Provenance of Clay-Sized Detrital Sediments and Its Paleoenvironmental Implications at Site U1456 in the Eastern Arabian Sea since 30 ka
摘要: 通过对国际大洋发现计划U1456站位沉积物AMS 14C年代、粘土矿物、常量元素及粒度组成的综合分析,探讨了东阿拉伯海粘土粒级碎屑沉积物的源-汇过程及其古环境指示意义.30 ka以来U1456站位的粘土矿物组合以蒙脱石和伊利石为主,并含有少量的绿泥石和高岭石.物源分析结果表明粘土粒级碎屑沉积物主要来自于印度河与德干高原.30 ka以来西南季风很可能是影响喜马拉雅山脉以及印度大陆风化剥蚀的重要因素.在西南季风减弱的阶段,印度河物源端元对研究区的输入量减少,这可能与此时热带辐合带的南移及末次冰盛期喜马拉雅山脉冰川覆盖面积的增加有关,从而导致印度河径流量及喜马拉雅山脉可供风化剥蚀的区域减少.K/Al比值指示的源区大陆化学风化作用强度与前人重建的西南季风记录间较为同步,在东阿拉伯海可以作为晚第四纪以来西南季风演化的有效重建指标.Abstract: AMS 14C dating, clay minerals, major elements and grain size at site U1456 from International Ocean Discovery Program were analyzed, in order to constrain the source-to-sink processes of clay-sized detrital sediments and their paleoenvironmental significance in the eastern Arabian Sea. The clay mineral assemblages at site U1456 since 30 ka are dominated by smectite and illite, with minor chlorite and kaolinite. Provenance analysis results suggest that clay-sized detrital sediments are primarily derived from the Indus River and Deccan Trap. Southwest Asian monsoon probably is the main factor affecting the weathering and erosion in the western Himalaya and the Indian subcontinent since 30 ka. Relatively reduced contribution from the Indus River to the study area during weak southwest Asian monsoon intervals should correlate with the southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the extension of glacial cover over the Himalayas during the Last Glacial Maximum, and thus reduction in the Indus River runoff as well as available exposure area for erosion and weathering over the Himalayas. The weathering and erosion on the continent revealed by K/Al ratio show coherent variations to the previous southwest Asian monsoon records, indicating the efficiency of K/Al ratio for tracking the regional climate signal in the eastern Arabian Sea since the late Quaternary.
Key words:
- eastern Arabian Sea /
- clay mineral /
- major elements /
- provenance /
- erosion and weathering /
- southwest Asian monsoon
表 1 U1456站位C孔AMS14C年代数据
Table 1. AMS14C age, calibrated calendar age, and sedimentation rate of site U1456
层位(cm) AMS 14C年龄(a) 日历年龄(cal. a; ±2σ) 沉积速率(cm/ka) 测试材料 12 6 550±30 7 652~7 480 1.64 Globigeriniodes sacculifer 22 8 510±30 9 865~9 549 4.74 42 1 110±40 13 272~13 035 5.86 62 1 456±50 18 091~17 705 4.21 92 17 120±60 21 080~20 622 10.33 102 17 330±70 21 412~20 869 37.45 132 20 760±80 25 542~25 012 7.32 142 21 810±80 26 424~25 948 9.24 182 24 680±100 29 185~28 596 15.01 192 24 910±100 29 438~28 802 46.51 表 2 东阿拉伯海U1456站位常量元素含量(%)间相关性
Table 2. Correlation of major elements at site U1456 in the eastern Arabian Sea a)
Al Ca Fe K Mg Mn Na P Ti Al 1.00 Ca -0.26 1.00 Fe -0.07 -0.20 1.00 K 0.45* 0.17 -0.13 1.00 Mg 0.66* -0.24 -0.06 0.48* 1.00 Mn 0.26 0.21 -0.04 0.58* 0.48* 1.00 Na -0.24 0.24 -0.15 -0.39* -0.29 -0.05 1.00 P -0.26 0.43* -0.12 0.30 -0.10 0.29 0.30 1.00 Ti -0.05 0.18 0.30 -0.34 -0.42* -0.23 0.31 0.21 1.00 注:*代表在0.05水平上显著相关 表 3 东阿拉伯海潜在物源的粘土矿物组合对比(a)
Table 3. Comparison among the clay mineral assemblages of potential provenances for the eastern Arabian Sea
阶段 潜在物源 数据来源 蒙脱石(%) 伊利石(%) 高岭石(%) 绿泥石(%) 伊利石结晶度 晚更新世 印度河 SK 148/22(c) 7.00 70.00 5.00 18.00 — SK 148/21(c) 9.00 61.00 6.00 23.00 Keti Bandar(b) 40.50±3.74 46.25±2.76 4.13±1.36 9.12±0.83 0.30±0.03 德干高原 SK 148/38(c) 62.00 21.00 12.00 5.00 — 片麻岩区 GC 3 34.00±3.20 32.00±6.92 19.00±4.81 14.00±2.86 0.45±0.13 GC 5 24.00±6.80 31.00±7.21 27.00±5.32 17.00±2.65 全新世 印度河 SK 148/22(c) 34.00 44.00 4.00 18.00 — SK 148/21(c) 31.00 48.00 5.00 16.00 Keti Bandar(b) 45.11±3.40 40.47±2.14 4.42±1.43 9.68±2.52 0.31±0.03 Indus-23 40.05±3.88 49.38±3.95 3.08±0.53 7.85±1.44 0.34±0.02 德干高原 SK 148/38(c) 76.00 12.00 7.00 5.00 — 坎贝湾(c) 73.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 片麻岩区 GC 3 27.00±2.44 41.00±6.28 20.00±3.37 12.00±1.77 0.41±0.13 GC 5 36.00±8.24 16.00±8.54 31.00±3.85 17.00±2.79 注:a.潜在物源的粘土矿物组合据文献(Rao and Rao, 1995; Thamban et al., 2002 ;Kessarkar et al., 2003 ;Alizai et al., 2012 ;Limmer et al., 2012a );b.位于印度河三角洲(图 1);c.粘土矿物组合为多个样品平均值 -
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