Calculation Method about Hydraulic Conductivity of Quaternary Aquitard in Jianghan Plain
摘要: 弱透水层的渗透系数是区域地下水流系统划分和关键带水-土-生作用的重要参数.结合江汉平原关键带调查采集1:5万杨林尾-陆溪口图幅钻孔52组不同深度、不同岩性的原状土样,利用改进的渗透仪进行室内渗透实验,对粘性土样的渗透系数和粒度特征参数进行经验公式修正.发现研究区沉积物渗透系数与含水岩组埋深和岩性有关.浅层孔隙潜水含水岩组以粉质粘土、粘土为主,沉积环境稳定,渗透系数约10-9 m/s,变异系数为1.56;中深层承压含水岩组夹有多层粘土和粉砂,呈现多旋回分布的典型河湖交互作用的沉积环境,渗透系数为10-10~10-6 m/s,变异系数为2.04,变异性较大.利用有效孔隙比eu与黏粒含量P的显著二项式关系,修正预测粘性土渗透系数的太沙基经验公式,预测值与室内实测数据基本吻合,二者比值均小于10,验证了太沙基修正公式在河湖相平原区的适用性.Abstract: The hydraulic conductivity of aquitard is an important parameter for the regional groundwater flow system and the effect of water-soil-biology in critical zone. Taking the 1:50 000 Yanglinwei-Luxikou in Jianghan plain as typical study area combining with the investigation of critical zone, 52 sediment samples from different depth and lithology were collected to conduct the laboratorial penetration test with improved permeameter, and amend the empirical formula of clay with K and granularity characteristic parameters. The results show that: the hydraulic conductivity of sediments related to lithology and large variability, range from 10-10 to 10-6 m/s; pore phreatic aquifer group mainly consists of silty clay and clay, hydraulic conductivity and variability is small, sedimentary environment is relatively stable; artesian aquifer group due to the continuous distribution of clay and silt, leading to large hydraulic conductivity and variability, present multicycle sedimentary environment of typical river-lake interaction. Utilize the significant binomial relation with effective pore ratio (eu) and clay content (P), amend Terzaghi's empirical formula, and predicted data and experimental data are coincided basically, the range of specific value is less than an order of magnitude, validating the feasibility of amended Terzaghi's formula in river-lake plain.
Key words:
- Jianghan plain /
- hydraulic conductivity /
- clay /
- Terzaghi's empirical formula /
- groundwater /
- hydrogeology
表 1 渗透系数(m/s)数据统计结果
Table 1. Statistical results of the measured hydraulic conductivity (m/s)
钻孔编号 YLW01 YLW04 样品数 21 19 最大值 6.60×10-6 2.24×10-6 最小值 2.47×10-10 1.41×10-10 均值 5.79×10-7 2.56×10-7 标准差 1.53×10-6 5.95×10-7 变异系数 2.64 2.32 表 2 修正公式的土样参数
Table 2. The formula parameters of clay
样品编号 K(10-9 m/s) e d10(10-3 mm) eu 黏粒含量P(%) Y01-1 1.27 1.49 1.74 0.14 25.34 Y01-2 1.15 1.10 1.28 0.19 25.12 Y01-3 1.54 0.79 1.88 0.15 22.74 Y01-4 1.21 0.93 2.17 1.13 51.19 Y01-5 1.74 0.96 5.35 0.55 39.00 Y01-13 0.54 0.98 1.64 0.10 22.32 Y01-15 9.17 1.03 3.70 0.18 22.42 Y01-17 0.52 0.89 2.67 0.06 17.17 Y01-19 3.10 0.91 4.60 0.09 14.21 Y01-21 0.59 0.94 4.84 0.04 17.08 Y01-24 0.35 0.76 4.83 0.03 8.94 L02-3 6.82 0.92 3.12 0.19 24.89 L02-1-1 0.13 1.21 3.21 0.03 20.28 L02-1-2 3.71 0.81 1.94 0.22 30.03 L02-1-3 2.02 0.90 3.74 0.09 16.45 L02-1-5 0.41 0.96 5.30 0.03 9.44 表 3 修正公式的验证结果
Table 3. The verification result of amendment formula
样品编号 P(%) d10(10-3 mm) K实测(10-9 m/s) K预测(10-9 m/s) K预测/K实测 相对误差 Y04-1 27.10 1.58 0.35 2.12 6.06 5.06 Y04-2 37.30 1.30 1.36 8.38 6.16 5.16 Y04-3 28.83 1.37 0.82 2.25 2.76 1.76 Y04-4 35.56 1.29 3.46 6.31 1.82 0.82 Y04-5 28.58 1.45 3.17 2.39 0.75 -0.25 Y04-13 27.95 1.32 1.13 1.76 1.56 0.56 JH01-69 12.59 1.82 0.28 0.11 0.39 -0.61 JH01-72 8.84 2.47 0.36 0.25 0.69 -0.31 JH01-73 10.73 2.01 0.06 0.13 2.17 1.17 JH04-22 33.47 1.35 5.10 5.00 0.98 -0.02 JH08-01 22.92 1.74 6.77 0.99 0.15 -0.85 JH10-17 24.49 1.67 1.68 1.33 0.79 -0.21 JH10-23 31.45 1.38 0.58 3.69 6.36 5.36 JH10-69 25.27 1.64 0.57 1.53 2.67 1.67 -
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