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    孔令耀 毛新武 陈超 邓乾忠 张汉金 杨青雄 李琳静 李启文

    孔令耀, 毛新武, 陈超, 邓乾忠, 张汉金, 杨青雄, 李琳静, 李启文, 2017. 扬子北缘大洪山地区中元古代打鼓石群碎屑锆石年代学及其地质意义. 地球科学, 42(4): 485-501. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.039
    引用本文: 孔令耀, 毛新武, 陈超, 邓乾忠, 张汉金, 杨青雄, 李琳静, 李启文, 2017. 扬子北缘大洪山地区中元古代打鼓石群碎屑锆石年代学及其地质意义. 地球科学, 42(4): 485-501. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.039
    Kong Lingyao, Mao Xinwu, Chen Chao, Deng Qianzhong, Zhang Hanjin, Yang Qingxiong, Li Linjing, Li Qiwen, 2017. Chronological Study on Detrital Zircons and Its Geological Significance from Mesoproterozoic Dagushi Group in the Dahongshan Area, North Margin of the Yangtze Block. Earth Science, 42(4): 485-501. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.039
    Citation: Kong Lingyao, Mao Xinwu, Chen Chao, Deng Qianzhong, Zhang Hanjin, Yang Qingxiong, Li Linjing, Li Qiwen, 2017. Chronological Study on Detrital Zircons and Its Geological Significance from Mesoproterozoic Dagushi Group in the Dahongshan Area, North Margin of the Yangtze Block. Earth Science, 42(4): 485-501. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.039


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.039

    中国地质调查局项目 12120113012800

    湖北省地质局项目 KJ2015-1

    中国地质调查局项目 ZYTZ20168001


      孔令耀 (1989-),男,硕士,助理工程师,主要从事古生物地层学与沉积学工作和研究.ORCID:0000-0003-3759-7384.E-mail: 951121661@qq.com

    • 中图分类号: P597

    Chronological Study on Detrital Zircons and Its Geological Significance from Mesoproterozoic Dagushi Group in the Dahongshan Area, North Margin of the Yangtze Block

    • 摘要: 扬子陆块出露了较多前南华纪地层和岩浆岩,碎屑沉积岩中保存的碎屑锆石对限定地层沉积时代、示踪沉积物源和反演早期大陆构造演化具有重要意义.通过对扬子北缘大洪山地区中元古代打鼓石群碎屑锆石年代学的研究,结果显示李家咀组最年轻的锆石年龄为1 250±64 Ma,主要峰值为2 078 Ma、2 437 Ma、2 659 Ma和3 084 Ma附近;罗汉岭组最年轻锆石年龄为1 077±51 Ma,主要峰值为1 126 Ma、2 044 Ma、2 458 Ma和2 635 Ma附近.根据结果认为:李家咀组的沉积时代在1 250±64 Ma与1 126 Ma之间,罗汉岭组沉积时代晚于1 077±51 Ma,可以确定打鼓石群的沉积时代为中元古代.另外,通过对打鼓石群、神农架群、会理群和东川群的碎屑锆石统计频谱特征的对比分析,发现在扬子陆块不同地区出露的中元古代地层,具有明显不同的锆石年谱特征,反映了各地层单元的物源差异很大,在中元古时期应分属不同的地块,经历了中-新元古代构造演化,才逐渐拼合成统一的扬子陆块基底.


    • 图  1  研究区区域地质概况

      图a中:F1.武山-宝鸡断裂;F2.洛南-栾川-方城断裂;F3.勉略-青峰-襄广断裂;SF1.商丹断裂;图b中:F01.三里岗-三阳断裂;F02.黄家湾-小阜-太阳寺断裂;F03.柳树湾-梅关-破岩山断裂;据1:50 000客店坡、古城畈、三阳店幅区调报告 (1986)、李献华等 (2012)、胡正祥等 (2015)修改

      Fig.  1.  Geological sketch of study area

      图  2  大洪山地区打鼓石群地层柱状图

      湖北省地质矿产局 (1986)修改

      Fig.  2.  Stratigraphic histogram of Dagushi Group in Dahongshan area

      图  3  李家咀组 (a, c) 和罗汉岭组 (b, d) 碎屑岩样品野外和镜下照片

      Fig.  3.  Pictures of Lijiazui Formation (a, c) and Luohanling Formation (b, d) clastic in the field and under microscope

      图  4  样品李家咀组D4026(a) 和罗汉岭组D6020(b) 碎屑锆石典型CL图像特征

      Fig.  4.  CL imagings of zitcons in Lijiazui Formation (D4026, a) and Luohanling Formation (D6020, b)

      图  5  李家咀组 (D4026) 和罗汉岭组 (D6020) 碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图

      Fig.  5.  U-Pb concordias of zircons from Lijiazui Formation (D4026) and Luohanling Formation (D6020)

      图  6  李家咀组 (D4026) 和罗汉岭组 (D6020) 碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄频率统计直方图

      Fig.  6.  U-Pb age histograms of detrital zircons from Lijiazui Formation (D4026) and Luohanling Formation (D6020)

      图  7  扬子陆块、打鼓石群、神农架群、东川群、昆阳群和华夏地块碎屑锆石频谱特征对比

      Xu et al.(2007, 2012)、Yu et al.(2008, 2010, 2012)、Wu et al.(2010)、Yao et al.(2011, 2013)、Yan et al.(2011)Duan et al.(2012)She et al.(2012)Wang et al.(2012, 2013)、肖志斌 (2012)李怀坤等 (2013a, 2103b)Li et al.(2013)

      Fig.  7.  Detrital zircons U-Pb age relative probability diagrams plotted for comparison from Yangtze block, Dagushi Group, Shennongjia Group, Dongchuan Group, Kunyang Group and Cathaysia

      表  1  扬子陆块古-中元古代地层测年统计

      Table  1.   Zircon U-Pb ages Paleoproterozoic to Proterozoic strata in the Yangtze block

      表  2  打鼓石群李家咀组 (D4026) 锆石U-Pb测年数据

      Table  2.   U-Th-Pb isotopic data of zircons from Lijiazui Formation (D4026) of Dagushi Group

      测试点号 Pb (10-6) U (10-6) Th (10-6) 年龄 (Ma) 谐和度 (%)
      206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 208Pb/232Th 1σ
      D4026-1 128.50 229.0 97.8 2 539 17 2 604 15 2 650 27 2 408 35 97
      D4026-2 75.50 167.0 89.7 2 159 20 2 183 17 2 202 30 2 107 34 98
      D4026-3 111.90 199.0 79.9 2 608 19 2 635 17 2 647 28 2 537 39 98
      D4026-4 71.50 133.0 92.8 2 430 20 2 452 17 2 466 30 2 361 37 99
      D4026-5 38.70 89.1 89.8 1 991 23 1 999 20 2 006 38 1 877 34 99
      D4026-6 54.00 101.0 92.5 2 365 25 2 392 22 2 410 41 2 328 38 98
      D4026-7 16.51 34.0 51.4 2 024 27 2 035 27 2 050 54 1 939 38 99
      D4026-8 37.10 62.0 33.5 2 756 28 2 781 20 2 791 30 2 707 50 99
      D4026-9 69.17 100.0 29.5 3 107 25 3 131 17 3 139 22 3 064 61 99
      D4026-10 105.10 127.0 68.9 3 382 27 3 414 18 3 422 26 3 251 60 99
      D4026-11 41.50 93.3 81.8 2 063 17 2 084 19 2 098 39 2 041 35 98
      D4026-12 64.60 155.0 90.1 2 068 18 2 124 19 2 169 36 2 037 39 97
      D4026-13 14.10 28.3 59.6 1 838 28 1 962 28 2 106 53 1 850 38 93
      D4026-14 112.60 165.0 91.5 2 947 23 3 026 17 3 068 28 2 981 51 97
      D4026-15 30.99 53.8 27.2 2 703 38 2 715 22 2 731 36 2 770 62 99
      D4026-16 83.10 220.0 137.0 1 866 21 1 985 18 2 102 31 2 047 37 93
      D4026-17 86.00 202.0 110.0 2 059 16 2 119 17 2 169 33 2 183 38 97
      D4026-18 30.01 48.7 24.1 2 748 27 2 774 21 2 787 35 2 852 67 99
      D4026-19 40.78 97.9 40.4 2 103 21 2 106 20 2 106 40 2 165 51 99
      D4026-20 96.70 172.0 66.9 2 621 24 2 639 18 2 643 30 2 596 46 99
      D4026-21 46.60 116.0 88.8 1 870 16 1 885 17 1 891 37 1 834 31 99
      D4026-22 32.92 87.2 53.0 1 795 16 1 857 19 1 924 42 1 942 40 96
      D4026-23 103.00 169.0 62.7 2 709 22 2 735 19 2 739 31 3 020 77 99
      D4026-24 53.50 61.2 43.4 3 296 30 3 330 22 3 340 34 3 218 67 98
      D4026-25 94.90 129.0 74.6 3 048 27 3 068 20 3 072 34 2 650 72 99
      D4026-26 78.20 182.0 62.0 2 128 18 2 144 17 2 146 33 2 106 41 99
      D4026-27 51.60 83.8 59.5 2 423 24 2 701 20 2 912 35 3 443 66 89
      D4026-28 78.60 132.0 54.8 2 720 27 2 728 20 2 720 30 3 025 102 99
      D4026-29 83.40 189.0 117.0 2 091 21 2 102 17 2 109 31 2 114 37 99
      D4026-30 54.90 92.8 64.4 2 588 25 2 536 20 2 500 35 2 606 51 97
      D4026-31 136.60 257.0 100.0 2 545 22 2 500 18 2 453 31 2 552 50 98
      D4026-32 70.40 113.0 83.8 2 695 25 2 648 18 2 602 30 2 702 47 98
      D4026-33 58.10 111.0 50.5 2 466 24 2 442 18 2 413 31 2 456 43 99
      D4026-34 58.00 82.6 53.6 2 890 31 3 001 19 3 070 28 2 921 63 96
      D4026-35 41.20 63.9 42.8 2 754 29 2 731 21 2 754 29 2 699 53 99
      D4026-36 13.71 29.7 41.8 1 898 27 1 913 29 1 928 61 1 854 43 99
      D4026-37 86.00 179.0 81.0 2 290 23 2 244 19 2 187 35 2 257 44 97
      D4026-38 79.00 122.0 68.0 2 797 27 2 752 19 2 709 31 2 809 50 98
      D4026-39 77.50 173.0 114.0 2 085 18 2 077 16 2 057 32 2 046 33 99
      D4026-40 54.84 89.3 36.4 2 762 25 2 718 18 2 673 23 2 819 55 98
      D4026-41 36.43 81.5 21.5 2 249 22 2 225 19 2 198 36 2 299 53 98
      D4026-42 176.90 314.0 121.0 2 581 19 2 601 17 2 605 30 2 561 44 99
      D4026-43 83.60 139.0 49.3 2 698 24 2 671 20 2 640 32 3 051 64 98
      D4026-44 60.60 120.0 111.0 2 148 22 2 171 21 2 181 37 2 253 50 98
      D4026-45 64.20 141.0 84.3 2 076 19 2 083 18 2 084 34 2 144 36 99
      D4026-46 30.15 63.4 37.1 2 134 30 2 116 21 2 113 49 2 163 41 99
      D4026-47 52.40 106.0 100.0 2 049 18 2 071 19 2 087 38 2 039 33 98
      D4026-48 122.00 246.0 268.0 1 991 17 2 019 18 2 039 35 1 950 31 98
      D4026-49 48.73 63.1 15.2 3 085 32 3 093 21 3 094 34 3 232 89 99
      D4026-50 60.29 95.3 30.3 2 652 25 2 674 18 2 685 31 2 713 56 99
      D4026-51 108.70 222.0 141.0 2 084 17 2 093 16 2 089 32 2 100 32 99
      D4026-52 102.30 206.0 155.0 2 068 17 2 077 16 2 074 31 2 020 30 99
      D4026-53 23.53 54.1 21.6 1 978 21 1 979 22 1 969 44 1 974 43 99
      D4026-54 71.30 97.5 133.0 2 576 24 2 501 19 2 427 35 2 349 39 97
      D4026-55 38.70 71.5 72.6 2 096 25 2 085 21 2 070 44 2 099 40 99
      D4026-56 39.36 73.4 38.1 2 255 23 2 260 21 2 254 39 2 215 46 99
      D4026-57 46.70 77.5 31.3 2 499 27 2 520 19 2 529 35 2 511 51 99
      D4026-58 138.50 173.0 129.0 2 884 25 2 902 18 2 898 26 2 909 45 99
      D4026-59 50.90 76.5 37.9 2 576 24 2 607 20 2 618 32 2 862 68 98
      D4026-60 66.20 101.0 52.9 2 578 22 2 597 18 2 603 31 2 594 44 99
      D4026-61 43.50 83.3 50.6 2 086 18 2 093 18 2 098 36 2 136 40 99
      D4026-62 38.38 54.6 26.1 2 648 23 2 664 18 2 670 30 2 727 63 99
      D4026-63 43.00 72.9 118.0 1 940 20 1 954 19 1 972 41 2 006 31 99
      D4026-64 96.80 191.0 97.5 2 018 16 2 127 16 2 224 30 2 277 38 94
      D4026-65 79.20 98.5 88.6 2 751 28 2 771 19 2 777 31 2 957 58 99
      D4026-66 52.85 76.5 30.9 2 617 26 2 640 20 2 650 33 2 859 62 99
      D4026-67 48.90 61.8 69.6 2 643 30 2 661 22 2 677 39 2 619 51 99
      D4026-68 79.50 123.0 63.8 2 464 24 2 453 19 2 464 24 2 596 51 99
      D4026-69 109.00 158.0 69.2 2 608 19 2 633 17 2 643 28 2 696 44 99
      D4026-70 80.50 166.0 75.4 1 963 20 2 122 19 2 268 35 2 639 62 92
      D4026-71 51.10 81.5 31.0 2 486 26 2 490 19 2 484 33 2 686 58 99
      D4026-72 16.41 63.0 37.2 1 157 15 1 189 24 1 250 64 1 182 27 97
      D4026-73 82.40 141.0 54.1 2 355 22 2 374 18 2 389 33 2 489 47 99
      D4026-74 87.60 185.0 63.8 2 033 19 2 052 16 2 058 30 2 046 37 99
      D4026-75 61.80 88.3 45.7 2 642 24 2 677 18 2 691 30 2 741 47 98
      D4026-76 51.72 74.6 28.8 2 684 26 2 685 18 2 676 32 2 741 52 99
      D4026-77 23.79 51.6 42.6 1 833 21 1 845 22 1 854 48 1 855 38 99
      D4026-78 57.60 74.6 34.3 2 861 27 2 880 20 2 880 35 2 824 63 99
      D4026-79 20.23 44.5 37.3 1 824 22 1 837 24 1 856 54 1 786 40 99
      D4026-80 106.70 220.0 104.0 2 052 18 2 049 17 2 029 34 1 986 32 99
      D4026-81 39.69 72.0 37.0 2 256 21 2 274 19 2 276 42 2 214 42 99
      D4026-82 181.80 275.0 109.0 2 603 20 2 711 17 2 776 27 2 380 40 95
      D4026-83 64.90 126.0 52.6 2 192 20 2 193 18 2 180 33 2 216 42 99
      D4026-84 67.50 100.0 113.0 2 415 23 2 418 21 2 402 37 2 404 44 99
      D4026-85 39.80 70.5 47.1 2 311 31 2 323 25 2 315 41 2 347 53 99
      D4026-86 80.30 162.0 61.9 2 185 20 2 192 19 2 183 32 2 214 44 99
      D4026-87 54.69 74.5 26.6 2 864 25 2 873 18 2 870 30 2 899 58 99
      D4026-88 130.10 253.0 112.0 2 205 20 2199 15 2 183 27 2 215 37 99
      D4026-89 32.46 47.0 24.5 2 694 30 2 696 23 2 688 37 2 793 61 99
      D4026-90 54.30 105.0 107.0 2 016 24 2 022 20 2 016 32 2 085 37 99
      D4026-91 40.60 76.8 81.5 2 009 21 2 020 21 2 022 41 2 049 40 99
      D4026-92 79.10 167.0 66.3 2 064 20 2 067 18 2 058 34 2 097 38 99
      D4026-93 51.50 88.0 53.8 2 345 24 2 353 18 2 353 33 2 411 46 99
      D4026-94 193.20 320.0 141.0 2 402 21 2 618 17 2 773 26 2 493 40 91
      D4026-95 63.10 98.4 44.9 2 582 26 2 587 17 2 583 28 2 578 48 99
      D4026-96 64.10 131.0 111.0 1 958 17 1 941 16 1 911 32 1 967 31 99
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  3  打鼓石群罗汉岭组 (D6020) 锆石U-Pb测年数据

      Table  3.   U-Th-Pb isotopic data of zircons from Luohanling Formation (D6020) of Dagushi Group

      测试点号 Pb (10-6) U (10-6) Th (10-6) 年龄 (Ma) 谐和度 (%)
      206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 208Pb/232Th 1σ
      D6020-1 236.8 379.0 136.0 2 629 22 2 623 17 2 606 29 2 600 42 99
      D6020-2 275.9 468.0 137.0 2 549 22 2 501 15 2 450 27 2 627 45 98
      D6020-3 308.0 464.0 209.0 2 720 21 2 683 15 2 643 24 2 597 34 98
      D6020-4 159.7 204.0 207.0 2 823 23 2 748 15 2 681 26 2 750 38 97
      D6020-5 153.4 238.0 358.0 2 306 21 2 292 16 2 266 28 2 230 30 99
      D6020-6 197.4 290.0 114.0 2 762 24 2 768 16 2 765 28 2 701 43 99
      D6020-7 240.3 500.0 222.0 2 131 19 2 087 16 2 131 19 2 119 34 97
      D6020-8 236.3 396.0 166.0 2 507 21 2 502 16 2 483 27 2 499 39 99
      D6020-9 964.6 2 631.0 265.0 1 810 14 1 825 12 1 828 25 1 684 25 99
      D6020-10 150.6 570.0 494.0 1 186 11 1 171 13 1 128 31 1 176 18 98
      D6020-11 209.6 387.0 188.0 2 304 21 2 295 15 2 276 26 2 221 36 99
      D6020-12 37.9 146.0 109.0 1 193 13 1 185 21 1 169 58 1 131 24 99
      D6020-13 114.5 242.0 269.0 1 881 19 1 832 17 1 776 37 1 802 30 97
      D6020-14 44.4 178.0 105.0 1 175 14 1 158 19 1 137 55 1 207 25 98
      D6020-15 28.5 555.0 483.0 242 3 271 10 532 91 250 5 88
      D6020-16 95.6 124.0 51.4 2 980 32 3 005 18 3 017 27 2 910 64 99
      D6020-17 215.1 314.0 283.0 2 552 23 2 531 16 2 503 26 2 551 37 99
      D6020-18 49.6 176.0 160.0 1 212 16 1 311 22 1 473 56 1 374 35 92
      D6020-19 301.4 444.0 389.0 2 535 22 2 546 16 2 543 27 2 390 37 99
      D6020-20 84.2 200.0 128.0 1 813 19 1 825 16 1 839 31 1 775 29 99
      D6020-21 88.5 168.0 109.0 2 165 17 2 192 16 2 209 25 1 971 33 98
      D6020-22 300.9 621.0 330.0 2 066 17 2 058 14 2 043 25 1 945 26 99
      D6020-23 56.4 215.0 164.0 1 188 13 1 171 17 1 140 48 1 125 20 98
      D6020-24 61.6 248.0 150.0 1 163 12 1 157 18 1 139 50 1 096 22 99
      D6020-25 202.5 483.0 249.0 1 851 16 1 852 16 1 847 33 1 732 26 99
      D6020-26 836.8 2 152.0 313.0 1 848 15 1 846 13 1 836 25 1 792 26 99
      D6020-27 379.8 931.0 736.0 1 767 12 1 900 13 2 043 25 1 169 17 92
      D6020-28 233.2 438.0 243.0 2 221 19 2 203 14 2 189 26 2 142 30 99
      D6020-29 316.7 661.0 498.0 1 972 15 2 007 14 2 035 26 1 832 26 98
      D6020-30 85.5 352.0 242.0 1 126 13 1 130 15 1 140 44 1 082 20 99
      D6020-31 123.9 498.0 443.0 1 139 12 1 133 16 1 115 48 1 010 19 99
      D6020-32 109.6 169.0 170.0 2 394 22 2 437 18 2 466 31 2 336 37 98
      D6020-33 340.6 593.0 301.0 2 346 20 2 332 14 2 310 23 2 303 33 99
      D6020-34 132.2 255.0 232.0 2 040 18 2 071 16 2 095 29 2 064 29 98
      D6020-35 86.6 334.0 274.0 1 149 11 1 133 15 1 098 44 1 067 17 98
      D6020-36 229.0 410.0 96.6 2 386 21 2 395 16 2 394 34 2 412 46 99
      D6020-37 260.1 489.0 257.0 2 153 18 2 218 17 2 265 31 2 397 47 97
      D6020-38 220.6 444.0 316.0 2 026 18 2 053 15 2 078 28 1 961 28 98
      D6020-39 172.0 653.0 640.0 1 133 11 1 127 13 1 102 35 1 093 15 99
      D6020-40 105.2 208.0 227.0 1 953 20 1 953 17 1 946 32 1 883 28 99
      D6020-41 277.1 551.0 323.0 2 092 18 2 075 14 2 047 26 2 061 30 99
      D6020-42 258.2 414.0 238.0 2 483 24 2 460 17 2 428 27 2 499 38 99
      D6020-43 1 022.0 1 748.0 533.0 2 475 23 2 461 16 2 437 28 2 432 37 99
      D6020-44 181.0 267.0 167.0 2 644 24 2 648 17 2 640 60 2 355 39 99
      D6020-45 66.3 257.0 191.0 1 173 12 1 161 17 1 139 51 1 123 19 98
      D6020-46 182.2 281.0 249.0 2 459 22 2 450 15 2 435 26 2 412 32 99
      D6020-47 267.9 555.0 323.0 2 043 21 2 042 15 2 031 26 2 011 27 99
      D6020-48 135.8 247.0 366.0 1 979 18 1 981 16 1 976 30 1 955 25 99
      D6020-49 62.7 123.0 74.4 2 234 27 2 188 21 2 139 35 2 204 45 97
      D6020-50 51.7 80.9 109.0 2 362 32 2 328 22 2 298 37 2 275 38 98
      D6020-51 279.9 574.0 450.0 2 068 19 2 079 14 2 079 26 1 945 26 99
      D6020-52 373.0 668.0 524.0 2 287 22 2 395 16 2 476 26 2 087 29 95
      D6020-53 217.5 409.0 232.0 2 265 22 2 276 17 2 273 29 2 163 36 99
      D6020-54 55.1 223.0 154.0 1 163 14 1 178 18 1 267 50 1 121 20 98
      D6020-55 140.2 264.0 157.0 2 252 21 2 232 16 2 206 30 2 210 33 99
      D6020-56 164.6 188.0 142.0 3 125 27 3 117 15 3 103 23 3 001 44 99
      D6020-57 135.1 258.0 307.0 2 044 21 2 025 17 1 995 31 1 964 27 99
      D6020-58 391.4 614.0 250.0 2 653 22 2 649 14 2 635 23 2 562 37 99
      D6020-59 410.4 655.0 458.0 2 505 21 2 617 15 2 692 26 1 939 38 95
      D6020-60 418.1 645.0 333.0 2 626 24 2 638 16 2 636 26 2 485 39 99
      D6020-61 1 574.0 2 340.0 1 917.0 2 571 20 2 530 13 2 484 22 2 468 32 98
      D6020-62 366.1 554.0 238.0 2 675 22 2 651 14 2 621 22 2 566 38 99
      D6020-63 101.9 387.0 296.0 1 200 12 1 178 15 1 131 43 1 135 18 98
      D6020-64 119.7 508.0 262.0 1 132 11 1 126 14 1 109 40 1 100 19 99
      D6020-65 65.1 257.0 142.0 1 209 13 1 163 17 1 077 51 1 177 24 96
      D6020-66 166.6 253.0 184.0 2 542 26 2 478 17 2 417 29 2 408 38 97
      D6020-67 342.2 683.0 501.0 2 059 17 2 039 13 2 005 26 1 974 27 99
      D6020-68 366.1 762.0 430.0 2 052 16 2 043 12 2 021 29 1 922 26 99
      D6020-69 146.5 186.0 218.0 2 720 23 2 744 14 2 767 25 2 569 33 99
      D6020-70 331.9 492.0 293.0 2 638 20 2 614 13 2 585 22 2 550 35 99
      D6020-71 201.4 390.0 402.0 1 964 17 2 035 16 2 094 30 2 072 35 96
      D6020-72 120.0 175.0 197.0 2 454 25 2 449 16 2 439 29 2 435 38 99
      D6020-73 51.4 206.0 140.0 1 143 12 1 147 18 1 154 52 1 091 21 99
      D6020-74 510.9 1 252.0 507.0 1 867 19 1 841 14 1 800 26 1 830 27 98
      D6020-75 184.3 268.0 126.0 2 686 25 2 708 17 2 716 21 2 755 55 99
      D6020-76 362.0 524.0 534.0 2 495 20 2 486 14 2 478 22 2 557 37 99
      D6020-77 139.7 228.0 105.0 2 490 23 2 460 16 2 428 26 2 576 42 98
      D6020-78 89.7 168.0 80.7 2 247 21 2 243 16 2 232 29 2 281 42 99
      D6020-79 178.8 378.0 149.0 2 069 17 2 075 15 2 069 27 2 091 36 99
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