Major Element Compositions and Paleoclimatic Implications of Paleo-Regolith on Top Jingeryu Formation in Fangshan, North China
摘要: 风化壳的元素地球化学组成可以反映风化壳的发育类型及其气候特征,地史时期形成的古风化壳的元素地球化学组成可以揭示古风化壳的类型及其古气候特征.华北地区新元古代晚期(景儿峪组)至寒武纪(府君山组)期间的地层记录缺乏连续性,广泛发育一套典型的古风化壳,该古风化壳的发育过程可能记录了晚新元古代至早寒武纪期间的古气候特点.针对华北房山地区景儿峪组顶部保存的古风化壳中常量元素的组成、元素迁移富集特征和风化系数等分布规律开展了较系统分析,结果表明:(1)SiO2、Al2O3、TFe2O3、CaO是景儿峪组顶部古风化壳的主要组分,Al2O3、TFe2O3、TiO2、K2O在风化壳的中上部相对富集,SiO2则轻微亏损,CaO、Na2O、MgO、P2O5被迁移淋失;(2)硅铝系数、硅铝铁系数、化学蚀变指数(CIA)、残积系数、风化淋溶系数(BA)等地球化学指标的垂向变化特征指示该古风化壳形成于温暖湿润条件下中等强度的化学风化作用,其风化过程可能经历了由较弱至较强再逐渐减弱的演变过程;(3)与现代发育于湖南、贵州、云南等地碳酸盐岩类基岩之上的风化壳元素地球化学特征对比,发现景儿峪组顶部古风化壳的Si淋失度和Fe、Al富集度均较低.综合研究区古风化壳的常量元素地球化学特征,同时结合新元古代晚期至寒武纪的华北板块古纬度迁移特征,认为房山地区景儿峪组顶部发育的古风化壳形成于温暖湿润的亚热带-热带气候,为脱硅富铝化程度较低的硅铝粘土型风化壳.Abstract: The geochemical composition of regolith can reflect its development processes and the background climatic characteristics of weathering processes, and geochemical compositions of the paleo-regolith formed in earth history can reveal the type of paleo-regolith and record paleoclimatic changes. The record between the Late Neoproterozoic (the Jingeryu Formation) and the Cambrian (the Fujunshan Formation) in North China is a stratigraphic hiatus due to the tectonic uplift and erosion. A typical paleo-regolith widely occurs and is supposed to have recorded paleoclimate changes during the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian. According to the compositions of major elements, enrichment in elemental migrations and coefficient of weathering distribution of paleo-regolith on the topmost Jingeryu Formation in the Fangshan area, North China, this study suggests that:(1) The major element compositions of the paleo-regolith on the topmost Jingeryu Formation are dominated by the elements of SiO2, Al2O3, TFe2O3, CaO. And the elements of Al2O3, TFe2O3, TiO2, K2O are relatively concentrated in the middle-to-upper parts of the regolith while the SiO2 is slightly lost. (2) The vertical variations of geochemical proxies such as SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/(Al2O3+TFe2O3), chemical index of alteration (CIA), residual coefficient and BA value indicate that the paleo-regolith should have been formed under a warm and humid condition with moderate chemical weathering. The chemical weathering might have gone through an evolution from weak to strong and again to weak in degree. (3) Compared to the element geochemical characteristics of modern regolith on the topmost carbonate settings from Hunan, Guizhou and Yunnan, it is inferred that the paleo-regolith on the topmost Jingeryu Formation has relatively lower deficiency in Si and enrichment in Fe and Al. Consequently, by comprehensive analysis of the geochemical characteristics of paleo-regolith on the topmost Jingeryu Formation and changes in paleo-latitude of the North China block from the Late Neoproterozoic to the Cambria, it is proposed that the paleo-regolith on the topmost Jingeryu Formation might have been formed under conditions of a warm and humid tropical to subtropical climate siallite-clay regolith.
Key words:
- geochemistry /
- paleo-regolith /
- paleoclimate /
- Fangshan /
- Jingeryu Formation
图 1 房山地区地质简图
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Fangshan area
表 1 黄院Ⅰ剖面常量元素含量及风化系数(%)
Table 1. Major element contents and weathering parameters of Huangyuan Ⅰ profile (%)
样品号 厚度(cm) SiO2 Al2O3 TFe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO S/A S/R A/(NK) A/(CNK) CIA 残积系数 BA 豹皮灰岩 HY-19-1 152.50 4.28 0.14 0.10 6.05 46.61 0.022 0.051 0.014 0.002 0.034 51.97 35.71 1.53 0.00 - - - HY-18-1 125.00 0.61 0.11 0.10 4.81 50.29 0.019 0.038 0.014 0.002 0.035 9.43 5.97 1.52 0.00 - - - HY-17-1 82.00 1.05 0.14 0.20 17.04 35.51 0.016 0.043 0.014 0.005 0.073 12.75 6.67 1.92 0.00 - - - HY-16-1 74.00 17.48 0.29 0.45 15.49 27.75 0.018 0.130 0.016 0.009 0.058 102.47 51.51 1.70 0.01 - - - HY-15-1 70.50 7.66 0.73 0.86 10.50 38.32 0.023 0.260 0.038 0.04 0.099 17.84 10.19 2.28 0.01 - - - 风化板岩 HY-14-1 65.00 42.63 6.14 2.37 0.77 24.76 0.07 2.140 0.270 0.420 0.051 11.80 9.47 2.52 0.13 70.64 0.16 0.74 HY-13-1 65.00 42.65 3.95 1.97 0.50 27.23 0.047 1.280 0.170 0.310 0.060 18.36 13.93 2.69 0.08 71.90 0.10 0.71 HY-12-1 61.50 38.87 5.77 3.67 0.65 26.47 0.063 1.920 0.220 0.240 0.058 11.45 8.15 2.64 0.11 71.58 0.16 0.68 HY-11-1 58.75 46.34 10.44 1.91 0.96 19.05 0.099 3.550 0.470 0.770 0.043 7.55 6.76 2.60 0.27 71.42 0.31 0.63 HY-10-1 55.00 69.95 12.24 0.91 1.18 4.72 0.110 4.220 0.630 0.710 0.011 9.72 9.28 2.57 0.92 71.24 1.09 0.65 HY-9-1 52.25 33.04 3.73 1.02 0.70 32.96 0.044 1.190 0.150 0.260 0.072 15.06 12.82 2.74 0.06 72.20 0.07 0.86 HY-8-1 50.50 32.90 5.52 1.15 0.87 31.33 0.06 1.770 0.250 0.290 0.069 10.13 8.94 2.73 0.09 72.27 0.11 0.79 钙质板岩 HY-7-1 47.25 34.46 4.20 1.91 1.13 30.69 0.048 1.340 0.330 0.280 0.065 13.95 10.81 2.74 0.07 72.26 0.09 1.07 HY-6-1 42.75 36.51 4.98 2.06 1.06 28.97 0.051 1.570 0.190 0.340 0.065 12.46 9.86 2.79 0.09 72.69 0.11 0.92 HY-5-1 38.25 32.65 3.89 1.63 0.96 32.32 0.043 1.210 0.160 0.250 0.076 14.27 11.26 2.81 0.06 72.79 0.08 1.00 HY-4-2 34.25 33.55 2.72 1.47 0.73 33.06 0.037 0.880 0.092 0.240 0.083 20.97 15.60 2.68 0.04 71.64 0.06 1.08 HY-4-1 30.75 29.11 2.67 1.42 0.67 35.52 0.036 0.890 0.110 0.310 0.084 18.53 13.84 2.60 0.04 71.12 0.05 1.05 HY-3-1 22.50 38.42 4.85 1.91 1.28 27.82 0.049 1.470 0.210 0.300 0.069 13.47 10.76 2.89 0.09 73.41 0.11 1.04 HY-2-1 10.25 39.14 7.10 2.40 1.29 25.30 0.064 2.240 0.320 0.480 0.056 9.37 7.71 2.80 0.15 72.89 0.17 0.84 HY-1-2 3.75 37.54 5.88 1.66 1.16 27.85 0.060 2.040 0.240 0.390 0.064 10.85 9.20 2.54 0.11 70.92 0.13 0.91 HY-1-1 1.25 37.48 6.55 1.37 1.13 27.34 0.065 2.220 0.280 0.480 0.066 9.73 8.58 2.60 0.13 71.41 0.14 0.84 表 2 黄院Ⅱ剖面常量元素含量及风化系数(%)
Table 2. Major element contents and weathering parameters of Huangyuan Ⅱ profile (%)
样品号 厚度(cm) SiO2 Al2O3 TFe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO S/A S/R A/(NK) A/(CNK) CIA 残积系数 BA 豹皮灰岩 HY2-23-1 141.50 1.01 0.071 0.072 8.21 46.11 0.042 0.036 0.016 0.005 0.037 24.18 14.69 0.66 0.00 - - - HY2-22-1 125.50 0.71 0.095 0.130 11.10 42.65 0.029 0.048 0.014 0.005 0.048 12.71 6.79 0.95 0.00 - - - HY2-21-1 114.50 0.98 0.110 0.100 9.73 44.00 0.025 0.059 0.016 0.005 0.045 15.15 9.59 1.05 0.00 - - - HY2-20-3 107.00 12.86 0.270 0.190 3.52 44.54 0.021 0.090 0.016 0.014 0.031 80.97 55.90 2.04 0.00 - - - 风化板岩 HY2-20-2 105.25 49.34 4.490 1.400 0.40 23.39 0.056 1.150 0.160 0.470 0.053 18.68 15.58 3.35 0.10 75.82 0.12 0.55 HY2-20-1 102.75 45.36 4.650 2.500 0.34 24.80 0.060 0.920 0.160 0.350 0.072 16.58 12.35 4.24 0.10 79.55 0.14 0.44 HY2-19-1 99.75 30.14 4.080 2.520 0.32 33.77 0.032 0.560 0.150 0.250 0.042 12.56 9.01 6.18 0.07 85.13 0.09 0.37 HY2-18-1 97.50 30.51 4.060 1.220 0.29 34.51 0.045 0.620 0.180 0.220 0.029 12.78 10.72 5.44 0.06 83.18 0.08 0.38 HY2-17-1 93.50 30.32 4.350 1.830 0.96 33.44 0.068 0.950 0.200 0.180 0.025 11.85 9.34 3.81 0.07 77.61 0.09 0.85 HY2-16-1 90.00 32.71 4.400 1.240 0.57 32.44 0.110 1.040 0.190 0.230 0.023 12.64 10.71 3.36 0.07 74.70 0.09 0.67 HY2-15-1 87.50 24.83 4.620 1.500 1.38 35.93 0.077 1.150 0.210 0.190 0.033 9.14 7.57 3.36 0.07 75.48 0.08 1.09 HY2-14-1 85.00 17.92 2.300 0.550 0.40 43.29 0.030 0.650 0.100 0.170 0.025 13.25 11.49 3.05 0.03 74.10 0.03 0.79 钙质板岩 HY2-13-1 81.50 34.04 4.180 1.080 0.58 32.43 0.043 1.400 0.180 0.230 0.044 13.84 11.89 2.63 0.07 71.57 0.08 0.75 HY2-12-1 78.75 30.36 4.960 1.280 0.83 33.34 0.048 1.700 0.220 0.290 0.042 10.41 8.94 2.58 0.08 71.24 0.09 0.83 HY2-11-1 76.00 31.41 3.460 1.010 0.52 34.33 0.037 1.120 0.140 0.160 0.047 15.43 13.01 2.71 0.05 72.13 0.06 0.77 HY2-10-1 70.00 43.97 7.320 2.840 1.26 22.56 0.070 2.740 0.350 1.140 0.055 10.21 8.19 2.37 0.17 69.56 0.21 0.88 HY2-9-1 62.00 39.18 6.840 2.190 0.90 26.47 0.062 2.440 0.300 0.490 0.054 9.74 8.09 2.49 0.13 70.58 0.16 0.75 HY2-8-1 56.00 41.35 5.860 2.090 0.99 25.58 0.058 2.180 0.270 0.380 0.053 12.00 9.77 2.38 0.12 69.63 0.15 0.87 HY2-7-1 37.00 42.07 6.650 2.70 1.31 24.15 0.064 2.430 0.300 1.240 0.055 10.75 8.54 2.43 0.14 70.02 0.18 0.93 HY2-6-1 29.00 41.37 5.970 2.390 1.14 25.37 0.061 2.220 0.270 1.030 0.061 11.78 9.39 2.38 0.12 69.58 0.15 0.92 HY2-5-1 25.00 35.58 4.850 2.090 1.01 29.88 0.056 1.770 0.210 0.640 0.072 12.47 9.78 2.41 0.09 69.74 0.11 0.97 HY2-4-1 19.75 35.73 4.920 2.360 1.16 29.60 0.051 1.710 0.210 0.660 0.068 12.35 9.45 2.54 0.09 70.86 0.11 1.01 HY2-3-1 15.75 35.79 4.780 2.420 1.24 29.70 0.050 1.600 0.210 0.650 0.071 12.73 9.62 2.63 0.09 71.55 0.11 1.06 HY2-2-1 9.00 47.16 8.000 2.650 1.49 19.99 0.070 2.620 0.360 1.120 0.049 10.02 8.27 2.70 0.20 72.25 0.24 0.86 HY2-1-2 3.75 41.81 6.040 2.730 1.36 24.50 0.061 2.140 0.280 1.120 0.061 11.77 9.14 2.49 0.13 70.54 0.16 0.99 HY2-1-1 1.25 43.51 6.310 2.760 1.33 23.36 0.061 2.190 0.290 0.880 0.059 11.72 9.17 2.55 0.14 71.00 0.18 0.95 表 3 龙宝峪剖面常量元素含量及风化系数(%)
Table 3. Major element contents and weathering parameters of Longbaoyu profile (%)
样品号 厚度(cm) SiO2 Al2O3 TFe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO S/A S/R A/(NK) A/(CNK) CIA 残积系数 BA 豹皮灰岩 LBY-26 157.5 0.43 0.084 0.12 5.56 48.96 0.007 0.047 0.014 0.005 0.007 8.70 4.55 1.34 0.00 - - - LBY-25 142.5 0.44 0.078 0.17 6.86 47.07 0.007 0.039 0.019 0.007 0.008 9.59 4.01 1.45 0.00 - - - LBY-24 132.5 0.39 0.081 0.14 6.22 48.24 0.006 0.028 0.022 0.007 0.010 8.19 3.89 2.01 0.00 - - - LBY-23 118.5 5.93 1.720 1.17 11.36 37.01 0.011 0.770 0.120 0.032 0.027 5.86 4.09 2.01 0.03 - - - LBY-22 116.5 3.57 0.960 0.69 6.74 44.76 0.008 0.390 0.059 0.021 0.022 6.32 4.34 2.20 0.01 - - - LBY-21 115.5 4.37 1.420 0.88 7.57 42.59 0.008 0.570 0.089 0.032 0.023 5.23 3.75 2.25 0.02 - - - LBY-20 114.5 7.81 2.010 1.48 12.12 34.53 0.010 0.840 0.130 0.037 0.033 6.61 4.50 2.17 0.03 - - - LBY-19 113.5 19.74 5.940 2.46 13.82 22.32 0.022 2.500 0.400 0.100 0.038 5.65 4.47 2.16 0.14 - - - LBY-18 111.5 25.02 5.540 1.93 9.04 25.87 0.019 2.300 0.350 0.120 0.035 7.68 6.28 2.19 0.11 - - - LBY-17 106.0 3.21 0.130 0.20 4.72 48.80 0.006 0.039 0.022 0.007 0.031 41.98 21.19 2.49 0.00 - - - LBY-16 100.5 0.86 0.140 0.14 3.95 50.81 0.006 0.053 0.022 0.009 0.028 10.44 6.38 2.08 0.00 - - - 风化板岩 LBY-15 98.0 60.7 3.430 1.50 0.42 18.05 0.037 1.160 0.140 0.330 0.037 30.08 23.53 2.60 0.10 71.30 0.13 0.71 LBY-14 96.0 55.76 2.610 0.79 0.27 22.11 0.031 0.880 0.095 0.240 0.035 36.32 30.44 2.59 0.06 71.18 0.08 0.67 LBY-13 94.0 47.1 3.180 1.11 0.30 26.27 0.039 1.060 0.110 0.320 0.047 25.18 20.60 2.62 0.06 71.32 0.08 0.64 LBY-12 92.0 42.43 3.040 1.43 0.30 28.69 0.036 1.040 0.110 0.300 0.058 23.73 18.25 2.56 0.06 70.91 0.07 0.66 LBY-11 89.5 46.23 3.330 1.40 0.40 26.36 0.039 1.170 0.140 0.310 0.054 23.60 18.61 2.50 0.07 70.43 0.09 0.73 LBY-10 86.5 44.53 4.280 1.51 0.49 26.32 0.051 1.420 0.170 0.460 0.064 17.69 14.44 2.63 0.09 71.47 0.11 0.69 LBY-09 83.5 37.11 4.810 1.83 0.86 29.44 0.050 1.720 0.240 0.440 0.088 13.12 10.56 2.47 0.09 70.31 0.11 0.88 LBY-08 81.0 34.99 5.710 2.52 1.19 29.17 0.054 1.950 0.270 0.480 0.073 10.42 8.13 2.59 0.10 71.34 0.13 0.93 钙质板岩 LBY-07 77.5 39.36 5.960 2.63 1.36 26.35 0.056 2.050 0.290 0.250 0.071 11.23 8.76 2.57 0.12 71.22 0.15 0.99 LBY-06 67.5 32.62 6.220 3.08 1.51 29.72 0.055 2.050 0.250 0.430 0.080 8.92 6.78 2.69 0.11 72.11 0.14 1.01 LBY-05 52.5 34.68 5.200 2.46 1.46 29.65 0.047 1.640 0.240 0.160 0.085 11.34 8.71 2.80 0.09 72.89 0.12 1.09 LBY-04 42.5 28.06 3.760 1.87 1.07 35.33 0.032 1.220 0.150 0.460 0.097 12.69 9.63 2.73 0.06 72.46 0.07 1.11 LBY-03 32.5 38.68 6.350 2.86 1.59 26.27 0.056 2.030 0.250 1.050 0.080 10.36 8.05 2.77 0.13 72.68 0.16 1.01 LBY-02 17.5 48.24 5.910 3.09 1.62 20.58 0.120 1.680 0.310 1.320 0.081 13.88 10.41 2.93 0.15 72.71 0.19 1.07 LBY-01 2.5 45.92 5.760 2.53 1.51 22.82 0.240 1.590 0.230 1.070 0.100 13.55 10.59 2.72 0.13 69.61 0.16 1.11 表 4 北沟剖面常量元素含量及风化系数(%)
Table 4. Major element contents and weathering parameters of Beigou profile (%)
样品号 厚度(cm) SiO2 Al2O3 TFe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO S/A S/R A/(NK) A/(CNK) CIA 残积系数 BA 豹皮灰岩 BG-19 689.50 0.69 0.130 0.100 2.34 53.14 0.006 0.048 0.014 0.005 0.007 9.02 6.05 2.10 0.00 - - - BG-18 679.50 0.32 0.031 0.058 1.38 54.53 0.004 0.016 0.011 0.002 0.006 17.55 8.00 1.29 0.00 - - - BG-17 674.50 0.55 0.130 0.100 1.52 54.25 0.004 0.031 0.014 0.002 0.007 7.19 4.83 3.23 0.00 - - - BG-16 665.50 0.70 0.071 0.100 1.66 53.91 0.005 0.033 0.016 0.000 0.008 16.76 8.83 1.61 0.00 - - - BG-15 652.00 0.82 0.097 0.130 2.34 53.01 0.006 0.043 0.011 0.000 0.009 14.37 7.75 1.72 0.00 - - - BG-14 642.50 0.37 0.130 0.190 7.02 47.43 0.008 0.046 0.011 0.002 0.016 4.84 2.50 2.06 0.00 - - - BG-13 632.50 4.76 0.071 0.400 18.00 31.80 0.011 0.030 0.008 0.007 0.029 113.97 24.82 1.40 0.00 - - - BG-12 622.00 1.63 0.110 0.750 19.08 31.90 0.006 0.042 0.014 0.014 0.055 25.19 4.71 1.98 0.00 - - - BG-11 613.50 3.27 0.930 0.890 19.10 30.12 0.016 0.380 0.068 0.032 0.035 5.98 3.71 2.12 0.02 - - - 风化板岩 BG-10 601.00 4.90 1.460 0.940 19.44 28.61 0.071 0.460 0.097 0.037 0.036 5.71 4.05 2.37 0.03 66.58 0.02 34.46 BG-09 583.00 7.09 2.430 1.220 18.74 27.39 0.026 0.970 0.150 0.044 0.041 4.96 3.76 2.22 0.05 68.10 0.03 20.13 BG-08 567.50 9.89 2.430 1.310 17.94 26.44 0.023 0.900 0.160 0.051 0.044 6.92 5.15 2.40 0.05 69.78 0.03 19.26 BG-07 555.00 14.92 4.280 1.830 15.92 24.04 0.042 1.560 0.250 0.081 0.043 5.93 4.66 2.43 0.09 70.04 0.06 9.91 BG-06 510.00 17.75 5.620 0.990 15.36 22.71 0.140 2.010 0.340 0.078 0.042 5.37 4.83 2.33 0.13 68.02 0.08 7.44 BG-05 480.00 24.72 6.690 2.910 13.00 19.80 0.330 2.240 0.450 0.120 0.055 6.28 4.92 2.25 0.17 65.55 0.12 5.48 钙质板岩 BG-04 460.00 23.70 6.250 2.950 13.96 19.59 0.340 2.090 0.400 0.100 0.061 6.45 4.96 2.21 0.16 64.86 0.11 6.24 BG-03 153.00 32.92 4.490 1.450 0.88 32.00 0.053 1.590 0.190 0.530 0.066 12.46 10.34 2.48 0.07 70.27 0.09 0.92 BG-02 142.50 32.42 3.280 1.470 0.88 33.02 0.041 1.250 0.160 0.340 0.074 16.80 13.07 2.30 0.05 68.74 0.07 1.14 BG-01 3.75 31.08 2.720 1.630 0.82 34.36 0.039 1.050 0.110 0.280 0.081 19.43 14.06 2.26 0.04 68.21 0.06 1.23 注:表 1~4中主量元素氧化物以百分含量(%)表示;CIA=[Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO*+K2O+Na2O)]×100,n(CaO*)=n(CaO)-10/3·n(P2O5);残积系数表达式为(Al2O3+Fe2O3)/(CaO+Na2O+MgO);BA=[(CaO*+Na2O+K2O+MgO)/Al2O3]×100;受岩性影响“—”表示未求府君山组豹皮灰岩中的CIA、残积系数和BA值. 表 5 景儿峪组与府君山组之间古风壳与现代风化壳风化系数统计表
Table 5. The statistic of weathering coefficient in paleo-regolith between Jingeryu and Fujunshan formations and modern regolith sections
剖面 CIA(%) S/A S/R 资料来源 范围 均值 范围 均值 范围 均值 黄院Ⅰ 71.41~73.41 72.16 7.55~20.97 13.69 6.76~15.60 10.89 本文研究数据 黄院Ⅱ 70.00~70.54 70.77 9.14~18.68 12.43 7.57~15.58 10.04 龙宝峪 69.61~72.71 71.51 8.92~36.32 18.05 6.78~30.44 14.34 北沟 68.21 68.21 4.96~16.80 7.88 3.76~13.07 6.19 贵阳BY-Ⅱ 67.70~84.20 77.00 12.26~27.64 19.55 9.87~20.08 14.90 (Liu et al., 2013) 昆明石林 95.93~96.88 96.46 2.73~10.88 6.29 2.03~7.47 4.39 (张涛等,2017) 湖南吉首 58.13~76.75 69.81 3.64~5.73 4.15 3.02~5.33 3.47 (王世杰等,2002) -
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