The Qingbaikou Macroalgae Biota and Their Implications for Rodinia Reconstruction
摘要: Rodinia超级大陆演化作为前寒武纪重要科学问题,一直备受关注.古生物地理区系作为解决古板块地理位置重建的有效手段,在Rodinia超级大陆恢复方面应用较少.龙凤山生物群是新元古代早期宏观藻类代表性生物群之一,其以Chuaria-Tawuia-Longfengshania为组合特征的宏观藻类在新元古代早期(1 000~780 Ma)广泛分布在赤道及低纬度地区的温暖滨海静水环境中.根据全球现有可靠的生物群落资料,进行了古生物地理分析,结果表明:此时期宏观藻类可划分为一个赤道附近低纬度地区宏观藻类生物域,域内包括以含底栖固着Longfengshania为特征的华北-加拿大(Chuaria-Tawuia-Longfengshania)区和仅有简单浮游藻类为特征的扬子-印度(Chuaria-Tawuia)区;古生物地理分布特征表明青白口纪Rodinia超级大陆中华北板块与劳伦古陆相邻、位于超大陆东缘,而扬子克拉通靠近印度板块、位于超大陆西部.
- 龙凤山生物群 /
- 古生物地理 /
- 宏观藻类 /
- Rodinia超级大陆 /
- 古生物
Abstract: The evolution of Rodinia surpercontinent has always been of concern as an important scientific issue. Paleobiogeographic region analysis, as an effective method to solve the problem of the tectonic reconstruction of the continental masses, has rarely been applied to Rodinia. Longfengshan biota, characterized by Chuaria-Tawuia-Longfengshania, is one of the typical biota, whose biotic factor can be found globally, in the nearshore shallow water basin and Lagoon, Tonian. According to the reliable existing biota data reported globally, we make the paleobiogeographic analysis, zoning them into North China Craton-North Laurentia region(Chuaria-Tawuia-Longfengshania) and Yangtze Craton-India Craton region (Chuaria-Tawuia), constitute a low-latitude-Macroalgae realm (1 000-780 Ma). Furthermore, we have a new cognition on the position of North China Craton, in the east of Rodinia surpercontinent, near Laurentia Craton, and Yangtze Craton in the west, close to India Craton.-
Key words:
- Longfengshan biota /
- paleobiogeography /
- macroalgae /
- Rodinia supercontinent /
- paleontology
图 1 新元古代早期宏观藻类代表性分子
a.Chuaria circularis;b.Longfengshania stipitata;c.Tyrasotaenia sp.;d.Longfengshania longipetiolata;e、o.Longfengshania elongata;f.Beltina danai;g.Morania antique;h.Paralongfengshania sicyoides;i.Longfengshania spheria;j.Longfengshania foliolatusa;k.Longfengshania stenophylla;l.Paralongfengshania qinyensis;m.Daltaenia mackenziensis;n.Longfengshania qingbaikouensis;p.Longfengshania gemmiforma;q.Longfengshania ovalis;r.Paralaminaria xinglongensis;s~x.Tawuia dalensis,s~u为Morphotype I (M.I),v为M.J, w为M.C, x为M.U;y.Longfengshania dicrana;除图d比例尺为10 mm外,其他比例尺均为1 mm;图c、f、l、v引自Hofmann(1985)的图版39,图w和x引自符俊辉(1989)的图版Ⅱ
Fig. 1. Typical macroalgea in the Early Neoproterozoic
图 2 青白口纪宏观藻类古生物地理区系划分与Rodinia超大陆板块分布
据Li et al.(1999, 2008)修改.化石点从右至左依次代表:兴隆(Du and Tian, 1985); 蓟县(朱士兴等, 1994); 怀来龙凤山(Du and Tian, 1985); 辽宁复州、金县地区(林蔚兴和邢裕盛, 1984; 洪作民等, 1991); 北京西山地区芹峪、昌平、青白口剖面(萧宗正, 1990; 唐烽, 1995); 加拿大维克托亚岛(Hofmann and Rainbird, 1994); 加拿大弗兰克林山(Samuelsson and Butterfield, 2001); 安徽(Duan, 1982; 符俊辉, 1989); 加拿大麦肯基山(Hofmann and Altken, 1979;Hofmann,1985); 加拿大班服地区(Gussow, 1973); 美国犹他州犹他山(Hofmann, 1977); 海南岛(张仁杰等, 1989); 云南昆明地区(戴恒贵和彭玉久, 1986); 印度南部(Maithy and Babu, 1996; Sharma and Shukla, 2012); 印度中部(Rai et al., 1997)
Fig. 2. The distributions of macroalgae and paleoplates of Rodinia supercontinents in Tonian
表 1 新元古代早期宏观藻类属种与分布
Table 1. The Early Neoproterozoic macroalgea and their distribution
生物化石 华北板块 扬子板块 劳伦古陆板块 印度古陆板块 海南岛 未定科 Beltina danai + + - - - Daltaenia mackenziensis - + - - - Tyrasotaenia sp. - + - - - Morania antique + + - - - Paralaminaria xinglongensis + - - - - Chuariaceae Chuaria circularis + + + + + Tawuiaceae Tawuia dalensis M. I + + + + + M. J + + - - + M. C + + - - + M. U + + - - + Longfengshaniceae Longfengshania ovalis + + - - - L.gemmiforma + - - - - L.dicrana + + - - - L.elongata + + - - - L.stipitata + + - - - L.spheria + + - - - L.longipetiolata + + - - - L.qingbaikouensis + + - - - L.stenophylla + - - - - L.foliolatusa + - - - - Paralongfengshania sicyoides + - - - - Pa.qinyuensis + - - - - -
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