Deformation-DIA Coupled with Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction and Its Applications to Deformation Experiments of Minerals at High Temperature and High Pressure
摘要: 高温高压变形实验是研究地球深部组成矿物流变学性质的重要技术手段之一.D-DIA(deformation-DIA)装置是最近10年来兴起的一种新的高温高压变形实验设备,通常可实现的最高压力为15 GPa和温度约为2 000 K;而同步辐射X射线衍射已经广泛地应用到物质结构科学的研究中,二者相结合,能够有效原位地研究材料物质在高温高压下的流变学性质.以美国布鲁克海文国家实验室配合有同步辐射源的D-DIA装置为例,介绍该装置的基本结构、工作原理及D-DIA装置与X射线结合技术如何实现矿物高温高压下变形过程的原位观测及相关定量力学数据的获取.这一技术突破了传统流变仪的压力局限,为在更高压力(P>4 GPa)条件下研究地球深部组成物质的高温高压流变学性质提供了有效途径.Abstract: Deformation experiment at high temperature and high pressure is one of the important approaches to understand the rheological properties of minerals in the earth's deep interior. The deformation-DIA (D-DIA) is a newly developed apparatus for deformation experiments at high temperature and high pressure, which is typically capable of generating pressures up to 15 GPa and temperatures up to 2 000 K. The D-DIA coupled with synchrotron X-ray diffraction is mainly used for quantitative studies of rheological properties of materials under high temperature and high pressure. The configuration and operating principle of D-DIA apparatus installed at Brookhaven national lab in USA are summarized in this paper. The in-situ observation of deformation processes using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and mechanical data (e.g., stress, strain and strain rate) analysis are also discussed. This technical development provides an important opportunity to investigate rheological properties of high-pressure phases under the conditions in the earth's deep interior.
图 1 常见流变仪实验温压范围
地温线据Katsura et al.(2010);D-DIA.deformation-DIA装置;RDA.rotational Drickamer apparatus(旋转型Drickamer压砧);据Karato and Weidner(2008)和Kawazoe et al.(2010)修改
Fig. 1. Pressure-temperature conditions available in the high-pressure deformation apparatuses
图 2 DIA模具工作原理示意
Fig. 2. Conceptual diagram illustrating the principle of the DIA cubic anvil apparatus
表 1 D-DIA装置与同步辐射源结合技术在矿物(高温)高压变形实验中的应用实例
Table 1. Some applications in high-pressure deformation experiments of minerals by D-DIA apparatus coupled with synchrotron X-ray diffraction
衍射实验模式 实验矿物名称 实验温压条件 文献来源 角散衍射模式(ADD) 方镁石(periclase) 0.1<P<8.0 GPa,T=298 K Uchida et al., 2004 叶蛇纹石(antigorite) 1≤P≤ 4 GPa,473≤T≤923 K Hilairet et al., 2007;Auzende et al., 2015 利蛇纹石(lizardite) 1<P<8 GPa,423 ≤T≤ 673 K Amiguet et al., 2012 橄榄石(olivine) 2.8<P<7.8 GPa,1 153≤T≤1 670 K Hilairet et al., 2012 林伍德石(ringwoodite) 3.5<P<10.0 GPa,T=298 K Nishiyama et al., 2005;Wenk et al., 2005 ε相(hcp相)铁 7.0≤P≤7.5 GPa及P=17 GPa,300≤T≤600 K Nishiyama et al., 2007;Merkel et al., 2012 后钙钛矿相CaIrO3 2≤P≤6 GPa,300≤T≤1 300 K Miyagi et al., 2008 方镁石(periclase) 1.5≤P≤10.0 GPa,T=773 K及1 373≤T≤1 573 K Mei et al., 2008;Li et al., 2014a 能散衍射模式(EDD) 橄榄石(olivine) 2.7≤P≤9.6 GPa,298<T≤1 780 K Li et al., 2003;Li et al., 2006b;Durham et al., 2009;Raterron et al., 2009;Long et al., 2011;Li et al., 2014b;Nishihara et al., 2014;Bollinger et al., 2016 瓦兹利石(wadsleyite) P=14.5 GPa及P=17.6 GPa,1 700≤T≤1 900 K Kawazoe et al., 2011;Kawazoe et al., 2013 石榴子石(garnet) 1.6≤P≤6.8 GPa,1 073≤T≤1 573 K Li et al., 2006a;Mei et al., 2010;Xu et al., 2013 -
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