Multistage Magmatic Evolution and Cretaceous Peak Metallogenic Epochs of Mufushan Composite Granite Mass: Constrains from Geochronological Evidence
摘要: 花岗岩浆的分异过程是制约稀有金属成矿的重要因素,造山过程中多期次岩浆活动的叠加作用易导致伟晶岩熔体的大量聚集成矿.华南幕阜山复式花岗岩体由多期次多阶段的花岗岩侵入体构成,在区域持续而频繁的多期次岩浆活动作用下形成了华南地区重要的稀有金属矿集区.对幕阜山复式花岗岩体边部的断峰山含铌钽铁矿白云母钠长石伟晶岩以及岩体中部大兴含绿柱石白云母钠长石伟晶岩进行了40Ar/39Ar同位素定年研究,其白云母40Ar/39Ar坪年龄分别为127.7±0.9 Ma和130.5±0.9 Ma.结合野外观察基础及区域已有的同位素年代学数据,推断出在燕山早期至中期该地区经历了多期岩浆演化,且持续时间较长,而伟晶岩的稀有金属矿化发生在岩浆活动末期的白垩纪,体现了区域岩浆多期次的分异演化作用导致稀有金属逐渐富集成矿的过程.这些地质现象说明,幕阜山区域在印支期经历了广泛的陆陆碰撞造山作用,进入燕山期后构造背景开始由陆内碰撞挤压向伸展减薄转变,在岩石圈伸展过程中经由玄武质岩浆底侵作用的影响,下地壳发生熔融,多期次岩浆活动导致了最终的稀有金属成矿.Abstract: The differentiation process of granitic magma is an important factor constraining the metallogenic mechanism of rare metal. The superimposition of multistage magmatic activities in orogenic process could easily lead to the accumulation of metallogenic pegmatite melts. Mufushan composite granite mass, which is composed of multistage granite intrusions, formed an important rare metal ore concentration area in South China. In this paper we report muscovite 40Ar/39Ar dating results from tantalite-bearing muscovite albite pegmatite of Duanfengshan on the margin of granite mass, and beryl-bearing muscovite albite pegmatite of Daxing in its central region. The 40Ar/39Ar ages of muscovite are 127.7±0.9 Ma and 130.5±0.9 Ma. Based on the detailed field work and existing regional isotope chronological data, it is suggested that this area experienced long-lasting multistage magmatic evolution from early to middle Yanshanian. Rare metal mineralization of pegmatite occurred at the end of magmatic activities in Cretaceous, which showed the process of gradual enrichment and mineralization of rare metal led by regional multistage magmatic differentiation and evolution. These geological phenomena showed that Mufushan area has undergone a widely distributed continental collision orogeny in Indosinian and its tectonic setting shifted from continental collision to extensional thinning at Yanshanian. The multistage magmatic activities associated with regional lower crustal melting, which caused by underplating of basaltic magma during the process of lithospheric extension, led to the final rare metal mineralization.
Key words:
- 40Ar/39Ar dating /
- rare metal /
- magmatic activity /
- Cretaceous peak metallogenic epoch /
- granite /
- geochronology
图 1 幕阜山稀有金属矿集区地质矿产简图
Fig. 1. Geological and mineral resources map of Mufushan rare metal ore concentration area
图 5 幕阜山复式花岗岩体岩浆分异及稀有金属矿化组合分带概略图
Fig. 5. Magmatic differentiation and rare metal mineralization zoning diagram of Mufushan composite granite mass
表 1 幕阜山地区稀有金属伟晶岩白云母40Ar/39Ar阶段升温测年数据
Table 1. 40Ar/39Ar stepwise heating analytical data for muscovite from the rare metal pegmatite in Mufushan area
T(℃) (40Ar/39Ar)m (36Ar/39Ar)m (37Ar/39Ar)m (38Ar/39Ar)m 40Ar(%) 40Ar*/39Ar 39Ar
(10-14 mol)表面年龄
(Ma)DFS-3-3 白云母 W=27.07 mg J=0.004 403 700 32.333 8 0.076 5 1.332 3 0.030 9 30.33 9.817 2 0.08 76.3 6.2 750 34.406 2 0.057 4 0.000 0 0.022 5 50.73 17.454 5 0.38 133.6 1.8 800 28.693 2 0.039 8 0.212 8 0.021 1 59.01 16.935 6 0.60 129.7 1.4 840 22.356 8 0.017 0 0.000 0 0.014 5 77.46 17.317 8 0.68 132.6 1.4 880 19.102 7 0.008 2 0.075 4 0.014 2 87.38 16.692 6 2.52 127.9 1.2 910 17.042 4 0.001 3 0.014 4 0.012 7 97.70 16.650 4 4.17 127.6 1.2 940 16.851 2 0.000 7 0.000 0 0.012 6 98.71 16.633 4 4.05 127.5 1.2 970 16.961 7 0.001 1 0.012 2 0.012 7 98.03 16.628 3 3.12 127.5 1.2 1 020 17.175 9 0.002 0 0.032 2 0.012 9 96.55 16.584 4 2.70 127.1 1.2 1 100 17.223 8 0.001 8 0.017 0 0.013 0 96.88 16.686 3 3.09 127.9 1.2 1 200 16.903 2 0.000 9 0.048 1 0.013 1 98.34 16.624 0 2.04 127.4 1.3 1 400 20.732 8 0.013 1 0.456 7 0.015 7 81.42 16.887 0 0.29 129.4 2.0 总气体年龄=127.7 Ma PJ-9-7-4 白云母 W=26.88 mg J=0.004 442 700 43.960 7 0.103 8 0.675 1 0.029 8 30.35 13.348 9 0.09 103.9 8.0 770 26.506 8 0.034 4 0.054 0 0.018 6 61.61 16.332 5 0.35 126.3 1.7 820 25.629 6 0.030 2 0.147 7 0.018 1 65.24 16.721 8 0.65 129.3 1.5 860 21.868 4 0.016 3 0.000 0 0.015 3 77.91 17.037 8 1.57 131.6 1.3 890 17.649 7 0.002 6 0.013 0 0.013 0 95.68 16.887 8 4.87 130.5 1.3 920 17.275 1 0.001 4 0.022 4 0.012 7 97.58 16.857 8 4.32 130.3 1.3 950 17.314 6 0.001 4 0.012 4 0.012 6 97.50 16.882 6 3.28 130.5 1.3 980 17.571 9 0.002 0 0.014 9 0.013 0 96.63 16.979 3 1.79 131.2 1.3 1 020 17.822 6 0.002 9 0.004 2 0.012 9 95.24 16.974 8 1.26 131.1 1.3 1 070 17.703 0 0.003 4 0.081 0 0.013 4 94.27 16.689 7 1.59 129.0 1.3 1 130 17.693 0 0.002 8 0.036 6 0.013 0 95.37 16.873 6 2.65 130.4 1.3 1 200 22.873 8 0.018 8 0.000 0 0.015 7 75.74 17.324 3 0.99 133.7 1.5 1 400 125.753 0 0.365 4 0.146 7 0.082 3 14.14 17.789 8 0.46 137.2 1.8 1 430 153.969 4 0.456 0 0.533 8 0.094 1 12.50 19.250 5 0.05 148.0 9.3 总气体年龄=130.6 Ma 表 2 幕阜山复式花岗岩体岩石单位时代划分
Table 2. Age division of rock units from the Mufushan composite granite mass
时代 岩体名称 侵入体
期次主要岩性特征 同位素
年龄(Ma)采样点 空间相关稀有金
有金属矿物矿点描述 代 纪、世 中生代 早白垩世 白云母二长花岗岩 中细粒(细中粒)白云母二长花岗岩 SH-z137①
K-Ar136③12 里洞铍矿点 绿柱石/
铌钽铁矿伟晶岩细脉带,脉体宽3~20 cm,可见少量绿柱石、铌钽铁矿,与围岩接触带可见白云母化、弱云英岩化、弱电气石化 黑云母花岗岩 黑云母花岗岩 K-Ar137⑤ 花岗闪长岩 细粒黑云母花岗闪长岩 - 黑云母二长花岗岩 似斑状黑云母二长花岗岩 K-Ar145③ 二云母二长花岗岩 细粒二云母二长(钾长)花岗岩 SH-z145② 11 麦市铍矿
铌钽铁矿包括狮子尖、票家巷等5处小规模矿化点,脉体宽5~90 cm,半数脉体含矿,绿柱石3~6 000 g/m3,铌钽铁矿几颗约130 g/m3,与围岩接触带可见弱云英岩化 晚侏罗世 二云母二长花岗岩 第Ⅳ期 中粗粒(斑状)二云母二长花岗岩 - 第Ⅲ期 中粒(斑状)二云母二长花岗岩 SH-z146② 10 第Ⅱ期 中细粒少斑状二云母二长花岗岩 - 第Ⅰ期 细粒(少斑状)二云母二长花岗岩 - 第Ⅳ期 粗中粒(斑状)黑云母二长花岗岩 - 第Ⅲ期 中粒(少)斑状黑云母二长花岗岩 SH-z152① 8、9 通城肥猪
窝铍矿点绿柱石 主矿脉2条,其中一条长20 m,宽2~6 m,绿柱石长1~10 cm,含量为0.5 kg/m3 黑云母二长花岗岩 第Ⅱ期 细中粒(少)斑状黑云母二长花岗岩 SH-z153② 6、7 株树村
铌钽铁矿含绿柱石伟晶岩细脉带,呈分支复合,宽5~20 cm,脉体富绿柱石及铌钽铁矿,多数具风化剥蚀,地表样品铌钽平均品位35.4 g/m3 第Ⅰ期 细粒(中细粒)黑云二长花岗岩 SH-z154② 5 通城麦埚
铌钽铁矿含绿柱石伟晶岩大脉,主脉长60 m,宽50 m,分异好,交代弱,见文象带、块体长石带、矿体石英带.富集带绿柱石17.82 kg/cm3,贫矿带2.16 kg/m3,围岩中含Li2O 0.01%~0.1%. 花岗闪长岩 第Ⅲ期 细中粒黑云母二长花岗岩 - 第Ⅱ期 细中粒黑云母花岗闪长岩 SH-z155② 4 第Ⅰ期 中细粒黑云母英云闪长岩 - 黑云母石英二长岩 中细粒黑云母石英二长岩 SH-z158② 3 板江伟
晶岩段绿柱石 脉体共计7条,产于花岗岩体与冷家溪群内接触带,长20~300 m,宽2~10 m,长石开采为主,可见少量绿柱石 新元 中粒花岗闪长岩 中粒黑云母花岗闪长岩 SH-z816① 2 古代 中细粒英云闪长岩 细粒黑云母英云闪长岩 - 1 注:“-”为缺乏年龄数据;“SH-z”为Shrimp锆石U-Pb定年;“K-Ar”为云母K-Ar同位素定年.① 据通城县区域地质报告(湖北省地质调查院, 2013);② 据1/25万岳阳市幅(湖南省地质局区域地质测量队, 1978);③ 据幕阜山花岗岩区稀有金属矿产普查报告(地质部701地质队, 1965). -
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