Conchostracans from the Permian-Triassic Transition in Weibei Area of Shaanxi Province and Its Biostratigraphic
摘要: 陆相二叠纪-三叠纪地层划分与对比对全面认识该时期全球性重大生物与环境突变事件具有重要意义,也是当前国际古生物学与地层学研究的重点和难点.选择陕西渭北为重点研究区域,通过对该地区石川河剖面和后周公庙剖面的叶肢介化石进行系统的分类学研究,恢复了叶肢介化石的面貌和组合特征,从而利用叶肢介化石组合来进行该地区二叠纪-三叠纪之交的生物地层划分和对比.其中,石川河剖面共产出叶肢介化石4属8种,后周公庙剖面共产出叶肢介化石2属3种.据此,该地区二叠纪-三叠纪之交的叶肢介化石由老到新可划分为3个组合,分别是晚二叠世晚期的Pseudestheria minuta-Pseudestheria xinjiangensis组合,二叠纪-三叠纪过渡期的Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadiopsis vilujensis组合和早三叠世早期的Magniestheria subcircularis-Cornia germari组合,并且通过这些叶肢介化石组合可以大致建立不同沉积区之间的生物地层对比关系.另外,两条剖面上都存在叶肢介化石与海相化石同层产出的现象,认为通过研究陕西渭北地区由于多期次海泛事件所导致的海、陆混合生物群,有望建立二叠纪-三叠纪之交该地区与海相地层的生物地层对比关系.Abstract: As global challenging key issues of paleontology and stratigraphy, the terrestrial Permian-Triassic (P-Tr) stratigraphic subdivision and correlation have great significance for a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the global biotic and environmental event. Here, we try to establish the biostratigraphic correlation framework of the terrestrial depositions, and further explore the correlation between the marine and terrestrial P-Tr depositions, based on the P-Tr transitional mixed marine-terrestrial biota in Weibei area of Shaanxi Province. The present study focuses on the taxonomy, evolutionary lineage and stratigraphy of P-Tr transitional conchostracans (clam shrimps, spinicaudatans) in the terrestrial and terrestrial-marine siliciclastic facies, which are regarded as an intermediate link for biostratigraphic correlation between terrestrial and marine sequences. A total of eight species in four genus and three species in two genus conchostracans were identified in the Shichuanhe Section and Houzhougong miao Section, respectively. Accordingly, in the study it proposes that the conchostracans fauna may be subdivided into three assemblages including the latest Permian Pseudestheria minuta-Pseudestheria xinjiangensis assemblage, the P-Tr transitional Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadiopsis vilujensis assemblage and the earliest Triassic Magniestheria subcircularis-Cornia germari assemblage. Especially, the Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadiopsis vilujensis assemblage is proposed as marker of the P-Tr transitional beds of the terrestrial strata among various regions.
图 2 研究剖面地层柱状图和野外照片
a.石川河剖面和后周公庙剖面地层柱状图及化石产出位置,后周公庙剖面地层柱状图参考刘淑文和和政军(2000)和Feng et al.(2017);b.石川河剖面孙家沟组海相夹层,含有叶肢介化石和海相化石;c.后周公庙剖面岐山组中段野外照片;d.后周公庙剖面岐山组上段野外照片
Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphy and outcrops of the studied sections
图 3 石川河剖面孙家沟组叶肢介化石
a.多个叶肢介化石保存在一起,大部分的标本都被压平,个别保存了原始的几丁质壳,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-001;b.Euestheria gutta,左瓣,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-002;c~f.宽短型Magniestheria mangaliensis;c.左瓣外模,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC8-003;d.右瓣,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC8-C-004;e.右瓣外模,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC8-C-005;f.右瓣外模,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC8-C-006
Fig. 3. The conchostracans from the Sunjiagou Formation of the Shichuanhe Section
图 4 石川河剖面孙家沟组叶肢介化石及电镜扫描照片
a.Euestheria gutta,左瓣,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-006;b.图 1标本胎壳的电镜扫描照片,可见胎壳较大;c.图a中下部白色方框放大图,生长带之间的网装纹饰;d.图e的放大图,可见网装纹饰紧密排列,大小统一,类似图c中的点状装饰脱落后形成的网格;e.Magniestheria mangaliensis,左瓣外模,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC8-003;f.图e标本前背部的电镜扫描照片,可见由于保存原因而离散分布的网状纹饰
Fig. 4. The conchostracans and its SEM images from the Sunjiagou Formation of Shichuanhe Section
图 5 石川河剖面孙家沟组叶肢介化石
a~c.Magniestheria mangaliensi,a.左瓣,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-016;b.左瓣,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-017;c.左瓣,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-018, d~f.Palaeolimnadiopsis vilujensis;d.右瓣外模,个体长度达到8.5 mm,后背角反弯曲,胎壳特别大,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-030;e.右瓣,胎壳特别大,后背角反弯曲明显,产自石川河剖面孙家沟组上部,标本号SC08-C-033;f.图e中标本的印模,可见清晰的后背角反弯曲
Fig. 5. The conchostracans from the Sunjiagou Formation of the Shichuanhe Section
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