古气候演化
Fig. 4. The paleoclimate evolution of study area during the Middle Permian据吴绍组(1996)修改
表 1 木化石年轮计算结果
Table 1. Calculation results of fossil wood growth rings
样品编号 年轮数量 最大轮宽
(mm)平均细胞个数 平均晚材率
(%)平均早材细胞大小 (μm) 平均敏感度 1302 7 5.32 3.63 4.33 65 15.9 52 0.19 13031 17 9.10 1.22 5.05 99 21.7 49 0.47 13032 18 2.16 0.50 1.20 24 17.8 42 0.39 1304 15 7.76 0.52 4.89 101 12.8 44 0.71 1305 15 6.89 1.88 3.75 60 8.0 44 0.27 1306 无年轮 无年轮 无年轮 无年轮 无年轮 无年轮 57 ﹨ 1307 12 2.27 0.78 1.28 22 12.2 40 0.36 总数/平均 84 3.42 62 14.7 47 0.40 -
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