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    王鹏威 谌卓恒 金之钧 郭迎春 陈筱 焦姣 郭颖

    王鹏威, 谌卓恒, 金之钧, 郭迎春, 陈筱, 焦姣, 郭颖, 2019. 页岩油气资源评价参数之“总有机碳含量”的优选:以西加盆地泥盆系Duvernay页岩为例. 地球科学, 44(2): 504-512. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.191
    引用本文: 王鹏威, 谌卓恒, 金之钧, 郭迎春, 陈筱, 焦姣, 郭颖, 2019. 页岩油气资源评价参数之“总有机碳含量”的优选:以西加盆地泥盆系Duvernay页岩为例. 地球科学, 44(2): 504-512. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.191
    Wang Pengwei, Chen Zhuoheng, Jin Zhijun, Guo Yingchun, Chen Xiao, Jiao Jiao, Guo Ying, 2019. Optimizing Parameter 'Total Organic Carbon Content' for Shale Oil and Gas Resource Assessment: Taking West Canada Sedimentary Basin Devonian Duvernay Shale as an Example. Earth Science, 44(2): 504-512. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.191
    Citation: Wang Pengwei, Chen Zhuoheng, Jin Zhijun, Guo Yingchun, Chen Xiao, Jiao Jiao, Guo Ying, 2019. Optimizing Parameter "Total Organic Carbon Content" for Shale Oil and Gas Resource Assessment: Taking West Canada Sedimentary Basin Devonian Duvernay Shale as an Example. Earth Science, 44(2): 504-512. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.191


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.191

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    • 中图分类号: P624

    Optimizing Parameter "Total Organic Carbon Content" for Shale Oil and Gas Resource Assessment: Taking West Canada Sedimentary Basin Devonian Duvernay Shale as an Example

    • 摘要: 总有机碳含量(TOC)是页岩油气"甜点"预测、资源评价的重要评价标准之一.以加西Duvernay页岩为例,采用物质平衡的方法恢复原始TOC,从页岩储层和天然气赋存状态等方面分析现今TOC作为评价标准存在的问题.结果表明,Duvernay页岩原始与现今TOC的比值介于1.69~1.02,且热演化程度越高,原始和现今TOC的差异越大.因此,现今(残余)TOC较低并不意味着原始有机碳含量低.Duvernay页岩现今(残余)TOC与有机孔隙的发育不存在直接成因联系,现今(残余)TOC不是表征页岩储层储集能力的最佳选择.与现今TOC相比,兰格缪尔体积与原始TOC相关性更好,即,采用原始TOC评价页岩吸附能力更合理.因此,认为采用原始TOC代替现今(残存)TOC作为页岩油气资源评价和有利区优选的标准更具有理论意义和实践价值.


    • 图  1  加西盆地泥盆系Duvernay页岩的分布

      Fig.  1.  Distribution of Devonian Duvernay shale in West Canada sedimentary basin

      图  2  Duernay页岩有机碳含量直方图

      Fig.  2.  Histogram showing TOC content of Duvernay shale

      图  3  Duvernay页岩干酪根分类

      Fig.  3.  Kerogen classification of Duvernay shale

      图  4  Duvernay页岩SEM扫描电镜照片

      Chen and Jiang(2016)

      Fig.  4.  SEM images of Duvernay shale

      图  5  Duvernay页岩等温吸附曲线

      Fig.  5.  Sorption isotherms of Duvernay shale

      图  6  Duvernay页岩有机质转化率和排烃率随热演化的变化规律

      Fig.  6.  Variation of transformation ratio and expulsion ratio with Tmax in Duvernay shale

      图  7  Duvernay页岩现今残余TOC与原始TOC对比

      Fig.  7.  Comparison of original TOC and present TOC in Duvernay shale

      图  8  Duvernay页岩现今残余TOC(a)和原始TOC(b)平面分布对比图

      Fig.  8.  Distribution of original TOC (a) and present TOC (b) in Duvernay shale

      图  9  兰格缪尔体积与TOC的关系

      Fig.  9.  The cross plot of Langmuir volume vs. TOC

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