Influence of Water-Soluble Gas Releasing on Gas-Water Interface for Yinggehai Basin High Temperature and Overpressured Gas Field
摘要: 莺歌海盆地X区属于高温高压气藏,水溶气含量大,水溶气释放对气水界面及水侵规律的影响不明.通过PVT物性分析仪,采用复配的天然气和地层水测试了X区不同区块水溶气溶解度变化规律.设计可视化填砂管实验,探索了水溶气释放对气水界面的影响规律.研究表明:水溶气溶解度受温度、压力、地层水矿化度和天然气组分的影响,随压力的增大逐渐增大,随温度的增大先减小后增大,拐点温度为80~90℃,地层温压条件下(145℃,54 MPa)X-1区块水溶气含量为22.5 m3/m3,X-2区块为8.7 m3/m3.可视化填砂管实验研究表明:衰竭开采过程中,水溶气不断释放且携带地层水运移,同时在地层水自身泄压及毛管力作用下,气水界面明显上升.在此基础上,数值模拟气藏衰竭开采表明:水溶气溶解度越大气水界面上升越快,气井见水越早.预测期10 a中,考虑水溶气时,X-1区要早800 d见水,平面上推进快800 m,纵向上推进快7.3 m;X-2要早300 d见水,平面上推进快近500 m,纵向上推进快7.0 m.Abstract: Yinggehai basin X area belongs to high-temperature and high-pressure gas reservoir, so that the content of dissolved gas in water is very large. However, the changing characteristics of gas-water interface and water invasion regularity is unknown because of the releasing of dissolved gas in water. In this paper, the variation of dissolved gas in water of different formations in X was tested through PVT facilities using natural gas and formation water. The sand packed model with visualization was designed to investigate the influence of water-soluble gas on gas-water interface. Results show that the solubility of water-soluble gas is affected by temperature, pressure, salinity and the components of natural gas, gradually increases with the increase of pressure, decreases with the increase of the temperature at first and then increases and the inflection point temperature is about 80-90℃. The solubility of water-soluble gas is 22.5 m3/m3, and 8.7 m3/m3 for X-1 and X-2 under condition of 145℃, 54 MPa respectively. Sand packed model with visualization experiment shows that the gas-water interface increases obviously in the process of natural depletion because of migration with gas releasing from the water, the pressure decreasing of formation water and capillary force. Numerical simulation of gas reservoir shows that gas-water interface of reservoir with high solubility of water-soluble gas increase faster and the water breakthrough time is earlier than those reservoirs with low solubility of water-soluble gas. During 10 years forecast period, water breakthrough in X-1 is about 800 days earlier, 800 m faster on the plane and 7.3 m faster on the vertical, considering water-soluble gas. And for X-2, those are 300 days, 500 m and 7.0 m respectively.
表 1 X区天然气组分
Table 1. Gas composition of X area
区块 组分(%) C1 C2 C3 IC4 NC4 IC5 NC5 C6PLUS CO2 N2 H2 X-1 67.10 0.90 0.30 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.07 23.64 7.81 X-2 85.05 1.46 0.85 0.26 0.24 0.13 0.07 0.24 3.48 8.21 0.01 表 2 X区地层水分析数据
Table 2. Formation water composition of X area
区块 阳离子(mg/L) 阴离子(mg/L) 总矿化度(mg/L) 水型 K++Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- SO42- HCO3- CO32- X-1 5 077 35 8 5 955 125 3 207 未检出 14 406 NaHCO3 X-2 5 652 40 17 6 402 1 300 2 539 未检出 15 950 NaHCO3 表 3 X-1区不同水溶气状态下气井见水时间预测
Table 3. Water breakthrough time prediction for X-1 area
区块 井号 见水时间(d) 累产气(108 m3) Rs=22.5 Rs=0 Rs=22.5 Rs=0 X-1 F1 797 1 598 5.82 6.92 F3 2 794 未见水 7.93 9.34 F4 2 602 未见水 13.27 14.76 F5 3 540 未见水 13.43 14.09 表 4 X-2区不同水溶气状态下气井见水时间预测
Table 4. Water breakthrough time prediction for X-2 area
区块 井号 见水时间(d) 累产气(108 m3) Rs=8.7 Rs=0 Rs=8.7 Rs=0 X-2 A1H 2 340 未见水 26.44 26.88 A4 900 1 384 25.66 25.28 A6 3 340 未见水 48.78 47.08 A8H 960 1 237 23.75 25.22 B1H 720 1 167 21.16 20.54 B6H 1 980 2 786 18.93 19.81 -
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