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    张志 宋俊龙 唐菊兴 王立强 姚晓峰 李志军

    张志, 宋俊龙, 唐菊兴, 王立强, 姚晓峰, 李志军, 2017. 西藏嘎拉勒铜金矿床的成岩成矿时代与岩石成因:锆石U-Pb年龄、Hf同位素组成及辉钼矿Re-Os定年. 地球科学, 42(6): 862-880. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.523
    引用本文: 张志, 宋俊龙, 唐菊兴, 王立强, 姚晓峰, 李志军, 2017. 西藏嘎拉勒铜金矿床的成岩成矿时代与岩石成因:锆石U-Pb年龄、Hf同位素组成及辉钼矿Re-Os定年. 地球科学, 42(6): 862-880. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.523
    Zhang Zhi, Song Junlong, Tang Juxing, Wang Liqiang, Yao Xiaofeng, Li Zhijun, 2017. Petrogenesis, Diagenesis and Mineralization Ages of Galale Cu-Au Deposit, Tibet: Zircon U-Pb Age, Hf Isotopic Composition and Molybdenite Re-Os Dating. Earth Science, 42(6): 862-880. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.523
    Citation: Zhang Zhi, Song Junlong, Tang Juxing, Wang Liqiang, Yao Xiaofeng, Li Zhijun, 2017. Petrogenesis, Diagenesis and Mineralization Ages of Galale Cu-Au Deposit, Tibet: Zircon U-Pb Age, Hf Isotopic Composition and Molybdenite Re-Os Dating. Earth Science, 42(6): 862-880. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.523


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.523

    中国地质调查局地质调查项目 DD20160015

    公益性行业科研专项 201511017

    国家自然科学基金项目 41402178

    成都地质调查中心所控基金项目 所控基[2015]-06



    • 中图分类号: P641.3

    Petrogenesis, Diagenesis and Mineralization Ages of Galale Cu-Au Deposit, Tibet: Zircon U-Pb Age, Hf Isotopic Composition and Molybdenite Re-Os Dating

    • 摘要: 西藏嘎拉勒铜金矿床作为构造背景反演指示针的成岩成矿年代学研究较为匮乏,使得该成矿带区域背景-构造-岩浆-成矿活动系列研究步履维艰,利用LA-ICP-MS(laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry)锆石U-Pb测年、辉钼矿Re-Os定年及Lu-Hf同位素技术,首次全面厘定了区内侵入岩侵位时序、探讨了岩石成因并确定了成矿时代.结果表明,成矿前闪长岩成岩年龄为155.8±2.3 Ma,侵位于晚侏罗世初期,εHf(t)值分布于-14.68~-8.34,平均值-11.74,是班公湖-怒江特提斯洋南向俯冲的产物;花岗闪长岩为矿区成矿母岩,其成岩年龄为88±1 Ma(MSWD=0.56,n=21),εHf(t)值分布于5.84~9.20,平均值7.72,成矿后花岗斑岩成岩年龄为84.67±0.80 Ma(MSWD=1.9,n=18),εHf(t)值分布于6.32~9.78,平均值8.40,二者均为晚白垩世侵位,为拉萨地体与羌塘地体汇聚的产物;矿区辉钼矿Re-Os等时线年龄为88.55±0.60 Ma(MSWD=0.60,n=8),与成矿母岩(花岗闪长岩)成岩年龄一致.研究表明,在班公湖-怒江特提斯洋南向俯冲至碰撞过程中在矿区内均有相应的岩浆活动响应,嘎拉勒铜金矿床则为典型的碰撞期成矿作用的产物.


    • 图  1  班公湖-怒江成矿带及邻区构造单元分布(a)与嘎拉勒铜金矿床地质简图(b)


      Fig.  1.  Tectonic units of Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic belt and its neighboring areas (a) and generalized geological map of the Glale Cu-Au deposit (b)

      图  2  嘎拉勒矿区岩浆岩关系露头(a)及KT2矿体02号勘探线(b)勘探线剖面

      Fig.  2.  Outcrop of the relationship of the diorite and granodiorite (a) and No.02 (b) exploration of KT2 of the Galae deposit

      图  3  嘎拉勒矿床矿石组构特征


      Fig.  3.  The ore textures and structures of the Glale deposit

      图  4  嘎拉勒矿床主要侵入岩及辉钼矿照片


      Fig.  4.  Photography of the main intrusives and molybdenite sample from the Galale deposit

      图  5  嘎拉勒矿床主要侵入岩锆石阴极发光图像及测点位置

      Fig.  5.  Cathodoluminescence images and test points of zircons from the main intrusives in the Galale deposit

      图  6  嘎拉勒矿床主要侵入岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄

      a.花岗闪长岩;b.花岗斑岩;c, d.闪长岩

      Fig.  6.  Concordia diagram of U-Pb data for zircons from the main intrusives in the Galale deposit

      图  7  嘎拉勒矿区辉钼矿Re-Os等时线年龄(a)及加权平均年龄(b)

      Fig.  7.  Re-Os isochron (a) and weighted average of model age (b) of molybdenites from Galale deposit

      图  8  嘎拉勒矿区主要侵入岩锆石U-Pb年龄-εHf(t)图解

      CHUR.球粒陨石均一源储(chondrite uniform reservoir);DM.亏损地幔(depleted mantle)

      Fig.  8.  Plot of U-Pb ages vs. εHf(t) for the main intrusives in Galale deposit

      表  1  嘎拉勒矿床花岗闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石定年结果

      Table  1.   LA-ICP-MS zircon dating result of the granodiorite in Galale deposit

      点号 元素(10-6) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma)
      GLPD2-B10194.07186.620.504 0560.067 810.005 130.122 140.014 670.013 630.000 7386314511713875
      GLPD2-B102140.12166.360.842 2340.054 880.005 760.092 550.014 060.013 510.000 754072169013875
      GLPD2-B10381.11143.120.566 750.048 030.005 310.090 740.014 670.013 210.000 801012168814855
      GLPD2-B10479.68123.670.644 2560.046 570.003 280.097 170.010 760.013 960.000 67271419410894
      GLPD2-B105107.54165.040.651 5820.051 790.005 290.102 720.015 280.014 620.000 802762119914945
      GLPD2-B106153.96204.620.752 4360.042 910.004 390.083 040.012 330.014 070.000 761281738112905
      GLPD2-B107122.18163.350.747 9520.067 120.006 250.123 510.016 730.014 970.000 7584218211815965
      GLPD2-B10873.79135.610.544 1120.048 950.005 310.090 240.013 840.013 050.000 691452168813844
      GLPD2-B10989.39131.670.678 8440.040 020.004 620.079 120.012 780.014 440.000 782881807712925
      GLPD2-B110216.42288.790.749 4030.087 110.003 090.174 470.011 730.014 610.000 591 3636316310934
      GLPD2-B11182.48178.370.462 4120.054 280.004 890.100 550.013 430.014 540.000 753831899712935
      GLPD2-B11248.6042.351.147 5610.049 460.010 780.091 620.017 510.013 830.000 501694448916893
      GLPD2-B11356.1356.061.001 2230.050 120.006 490.093 330.012 280.013 620.000 322112659111872
      GLPD2-B114153.86120.021.281 9400.049 950.003 550.094 930.005 140.013 950.000 97191167925896
      GLPD2-B11579.9669.761.146 2440.048 200.002 340.091 610.004 730.013 690.000 19109111894881
      GLPD2-B116130.7597.041.347 3820.049 440.005 060.092 490.010 760.013 440.000 321692229010862
      GLPD2-B117168.86138.941.215 3710.048 190.003 260.090 440.005 960.013 660.000 41109152886873
      GLPD2-B118109.3982.531.325 5080.048 950.005 140.090 980.009 730.013 540.000 22146230889871
      GLPD2-B119100.88107.950.934 4980.049 400.002 850.091 950.004 740.013 690.000 29169132894882
      GLPD2-B12050.5553.570.943 5210.048 980.002 640.093 840.005 560.013 860.000 27146158915892
      GLPD2-B12186.4167.611.278 0260.048 930.003 210.092 130.005 860.013 730.000 20143157905881
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      表  2  嘎拉勒花岗闪长岩的锆石Hf同位素组成

      Table  2.   Hf isotopic composition for the granodiorite in Galale deposit

      测点编号 t(Ma) 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf 2σ (176Hf/177Hf)i εHf(0) εHf(t) tDM(Ma) tDMC(Ma) fLu/Hf
      01870.001 6870.282 8980.000 0220.282 8954.466.27512750-0.95
      02870.000 9820.282 9290.000 0250.282 9285.567.41458677-0.97
      03850.001 0250.282 8860.000 0210.282 8854.045.84519776-0.97
      04890.000 7740.282 9460.000 0200.282 9456.178.08431636-0.98
      05940.000 9030.282 9500.000 0220.282 9486.298.29428626-0.97
      06900.001 2230.282 9330.000 0230.282 9315.717.61455667-0.96
      08840.000 9070.282 9270.000 0200.282 9265.497.29459683-0.97
      09920.000 6560.282 9210.000 0200.282 9205.267.24466692-0.98
      10930.001 0640.282 9330.000 0190.282 9315.687.65454667-0.97
      11930.000 7820.282 9360.000 0200.282 9355.807.79446657-0.98
      12890.000 9730.282 9440.000 0230.282 9426.077.96437643-0.97
      13870.001 0420.282 9650.000 0210.282 9636.838.68407596-0.97
      14890.001 6380.282 9470.000 0200.282 9446.198.05440638-0.95
      15880.001 2570.282 9800.000 0220.282 9787.359.20388563-0.96
      16860.000 8130.282 9310.000 0180.282 9305.637.47453673-0.98
      17870.001 1790.282 9140.000 0210.282 9125.036.88482712-0.96
      18870.001 5510.282 9610.000 0220.282 9586.678.48419609-0.95
      19880.000 9110.282 9720.000 0200.282 9707.068.93397580-0.97
      20890.001 0020.282 9160.000 0250.282 9145.086.97477707-0.97
      21 88 0.000 892 0.282 956 0.000 019 0.282 954 6.49 8.37 419 617 -0.97
      注:εHf(t)=10 000{[(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)S×(eλt-1)]/[(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0-(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR×(eλt-1)]-1};tHf=1/λ×ln{1+(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Hf/177Hf)DM]/[(176Lu/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)Hf]};tHfC=1/λ×ln{1+[(176Hf/177Hf)S, t -(176Hf/177Hf)DM, t]/[(176Lu/177Hf)C-(176Lu/177Hf)DM]}+t;球粒陨石及亏损地幔现在的176Hf/177Hf和176Lu/177Hf同位素比值分别为0.282 772和0.033 2,0.283 25和0.038 4(Blichert-Toft and Albarède,1997; Griffin et al., 2000);λ=1.867×10-11 a-1(Soderlund et al., 2004);(176Lu/177Hf)C=0.015,t=锆石结晶年龄.
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      表  3  嘎拉勒矿床闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石定年结果

      Table  3.   LA-ICP-MS zircon dating result of the diorite in Galale deposit

      点号 元素(10-6) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma)
      GLB00401120.94138.060.875 9910.048 330.003 560.175 580.018 360.026 600.000 96116153164161696
      GLB0040254.35131.790.412 4380.096 700.006 710.168 700.017 470.014 800.000 601 56112115815954
      GLB00403150.55235.020.640 5680.052 660.004 020.091 630.009 970.013 840.000 53314160899893
      GLB00404118.45214.620.551 9160.053 260.004 810.094 720.011 620.013 650.000 513401879211873
      GLB00405227.85280.540.812 2010.050 330.002 700.187 680.014 950.026 860.000 83210114175131715
      GLB00406137.81200.410.687 6620.047 490.003 360.150 350.015 170.025 280.000 8974155142131616
      GLB0040790.44104.150.868 3980.051 970.006 670.094 320.016 580.013 570.000 752842829215875
      GLB0040886.10105.880.813 2260.047 470.004 870.160 190.021 780.023 780.000 9273217151191516
      GLB00409109.28112.010.975 6780.059 130.005 320.200 560.024 760.025 700.001 00572202186211646
      GLB00410112.67159.210.707 7210.063 880.003 710.205 690.017 240.023 170.000 70738125190151484
      GLB00411341.91415.170.823 5400.052 590.003 050.101 390.008 630.014 610.000 47311134988933
      GLB0041253.7898.380.546 6340.059 530.012 690.078 670.020 870.014 270.000 855874557720915
      GLB0041398.54109.370.900 9700.056 270.005 340.196 640.025 310.025 700.001 01463217182211646
      GLB00414127.08106.261.195 9510.054 060.002 770.186 400.016 780.024 820.000 95372115174141586
      GLB00415460.43337.731.363 3080.051 110.000 650.172 160.002 300.024 400.000 172563016121551
      GLB00416178.15164.241.084 7140.050 160.001 200.168 560.004 250.024 320.000 162115615841551
      GLB00417157.87137.651.146 9070.054 280.004 300.193 460.021 300.025 670.000 99383178180181636
      GLB00418133.90175.930.761 1040.052 460.002 730.169 980.005 460.023 500.000 5030611615951503
      GLB00419523.78226.472.312 8640.054 000.002 430.192 040.006 140.025 920.000 5937210717851654
      GLB00420147.22118.931.237 8920.050 810.008 680.167 730.027 930.024 060.000 98232352157241536
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      表  4  嘎拉勒闪长岩及花岗斑岩的锆石Hf同位素组成

      Table  4.   Hf isotopic composition for the diorite and granite porphyry in Galale deposit

      测点编号 t(Ma) 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf 2σ (176Hf/177Hf)i εHf(0) εHf(t) tDM(Ma) tDMC(Ma) fLu/Hf
      011690.000 8710.282 3600.000 0260.282 357-14.58-10.981 2571 907-0.97
      051710.000 8250.282 4330.000 0210.282 430-12.00-8.341 1541 742-0.98
      061610.000 7800.282 3530.000 0180.282 351-14.81-11.361 2631 925-0.98
      081510.001 0190.282 2660.000 0210.282 263-17.89-14.681 3932 126-0.97
      091640.001 2600.282 3510.000 0160.282 347-14.90-11.451 2831 933-0.96
      131640.000 6490.282 2720.000 0170.282 270-17.68-14.161 3712 104-0.98
      141580.001 1230.282 3270.000 0210.282 324-15.74-12.401 3121 988-0.97
      151550.000 7160.282 3500.000 0240.282 347-14.94-11.611 2661 937-0.98
      161550.001 0680.282 3520.000 0240.282 349-14.85-11.571 2741 933-0.97
      171630.000 8350.282 3870.000 0210.282 384-13.63-10.141 2181 850-0.97
      181500.000 7320.282 3800.000 0180.282 378-13.85-10.651 2241 872-0.98
      191650.001 3610.282 2970.000 0290.282 293-16.79-13.321 3622 051-0.96
      201530.000 7680.282 3420.000 0190.282 340-15.19-11.911 2781 954-0.98
      01880.000 7640.282 9880.000 0210.282 9877.649.53372543-0.98
      02860.000 7980.282 9510.000 0220.282 9506.338.17425628-0.98
      03830.000 7810.282 9310.000 0190.282 9305.637.41453674-0.98
      04910.001 5670.282 8970.000 0210.282 8944.426.32511750-0.95
      05840.001 3490.282 9880.000 0230.282 9867.669.42377546-0.96
      06870.000 8100.282 9390.000 0220.282 9375.907.76442655-0.98
      07910.001 1040.282 9560.000 0190.282 9546.508.43421615-0.97
      08930.001 5570.282 9550.000 0210.282 9526.468.40428619-0.95
      09900.000 7960.282 9510.000 0210.282 9506.338.26425625-0.98
      10850.001 1240.282 9380.000 0220.282 9365.867.66447659-0.97
      11850.001 0350.282 9570.000 0190.282 9556.548.33419616-0.97
      12850.000 9240.282 9540.000 0200.282 9526.438.25422622-0.97
      13850.000 9010.282 9560.000 0200.282 9556.528.33418617-0.97
      14830.000 8470.282 9960.000 0210.282 9957.939.69361528-0.97
      15840.001 0170.282 9690.000 0190.282 9676.968.74402590-0.97
      16840.000 8860.282 9600.000 0170.282 9586.638.43413610-0.97
      17850.001 1920.282 9560.000 0190.282 9546.528.32421618-0.96
      18 86 0.001 000 0.282 997 0.000 023 0.282 995 7.94 9.78 362 525 -0.97
      注:εHf(t)=10 000{[(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)S×(eλt-1)]/[(176Hf/177Hf)CHUR, 0-(176Lu/177Hf)CHUR×(eλt-1)]-1};tHf=1/λ×ln{1+(176Hf/177Hf)S-(176Hf/177Hf)DM]/[(176Lu/177Hf)S-(176Lu/177Hf)Hf]};tHfC=1/λ×ln{1+[(176Hf/177Hf)S, t -(176Hf/177Hf)DM, t]/[(176Lu/177Hf)C-(176Lu/177Hf)DM]}+t;球粒陨石及亏损地幔现在的176Hf/177Hf和176Lu/177Hf同位素比值分别为0.282 772和0.033 2,0.283 25和0.038 4(Blichert-Toft and Albarède,1997; Griffin et al., 2000);λ=1.867×10-11 a-1(Soderlund et al., 2004);(176Lu/177Hf)C=0.015,t=锆石结晶年龄.
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      表  5  嘎拉勒矿床花岗斑岩LA-ICP-MS锆石定年结果

      Table  5.   LA-ICP-MS zircon dating result of the granite porphyry in Galale deposit

      点号 元素(10-6) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma)
      ThUTh/U 207Pb/206Pb1σ207Pb/235U1σ206Pb/238U1σ207Pb/206Pb1σ207Pb/235U1σ206Pb/238U1σ
      ZK355-5-B18601126.66232.440.544 8990.046 850.003 370.086 780.008 380.013 820.000 442163858883
      ZK355-5-B18602115.24177.010.651 0100.045 380.004 080.081 70.009 560.013 360.000 4263189809863
      ZK355-5-B18603143.32267.910.534 9610.057 040.002 90.095 440.007 140.012 980.000 37493118937832
      ZK355-5-B18604134.32267.690.501 7690.045 440.004 150.093 410.011 290.014 180.000 48311949110913
      ZK355-5-B18605150.14237.780.631 4200.049 070.004 680.082 150.010 640.013 080.000 521512198010843
      ZK355-5-B18606158.76234.250.677 7300.045 240.003 050.081 950.007 70.013 660.000 428151807873
      ZK355-5-B18607113.28228.050.496 7480.051 430.004 810.096 840.012 360.014 180.000 562602179411914
      ZK355-5-B18608177.34265.890.666 9890.050 820.004 640.105 230.012 560.014 610.000 4723321110212933
      ZK355-5-B18609147.48260.130.566 9390.051 290.005 640.097 170.013 570.014 130.000 482542499413903
      ZK355-5-B1861083.9291.850.913 5990.048 320.003 000.088 750.008 430.013 250.000 47122132868853
      ZK355-5-B18611104.94131.300.799 2450.048 090.001 380.087 240.002 490.013 200.000 1210267852851
      ZK355-5-B1861289.31110.970.804 8610.049 390.002 480.090 550.004 470.013 310.000 13165112884851
      ZK355-5-B18613114.05150.440.758 1250.047 730.000 980.087 190.001 810.013 260.000 108782852851
      ZK355-5-B1861493.86129.290.725 9810.048 740.002 300.086 830.004 150.012 910.000 10200111854831
      ZK355-5-B18615106.88127.490.838 3670.048 970.001 420.088 180.002 770.013 060.000 2014669863841
      ZK355-5-B18616135.75106.841.270 6210.049 610.003 660.088 870.005 650.013 110.000 36176163865842
      ZK355-5-B18617290.73241.511.203 8130.050 110.000 760.091 840.001 530.013 270.000 1021135891851
      ZK355-5-B18618130.16137.530.946 3940.049 820.002 180.092 700.004 580.013 450.000 23187104904862
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      表  6  嘎拉勒-尕尔穷铜金矿床辉钼矿Re-Os同位素测年结果

      Table  6.   Re-Os isotopic data of molybdenites from Galale-Gaerqiong Cu-Au deposits

      原样名 样重(g) Re(10-6) 普Os(10-9) 187Re(10-6) 187Os(10-9) 模式年龄(Ma)
      测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度
      ZK42-267.91 0.039 51 178.80 2.00 0.032 5 0.024 7 112.40 1.20 166.8 1.50 89.00 1.47
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      ZK42-227.10.040 05211.802.200.043 20.008 0133.101.40196.81.6088.681.38
      ZK42-211.840.040 52174.502.000.014 30.011 0109.601.20161.21.3088.191.43
      ZK21-432.70.034 02110.900.900.050 30.009 269.710.54103.00.9088.621.24
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      ZK42-279.970.010 2131.240.290.007 90.026 619.640.1829.30.2589.501.34
      ZK42-191.1 0.011 50 29.33 0.26 0.011 7 0.039 5 18.44 0.16 27.7 0.33 90.11 1.52
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