Structural Patterns of Thrust-Related Folds of Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belts in NW Borneo
摘要: 深水褶皱冲断带的构造形态和特征会随着时间而变化进而影响深水油气勘探开发,而针对这个方面的研究在西北婆罗洲褶皱冲断带内相对薄弱.利用地震和地质相结合的方法,确定了逆冲相关褶皱的构造样式,探讨了其形成演化过程和主控因素,建立了研究区逆冲相关褶皱成藏模式.结果表明:研究区深水褶皱冲断带内发育隐伏型、顶部断裂型、滑塌型以及埋藏型4种逆冲相关褶皱构造样式,且平面上这4种逆冲相关褶皱自海向陆依次发育,其中隐伏型背斜褶皱幅度较低,海底无突出地形显示,主要发育于褶皱冲断带最前端;顶部断裂型背斜在海底有清晰的地形显示,以背斜顶部断裂发育为特征;滑塌型背斜顶部受正断层效应影响,翼部发育块体滑塌沉积;埋藏型背斜主要发育于现今陆架边缘附近,上覆厚层沉积层,在海底无突出地形表现.研究区所发育的4种逆冲相关褶皱构造是成因上有密切联系的统一整体,一个典型逆冲相关褶皱的形成大致经历滑脱、初始逆冲、强烈逆冲和埋藏4个阶段,依次发育隐伏型、顶部断裂型、滑塌型以及埋藏型4种背斜构造样式.同时,沿逆冲褶皱冲断带走向,受地形、沉积物供给、天然气水合物发育等因素控制,在同一挤压应力作用下,不同部位发育的逆冲相关褶皱样式存在差异性.在这种特殊的构造背景下,研究区发育独特的断裂控藏模式,极具勘探潜力.Abstract: The structure and characteristics of deepwater fold and thrust belts (DFTBs) can change with time and thus affect the exploration and development of deepwater oil and gas, while the research on this aspect is relatively weak in the DFTBs of NW Borneo. Based on the combination method of seismic and geology, this paper determines the structural patterns of thrust-related folds, discusses the formation process and controlling factors, establishes the accumulation model of thrust-related folds in the study area. The results show that four types of structural patterns of thrust-related folds develop in the DFTBs of NW Borneo, namely, hidden type, crest faulted type, slump type and buried type, and on the planar the above four type thrust-related folds successively distribute from sea to land. The amplitude of anticline fold of hidden type is relatively low, with no obvious seafloor expression, mainly forming in the foremost of DFTBs. The crest faulted type is characterized by the development of faults in the crest of anticline, with apparent seafloor relief. The crest of slump type anticline is influenced by the normal faults, with flanks associated with slides and slumps. The buried type anticlines mainly develop close to the shelf margin, buried by a thick sedimentary overburden, with no prominent seafloor expression. Four type thrust-related folds structures stage, with hidden type, crest faulted type, slump type and buried type anticline, successively developed. At the same time, if viewed along the strike of the DFTBs, there are significant variations in the geometry of laterally corresponding thrust-related folds under the same compression, controlled by the topography, differential sediment input and the development of subsurface gas hydrates. Under this special tectonic background, a unique fault-controlled accumulation model forms in the study area, with favorable exploration potential.
Key words:
- deepwater fold and thrust belt /
- thrust structure /
- anticline /
- structural style /
- NW Borneo /
- South China Sea /
- petroleum geology
图 1 西北婆罗洲构造纲要图
Fig. 1. Schematic structural map showing key tectonic elements in NW Borneo
图 3 西北婆罗洲深水褶皱冲断带典型深度域地震剖面及解释结果
剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 3. Typical depth-migrated seismic sections and interpreted results of deepwater fold and thrust belt of NW Borneo
图 4 西北婆罗洲深水褶皱冲断带逆冲相关褶皱构造样式
剖面位置见图 3
Fig. 4. Thrust-related fold styles of deepwater fold and thrust belt in NW Borneo
图 5 西北婆罗洲深水褶皱冲断带逆冲相关褶皱分布规律
剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 5. The distribution of thrust-related fold of deepwater fold and thrust belt in NW Borneo
图 7 西北婆罗洲深水褶皱冲断带逆冲相关褶皱形成主控因素
a.海底地形;b.文莱近海和沙巴深水区上新世—全新世地层等厚图,据Morley and Back(2008)修改;c.研究区天然气水合物分布
Fig. 7. Controlling factors of thrust-related fold of deepwater fold and thrust belt in NW Borneo
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