Basement Structural Features of Mesozoic Volcanic Basins in Erguna Massif: Implications from Lingquan Basin
摘要: 灵泉盆地布格重力异常特征表明灵泉盆地两侧重力低异常区主要为侏罗-白垩系断陷区,中部主要为基底隆起区.对布格重力异常进行向上延拓处理,结果发现深部地质体具有"东、西深,中间浅"分布特征;剩余重力异常也说明中部局部重力高主要反映基底隆起,东部和西部局部重力低主要反映侏罗-白垩系断陷.灵泉盆地基底断裂早期以北东向为主,晚期发育北西向断裂,区内还有早期近南北向和东西向断裂存在.将灵泉盆地构造单元划分为西部断陷区、中部隆起区和东部断陷区之后发现,灵泉盆地实际上是个相对隆起而不是断陷盆地,这是盆地发生构造反转作用的结果,额尔古纳地块上的其他中生代火山岩盆地普遍具有这种模式,额尔古纳地块中生代盆地基底总体上具有"南深北浅"的特点.Abstract: Characteristics of Bouguer gravity anomaly in the Lingquan basin indicate that lower gravity region on both sides of the basin is mainly the Jurassic-Cretaceous fault zone, the center is mainly a basement uplift. The upward continuation of the gravity anomaly is carried out, the results show that the upper surface of deep geological bodies has the characteristics of "east, west deep and center shallow"; the residual gravity anomaly also indicates that the local gravity of the central region mainly reflects the basement uplift, and the lower gravity of the eastern and western regions mainly reflects the fault of the Jurassic-Cretaceous. The basement faults of the Lingquan basin mainly are north and north-east, secondly is northwest, there are also early near north-south and east-west faults. The tectonic unit of the Lingquan basin is divided into the western fault zone, the central uplift zone and the eastern fault zone, we find that the Lingquan basin is actually an uplift rather than a graben basin, this is the result of tectonic inversion in the basin, other Mesozoic volcanic basins in the Erguna massif also have this model, and its basement is characterized by "shallow south deep north".
Key words:
- Erguna massif /
- Lingquan basin /
- gravity anomaly /
- basement structure /
- geophysics
图 9 灵泉盆地基底断裂分布综合地质图
Fig. 9. Comprehensive geological map of basement fault distribution in the Lingquan Basin
表 1 重力数据处理的内容、目的和方法
Table 1. The content, purpose and method of gravity data processing
处理内容 地质目的 方法 向上延拓100 m、300 m、500 m、700 m、1 000 m、2 000 m、3 000 m、4 000 m 了解重力异常衰减特征,区分深源(低频)和浅源(高频)场;提取局部异常,分析区域构造与局部构造特征 空间域-波数域 布格重力异常 剩余异常 布格重力异常减去上延1 000 m后重力异常 了解重力异常衰减特征,区分深源(低频)和浅源(高频)场;提取局部异常,分析区域构造与局部构造特征 空间域-波数域 侏罗系底面 频率域Parker迭代反演 小子域滤波(窗口半径250 m) 划分深、浅层断裂,了解断裂位置和展布特征等 空间域-波数域 水平总梯度矢量模 划分深、浅层断裂,了解断裂位置和展布特征等 空间域-波数域 -
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