Model of Inner and Outer Reductive Media Within Uranium Reservoir Sandstone of Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits and Its Ore-Controlling Mechanism: Case Studies in Daying and Qianjiadian Uranium Deposits
摘要: 含铀岩系的还原介质可以依据与铀储层砂体的产出关系划分为内部还原介质和外部还原介质.铀储层砂体的双重还原介质对铀成矿同等重要.铀储层砂体中的层间氧化作用直接与内部还原介质相关,但是当叠加有外部还原介质时,外部还原介质将通过不同的方式大大增强铀储层砂体的整体还原能力,这种组合的出现有利于稳定的层间氧化带发育和持续的铀成矿.沉积期的古气候和沉积环境决定了含铀岩系还原介质的类型和丰度,以及铀储层砂体双重还原介质的组合规律,并从根本上决定了成矿期层间氧化带的发育规模.在进行砂岩型铀矿的勘查预测时,需要将双重还原介质模型评价与具体盆地的地质背景和成矿期控矿条件研究相结合,才能获得理想的结果.Abstract: The Daying and Qianjiadian uranium deposits, the reductive media within uranium-bearing series are divided into inner reductive media and outer reductive media according to its occurrence relationship with uranium reservoir sandstone. The assemblage of the inner and outer reductive media was in favor of the formation of the interlayer oxidation zone and continuous uranium mineralization. It is found that the interlayer oxidation within uranium reservoir sandstone was directly related with the inner reductive media and the reducibility of uranium reservoir sandstone was largely enhanced when the outer reductive media participated in the process of interlayer oxidation. The reductive media outside uranium reservoir sandstone was just as important to uranium mineralization as the reductive media inside uranium reservoir sandstone. Types and abundance of the reductive media inside and outside uranium reservoir sandstone and their spatial distribution were affected by the synsedimentary palaeoclimate and depositional environment of uranium-bearing series which basically constrained the scale of interlayer oxidation zone. The desired results will be achieved during prospecting prediction for the sandstone-type uranium deposit based on evaluation of the model of the double reductive media associated with the studies of geological background and ore-controlling conditions in the uranium mineralization stage.
Key words:
- reductive media /
- geological model /
- uranium reservoir /
- sandstone-type uranium deposit /
- ore deposit
图 4 哈萨克斯坦下伊犁煤岩型铀矿床次生氧化作用与铀矿化关系
Fig. 4. Relationship between secondary oxidation and uranium mineralization of the coal-type uranium deposit in the lower Yili basin, Kazakhstan
图 5 砂岩型铀矿的双重还原介质联合控矿机理的概念模型
Fig. 5. Conceptual model of the ore-controlling mechanism of the reductive media inside and outside uranium reservoir sandstone
图 6 松辽盆地南部钱家店铀矿床姚家组湖泊扩展体系域第1小层序(SQK2y-EST(Pss1))沉积环境、铀储层砂体、外部还原介质、层间氧化带与铀成矿的空间配置关系
Fig. 6. Spatial arrangement of the depositional environment, uranium reservoir sandstone, outer reductive media, interlayer oxidation zone and uranium mineralization of the Yaojia Formation(SQK2y-EST(Pss1) in the Qianjiadian uranium deposit, southern Songliao basin
图 7 鄂尔多斯盆地大营铀矿床直罗组下段聚煤作用与铀矿化空间配置关系
Fig. 7. Spatial arrangement of the coal accumulation and uranium mineralization of the lower part of Zhiluo Formation in the Daying uranium deposit, northeastern Ordos basin
图 10 成煤过程的外部还原介质输导含烃流体导致铀储层砂体中黄铁矿大量产生
a.延安组煤层还原介质向上运移进入直罗组铀储层砂体中导致大规模的黄铁矿胶结作用,剖面上黄色为黄铁矿结核写实,东胜神山沟露头剖面;b和c分别为东胜神山沟露头剖面单位区间黄铁矿发育个数(密度)和黄铁矿长轴规模统计图(统计显示黄铁矿的密度和粒度均向上降低和减小,反映胶结事件与下伏煤层关系密切);d.延安组煤层及其上覆直罗组铀储层砂体中发育的黄铁矿ZKD96-55(显示黄铁矿胶结作用与下伏煤层关系密切),635.8 m,大营铀矿
Fig. 10. Numerous pyrite in the uranium reservoir sandstone formed by hydrocarbon fluid transformed from outer reductive media during the coal-forming process
图 12 二连盆地断坳转换末期巴彦乌拉铀矿床成矿模式
Fig. 12. Metallogenic model of the Bayanwula uranium deposit during the late stage of the fault-sag transition of the Erlian basin
表 1 几种古气候背景和沉积环境条件下发育的还原介质组合规律
Table 1. Assemblage of the reductive media developed in different palaeoclimate and depositional environment
沉积期 还原介质组合规律 典型盆地及层位 典型矿床(田) 氧化带纵向发育规模(km) 古气候类型 沉积环境 内部还原介质类型 外部还原介质类型 相对干旱 辫状分流河道 炭质碎屑+黄铁矿
(贫乏)/ 松辽盆地姚家组 钱家店铀矿床 >250 相对干旱 分流间湾 / 暗色泥岩
(分散有机质+黄铁矿)相对潮湿 炭质碎屑+黄铁矿
(丰富)(工业)煤层+炭质泥岩 伊犁盆地 水西沟群 伊犁铀矿田 2~15 吐哈盆地 水西沟群 十红滩铀矿床 潮湿→干旱 辫状河、辫状分流
(介于潮湿与干旱之间)/ 鄂尔多斯盆地直罗组 东胜铀矿田 150 潮湿→干旱 泛滥平原、分流间湾 / 薄煤层(煤线)+暗色泥岩 -
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