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    李志明 郑伦举 蒋启贵 马中良 陶国亮 徐二社 钱门辉 刘鹏 曹婷婷

    李志明, 郑伦举, 蒋启贵, 马中良, 陶国亮, 徐二社, 钱门辉, 刘鹏, 曹婷婷, 2018. 湖相富有机质泥质白云岩生排烃模拟及其对页岩油勘探的启示. 地球科学, 43(2): 566-576. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.025
    引用本文: 李志明, 郑伦举, 蒋启贵, 马中良, 陶国亮, 徐二社, 钱门辉, 刘鹏, 曹婷婷, 2018. 湖相富有机质泥质白云岩生排烃模拟及其对页岩油勘探的启示. 地球科学, 43(2): 566-576. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.025
    Li Zhiming, Zheng Lunju, Jiang Qigui, Ma Zhongliang, Tao Guoliang, Xu Ershe, Qian Menhui, Liu Peng, Cao Tingting, 2018. Simulation of Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion for Lacustrine Organic-Rich Argillaceous Dolomite and Its Implications for Shale Oil Exploration. Earth Science, 43(2): 566-576. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.025
    Citation: Li Zhiming, Zheng Lunju, Jiang Qigui, Ma Zhongliang, Tao Guoliang, Xu Ershe, Qian Menhui, Liu Peng, Cao Tingting, 2018. Simulation of Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion for Lacustrine Organic-Rich Argillaceous Dolomite and Its Implications for Shale Oil Exploration. Earth Science, 43(2): 566-576. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.025


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.025

    国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)项目 2014CB239101

    中国石油化工股份有限公司科技开发部项目 P14157


      李志明(1968-), 男, 研究员, 博士, 主要从事油气地球化学、页岩油气地质方面的研究

    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    Simulation of Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion for Lacustrine Organic-Rich Argillaceous Dolomite and Its Implications for Shale Oil Exploration

    • 摘要: 富有机质湖相白云质泥岩、泥质白云岩及其贫有机质粉砂岩、白云岩夹层是我国陆相盆地页岩油勘探的重要领域,但目前针对湖相富有机质白云质泥岩或泥质白云岩在近地质条件下的生排烃一体化模拟研究尚属空白.以典型低熟富有机质泥质白云岩为例,开展了近地质条件下的生排烃一体化模拟实验,揭示了其呈现四阶段生排烃演化模式.结果表明,Ro ≤ 0.74%时为缓慢生油伴生烃气、排油能力有限阶段,0.74% < Ro ≤ 0.84%时为快速生油伴生烃气、排油能力逐渐增高阶段,0.84% < Ro ≤ 1.28%≈1.30%时为生烃气伴生油与油初始裂解、高效排油阶段,1.30% < Ro ≤ 2.00%时为油裂解烃气兼干酪根生烃气阶段;同时,Ro < 0.68%时滞留油主要以有机质吸附态赋存,而0.68% ≤ Ro ≤ 2.00%时滞留油主要以游离态赋存于矿物基质微-纳米级孔缝系统内.综合分析提出湖相泥质白云岩烃源层系有利页岩油勘探的成熟度范围为0.84%~1.30%.


    • 图  1  富有机质泥质白云岩生排烃模拟实验流程

      Fig.  1.  The simulation experimental flow of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion for organic-rich argillaceous dolomite

      图  2  富有机质泥质白云岩生排烃模拟结果

      Fig.  2.  The simulation results of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion for organic-rich argillaceous dolomite

      图  3  泥质白云岩不同热演化阶段滞留烃含量与残余有机碳含量

      Fig.  3.  The contents of retained hydrocarbons and residual organic carbon in argillaceous dolomite at different thermal maturity stages

      表  1  富有机质泥质白云岩生排烃模拟实验方案与具体条件

      Table  1.   The plan and concrete conditions of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion simulation for organic-rich argillaceous dolomite

      250 1 48 25.0 20.0 36.8 60.98 20.14 20.60
      275 1 48 26.5 21.5 39.1 60.10 20.54 20.39
      300 1 48 28.8 23.8 43.7 60.75 20.90 20.11
      310 1 48 30.0 25.0 46.0 60.55 20.70 20.39
      320 1 48 32.5 27.5 50.6 59.14 20.19 20.41
      335 1 48 35.0 30.0 55.2 58.28 20.72 20.36
      350 1 48 37.5 32.5 59.8 59.85 20.27 20.15
      360 1 48 40.0 35.0 64.4 59.48 20.21 20.56
      370 1 48 45.0 40.0 73.6 58.60 20.96 20.55
      380 1 48 48.8 43.8 80.5 60.32 20.78 20.71
      400 1 48 55.0 50.0 92.0 60.49 20.48 20.36
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      表  2  富有机质泥质白云岩生排烃模拟结果

      Table  2.   The simulation results of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion for organic-rich argillaceous dolomite

      250 0.59 25.0 20.0 36.8 0.79 3.74
      275 0.64 26.5 21.5 39.1 0.92 5.23
      300 0.68 28.8 23.8 43.7 2.82 10.2
      310 0.70 30.0 25.0 46.0 3.08 12.85
      320 0.74 32.5 27.5 50.6 3.68 13.15
      335 0.80 35.0 30.0 55.2 8.08 29.17
      350 0.84 37.5 32.5 59.8 17.59 33.79
      360 0.90 40.0 35.0 64.4 23.47 36.95
      370 1.12 45.0 40.0 73.6 38.75 101.46
      380 1.28 48.8 43.8 80.5 57.76 167.18
      400 2.00 55.0 50.0 92.0 149.36 207.33
      1.56 1.61 0.66 7.57 83.51 91.08 91.87
      1.77 2.82 0.22 10.04 126.75 136.79 137.71
      1.18 1.83 1.91 15.12 160.20 175.32 178.14
      0.86 2.17 1.65 17.54 206.35 223.89 226.97
      1.74 4.50 1.23 20.62 225.16 245.78 249.46
      11.13 3.44 2.69 46.44 349.60 396.04 404.12
      5.88 34.19 70.89 144.75 372.23 516.98 534.57
      8.32 89.95 51.95 187.17 335.73 522.90 546.38
      11.27 116.89 64.88 294.49 224.54 519.03 557.78
      39.37 78.42 120.82 405.79 110.90 516.69 574.45
      79.47 18.23 36.48 341.51 21.64 363.15 512.50
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      表  3  富有机质泥质白云岩生排烃模拟过程中烃气组分产率

      Table  3.   The yield of hydrocarbon gas compositions for organic-rich argillaceous dolomite during the process of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion

      烃气组分产率(kg/tc) 烃气总产率
      CH4 C2H6 C3H8 C3H6 iC4H10 nC4H10 C4H8 iC5H12 nC5H12
      250 0.59 0.46 0.11 0.1 0.05 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79
      275 0.64 0.68 0.11 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92
      300 0.68 1.69 0.43 0.37 0.02 0.1 0.13 0.00 0.04 0.04 2.82
      310 0.70 1.78 0.52 0.41 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.05 0.05 3.08
      320 0.74 2.07 0.65 0.51 0.03 0.13 0.17 0.00 0.06 0.06 3.68
      335 0.80 3.79 1.66 1.42 0.07 0.29 0.43 0.00 0.24 0.18 8.08
      350 0.84 7.28 3.89 3.46 0.10 0.7 1.12 0.00 0.52 0.52 17.59
      360 0.90 8.69 5.18 4.80 0.20 1.09 1.71 0.00 0.90 0.90 23.47
      370 1.12 12.81 8.44 8.44 0.27 1.77 3.29 0.12 1.73 1.88 38.75
      380 1.28 16.97 12.42 13.36 0.39 2.93 5.6 0.13 2.81 3.15 57.76
      400 2.00 37.1 34.13 39.69 0.75 8.06 16.34 0.2 6.42 6.67 149.36
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      表  4  富有机质泥质白云岩阶段生烃产率

      Table  4.   The hydrocarbon generation yield of different stages for organic-rich argillaceous dolomite

      250 0.59 0.79 0.53 91.08 17.42
      250~275 0.59~0.64 0.13 0.09 45.71 8.74
      275~300 0.64~0.68 1.90 1.27 38.53 7.37
      300~310 0.68~0.70 0.26 0.17 48.57 9.29
      310~320 0.70~0.74 0.60 0.40 21.89 4.19
      320~335 0.74~0.80 4.40 2.95 150.26 28.74
      335~350 0.80~0.84 9.51 6.37 120.94 23.13
      350~360 0.84~0.90 5.88 3.94 5.98 1.14
      360~370 0.90~1.12 15.28 10.23 -3.87 -0.74
      370~380 1.12~1.28 19.01 12.73 -2.34 -0.45
      380~400 1.28~2.00 91.60 61.33 -153.54 -29.36
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      表  5  泥质白云岩不同热演化阶段滞留烃含量与残余有机碳含量

      Table  5.   The contents of retained hydrocarbons and residual organic carbon in argillaceous dolomite at different thermal maturity stages

      模拟温度(℃) 成熟度Ro(%) 滞留油(mg/g Rock) 残余有机质(%) 滞留油(mg/g TOC) 备注
      250 0.59 2.94 3.34 88 滞留油值是假设滞留油全部与有机质呈吸附态赋存时的含量
      275 0.64 4.52 3.33 136
      300 0.68 5.78 3.28 175
      310 0.70 7.33 2.91 252
      320 0.74 8.17 2.67 306
      335 0.80 12.57 2.4 522
      350 0.84 13.6 1.65 826
      360 0.90 12.44 1.61 775
      370 1.12 8.34 1.57 532
      380 1.28 4.43 1.40 317
      400 2.00 0.82 1.35 61
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