Tectonic-Depositional Environment and Petroleum Exploration of Yingshan Formation in the Tarim Basin
摘要: 盆地原型恢复有助于揭示盆地初始的构造-岩相古地理,是油气勘探的基础.利用最新的露头、钻井及地震资料,运用盆-山结合的思路,由点-线-面对沉积充填实体进行分析,重建了塔里木盆地鹰山组沉积期的构造-沉积环境,并在此基础上指出了其油气勘探方向.鹰山组沉积期塔里木盆地沉积具有东西分异的特征:西部为浅水台地相,东部为深水盆地相.塔西台地内沉积亦出现分异的特点:顺南-塘古巴斯-玉东一带鹰山组为潮下高能粒屑滩相,并间歇性受到风暴浪的改造;而其他地区鹰山组下段为局限潮坪-粒屑滩相组合、上段为开阔滩间海-台内滩相组合.该时期塔里木盆地构造环境经历了由伸展向南压北张的转变.受此影响,塔西台地构造古地理格局出现分异:顺南-塘古巴斯-玉东一带发育横卧人字形台洼(水深位于浪基面之上),环台洼发育有台内坡折带.台洼内为高能沉积环境,而较浅水台地内为低能沉积环境.该时期塔西台地构造格局分异可能是响应于北昆仑和北阿尔金陆弧与塔里木克拉通拼贴产生的挠曲变形,在塔里木盆地南部表现出前陆盆地特征:北昆仑和北阿尔金为前渊区、塘南为水下前隆区和顺南-塘古巴斯-玉东为后隆坳陷区.Abstract: Prototype basin restoration is of great significance to uncover the original tectonics-lithofacies paleogeography of the basin and is the foundation of petroleum exploration. Based on the newest data of outcrops, drillings, and seismic profiles, with the thought of the combination of basins and orogenic belts, this paper analyzed the sedimentary filling by employing the method of "point → line → faces", reconstructed the tectonic-depositional environment of the Yingshan Formation in the Tarim basin and pointed out the exploration direction of the petroleum. The sedimentary pattern of the Yingshan Formation exhibited the feature of the east-west differentiation in the Tarim basin. Shallow platform facies was developed in the west of the Tarim basin and deep-water shale basin faceis was developed in the east of the Tarim basin. The sedimentary pattern of the Yingshan Formation also exhibited the differentiation in the Taxi platform. The subtidal high-energy bank facies was developed in the zone distributed along the Shunnan-Tanggubasi-Yudong and was altered by the storm wave intermittently. However, the other regions of the Taxi platform developed the combination of restricted tidal flat faceis and grain bank facies in the lower part of the Yingshan Formation and the combination of interbank sea faceis and intra-platform bank facies in the upper part of the Yingshan Formation. The tectonic environment of the Tarim basin experienced the transformation from the extension environment to the environment which was compression in the south and was extension in the north during this stage. The differentiation of the tectonic palaeogeography of the Taxi platform occurred because of the influence of the tectonic transformation. The intra-platform depression whose depth of water was above the wave base was developed along the Shunnan-Tanggubasi-Yudong and the intra-platform slope break belt was developed surrounding the intra-platform depression. The high-energy depositional environment was developed in the intra-platform depression, while the low-energy depositional environment was developed in the platform. The structure pattern differentiation of the Taxi platform was a response to the flexural deformation which was generated by the collision between the Tarim basin and the continental arc of North Kunlun and Altun during this stage. The southern part of the Tarim basin showed the characteristics of foreland basin. The foredeep part was developed in North Kunlun and North Altun, the forebulge part was developed in Tangnan and the back-bulge part was developed in Shunnan-Tanggubasi-Yudong.
图 1 塔里木盆地及邻区构造单元划分与剖面分布
Fig. 1. Tectonic units division and profile distribution in the Tarim basin and adjacent areas
图 6 塔里木盆地鹰山组显微岩石学特征
a.中2井,鹰山组,6 734 m,含生屑泥晶灰岩,开阔滩间海相;b.中13井,鹰山组,5 973 m,细晶白云岩,局限潮坪相;c.顺南2井,鹰山组,6 877 m,亮晶颗粒灰岩,潮下高能粒屑滩相;d.顺南3井,鹰山组,7 561 m,亮晶砾屑砂屑颗粒灰岩,潮下高能粒屑滩相;e.古隆1井,鹰山组,6 461 m,粉晶白云岩,局限潮坪相;f.顺南2井,鹰山组,6 600 m,珊瑚碎屑灰岩,潮下高能粒屑滩相;g.玉北8井,鹰山组,6 998 m,云质灰岩,见白云石晶体,半局限潮坪相;h.玉北8井,鹰山组,6 986 m,含颗粒质泥晶灰岩,夹颗粒灰岩薄层,开阔滩间海相;k.玉北9井,鹰山组,6 885 m,亮晶砾屑砂屑颗粒灰岩,潮下高能粒屑滩相
Fig. 6. Microscopic petrologic characteristics of the Yingshan Formation in the Tarim basin
图 7 塔中-顺南-古城鹰山组沉积剖面
剖面位置见图 1中AA'
Fig. 7. Sedimentary profile of the Yingshan Formation from Tazhong to Shunnan to Gucheng
图 8 玉北-塘南鹰山组沉积剖面
剖面位置见图 1中BB'
Fig. 8. Sedimentary profile of the Yingshan Formation from Yubei to Tangnan
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