Geochronology and Petrogenesis of the Donghe Pt-Pd-Bearing Ultramafic Dykesin the Northern Margin of the Yangtze Block: Constraints from Zircon Geochronology, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotpopes
摘要: 东河铂钯矿化超基性岩脉位于扬子陆块北缘房县东河地区,铂钯矿体产于超基性岩辉石岩脉中.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年表明该超基性岩脉结晶侵位年龄为433.2±2.9 Ma,属于早志留世.地球化学特征上,岩石具有较低含量的SiO2(39.73%~47.46%,均值为41.41%)、中等偏低的Mg#(46.98~67.37)和高铝(11.25%~15.46%)的特征,整体上属于高铝质超基性岩类.微量和稀土元素方面,岩石具有较高的稀土总量、轻稀土富集和无明显的Eu正异常特征(∑REE=59.59×10-6~375.02×10-6,(LaN/YbN)=3.94~19.13,δEu=0.93~1.13),所有岩石富集Rb、Ba、Sr、Nb、Ti等元素,亏损K、Hf、P等元素,且具有显著不同于地壳的不相容元素组成.Sr、Nd、Hf同位素研究表明,东河超基性岩具有低的(87Sr/86Sr)i(0.703 26~0.704 15),正的εNd(t)(4.37~5.27)和正的εHf(t)(7.29~10.26).综合研究表明:东河超基性岩来自亏损的岩石圈地幔源区,可能有富集岩石圈地幔组分的加入,原始岩浆在上升侵位过程中地壳物质的混染不明显.微量元素构造环境判别显示其形成于板内构造环境,通过分析表明东河地区在早志留世应处于被动大陆边缘,拉张伸展的状态,研究区出露的两期超基性岩床(脉)为岩石圈处于拉张状态下大陆裂谷早期阶段的产物.Abstract: The Donghe Pt-Pd-bearing ultramafic dykes are located in the northern margin of the Yangtze block in Fangxian, the Pt-Pd ore bodys are present in the ultramafic dykes of pyroxene veins. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the ultrabasic dykes were emplaced with age of 433.2±2.9 Ma, belonging to the early Silurian.The rocks are characterized by low SiO2 (39.73%-47.46%, mean 41.41%), moderate Mg# (46.98-67.37) and high alumina (11.25%-15.46%), belonging to high-alumina ultrabasic rocks. The rocks have higher total REE, with slightly enriched LREE and without significant Eu positive anomaly (∑REE=59.59×10-6 to 375.02×10-6, (LaN/YbN)=3.94-19.13, δEu=0.93-1.13). All rocks are enriched in Rb, Ba, Sr, Nb, Ti, etc., depleted in Nb, Hf, P, etc. and have significantly different ratios of incompatible elements to that in the crust. Sr, Nd and Hf isotope studies show that the Donghe ultramafic rocks have low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.703 26-0.704 15), positive εNd(t)(4.37~5.27) and positive εHf(t) (7.29-10.26).Based on the above discussion, we propose that the studied ultramafic rocks were derived from a depleted lithospheric mantle(garnet-lherzolite) source which may be enriched lithospheric mantle components. Magma in the rising process was not significantly affected by the crust material mixed. The tectonic discrimination of trace elements shows that it formed in intraplate tectonic environment. The analysis shows the Donghe region should be on the passive continental margin during the Early Silurian and should be in extensional state. The two-stage ultramafic bedrocks (veins) exposed in the study area were the products of the early stage of the continental rift in the state of extensional of the lithosphere.
Key words:
- ultramafic rocks /
- zircon geochronology /
- pyroxenite /
- Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes /
- Donghe area /
- Yangtze block /
- geochemistry
图 1 扬子地块与南秦岭造山带构造单元划分(a)及北大巴山地区基性火山岩分布(b)
a.据董有浦等(2011); b.据邹先武等(2011); BKB.碧口地体;MCB.米仓山隆起;FPB.佛坪地体;WDB.武当地体;SNB.神农架地体;LMST.龙门山冲断褶皱带;MCT.米仓山冲断褶皱带:DBT.大巴山冲断褶皱带;CDT.川东冲断褶皱带;MLS.勉略缝合带;SDS.商丹缝合带;1.褶皱带;2.缝合线;3.冲断层;4.刚性地体;5.造山带;6.研究区; 7.扬子陆块区;8.扬子陆块北部陆缘区;9.前寒武隆起区;10.苦橄榄-碱性玄武岩;11.基性岩脉(墙);12.粗面岩;13.石英闪长岩;14.断层
Fig. 1. Sketch map of tectonic units of the South Qinling orogen and Yangtze block
图 4 东河超基性岩岩石标本及岩石镜下特征照片
a.灰绿色块状构造变辉石岩;b.灰绿色含黄铁矿矿化块状构造角闪辉石岩;c.灰绿色块状角闪辉石岩;d.辉石式解理及简单双晶;e.不规则粒状角闪石,少量钛铁矿、磁铁矿;f.针状透闪石交代角闪石及辉石;g.透辉石、角闪石、绿帘石及绿泥石等沿边缘及裂隙交代普通辉石;h.棕褐色不规则粒状角闪石沿辉石、透辉石边缘及裂隙交代;i.发育聚片双晶结构的斜长石;j.辉石式解理及简单双晶;k.棕褐色不规则粒状角闪石沿辉石、透辉石边缘及裂隙交代,呈残余结构;l.不规则粒状斜长石被绿帘石、黝帘石及绿泥石等交代强烈呈假象结构; Aug.普通辉石;HbI.普通角闪石;PI.斜长石;Ab.钠长石;Di.透辉石;Mt.磁铁矿;Ilm.钛铁矿;Chl.绿泥石;Zo.黝帘石;Ep.绿帘石
Fig. 4. Rocks sample photographs and microphotographs of rocks of the ultramafic rocks in Donghe area
图 7 扬子陆块北缘东河超基性岩TAS分类图解
据Middlemost(1994); 镇坪辉绿岩数据来源于邹先武等(2011);北大巴碱性岩墙群数据来源于张成立等(2002);北大巴基性岩墙群数据来源于王存智等(2009);兰家畈基性火山岩数据来源于董云鹏等(1998)
Fig. 7. TAS nomination diagram for rock classification from the Donghe ultramafic rocks in northern margin of Yangtze platform
图 8 东河超基性岩脉的球粒陨石标准化稀土配分图(a)和原始地幔标准化微量元素分布图(b)
Fig. 8. Chondrite-normalized REE abundances (a) and primitive mantle-normalized trace element abundances (b) of the Donghe ultramafic rocks
图 9 东河超基性岩(87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t)图解
其中数字表示地壳物质参与的比例,计算采用的参数Nd(10-6)、εNd(t)、Sr(10-6)、(87Sr/86Sr)i值如下:软流圈地幔(DM)分别为1.2、+8、20和0.703;玄武岩分别为15、+8、200和0.704;上地壳(UCC)分别为30、-12、250和0.740,据Jahn et al.(2000);下地壳(LCC)分别为20、-15、230和0.708,据Wu et al.(2000)
Fig. 9. (87Sr/86Sr)i vs.εNd(t) diagram for the Donghe ultramafic rocks
图 11 东河超基性岩143Nd/144Nd对87Sr/86Sr相关图解
DM.亏损地幔,EMⅠ、EMⅡ.富集地幔,据Zindler and Hart(1986)
Fig. 11. 143Nd/144Nd vs. 87Sr/86Sr plot for the Donghe ultramafic rocks
图 12 东河超基性岩脉Th/Yb-Nb/Yb(a)、Ba/Th-TH/Nb(b)和Nb/Zr-Th/Zr(c)图解
a.据Pearce(2008); b.据Hanyu et al.(2006); c.据Woodhead et al.(2001)
Fig. 12. Th/Yb-Nb/Yb (a), Ba/Th-TH/Nb (b) and Nb/Zr-Th/Zr (c) diagrams of the Donghe ultramafic rocks
图 13 东河超基性岩脉构造环境判别图
a.据Pearce(1979); b.据Wood(1979); c.据Meschede(1986); d.据Nisbet et al.(1977)
Fig. 13. Discrimination diagrams of tectonic settings for the Donghe ultramafic rocks
表 2 东河超基性岩元素地球化学组成(主量元素:%;微量元素:10-6)
Table 2. Element compositions of the Donghe ultramafic rocks (major element: %; trace element: 10-6)
样品编号 DH-B3 DH-B4 DH-B5 DH-B8 DH-B11 DH-B13 DH-B14 DH-B15 DH-B16 DH-B17 样品名称 蚀变
辉石岩SiO2 43.86 42.21 47.46 40.81 40.07 41.09 38.93 40.59 39.73 39.37 Al2O3 4.55 8.90 7.05 8.47 11.09 14.40 9.80 11.25 15.46 11.38 Fe2O3 7.32 8.10 4.79 7.74 8.21 9.03 10.08 5.92 11.86 10.52 FeO 9.07 8.11 6.25 9.82 9.09 4.97 8.64 10.32 2.22 7.62 CaO 12.77 13.44 17.06 12.82 13.41 16.58 14.40 11.70 20.59 12.38 MgO 16.24 10.14 12.23 12.77 8.69 5.92 8.71 9.01 8.56 8.49 K2O 0.093 0.652 0.202 0.455 0.887 0.377 0.190 0.295 0.088 1.30 Na2O 0.391 1.54 1.18 0.593 1.32 1.33 0.491 2.00 0.880 1.18 TiO2 3.62 4.24 2.20 4.12 4.73 3.28 6.33 5.26 3.70 4.05 P2O5 0.054 0.238 0.189 0.066 0.621 1.04 0.041 0.723 0.780 0.614 MnO 0.186 0.171 0.174 0.215 0.225 0.101 0.166 0.249 0.063 0.176 LOI 1.98 2.70 1.33 2.20 1.39 2.22 2.34 2.11 2.41 2.36 Total 98.69 98.79 99.02 98.62 98.62 99.03 98.71 98.60 99.27 98.75 Na2O/K2O 4.20 2.36 5.84 1.30 1.49 3.53 2.58 6.78 10.00 0.91 Mg# 64.90 54.00 67.37 57.56 48.46 54.36 50.20 50.66 50.06 46.98 La 6.42 26.6 15.5 10.0 22.6 47.1 9.92 20.9 77.6 36.2 Ce 19.7 66.9 43.0 27.6 60.0 118 20.8 56.5 157 74.0 Pr 2.80 8.01 5.78 3.70 7.60 14.0 2.74 7.67 16.8 8.90 Nd 14.6 36.3 28.8 18.5 36.6 64.1 14.2 38.8 71.0 42.4 Sm 3.96 8.13 7.18 4.65 8.36 13.8 3.94 9.23 14.3 9.67 Eu 1.22 2.34 2.23 1.59 2.69 4.54 1.34 3.23 4.80 3.03 Gd 3.52 7.00 6.28 4.13 7.32 12.1 3.60 7.95 12.5 8.41 Tb 0.58 1.08 1.01 0.68 1.12 1.80 0.60 1.22 1.86 1.30 Dy 3.36 5.74 5.71 3.78 6.13 9.54 3.35 6.51 9.72 7.12 Ho 0.60 1.01 1.02 0.68 1.07 1.67 0.58 1.13 1.68 1.26 Er 1.40 2.36 2.39 1.57 2.45 3.83 1.34 2.61 4.00 2.93 Tm 0.19 0.31 0.32 0.22 0.31 0.48 0.18 0.33 0.51 0.38 Yb 1.10 1.77 1.92 1.29 1.78 2.68 1.00 1.89 2.91 2.17 Lu 0.14 0.21 0.24 0.16 0.22 0.31 0.12 0.23 0.34 0.26 Y 12.6 21.5 22.2 14.6 23.4 37.2 12.6 24.6 38.5 27.5 ΣREE 59.59 167.76 121.38 78.55 158.25 293.95 63.71 158.20 375.02 198.03 LREE 48.70 148.28 102.49 66.04 137.85 261.54 52.94 136.33 341.50 174.20 HREE 10.89 19.48 18.89 12.51 20.40 32.41 10.77 21.87 33.52 23.83 LREE/HREE 4.47 7.61 5.43 5.28 6.76 8.07 4.92 6.23 10.19 7.31 LaN/YbN 3.94 10.16 5.46 5.24 8.58 11.88 6.70 7.47 18.02 11.27 δEu 0.98 0.93 0.99 1.09 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.13 1.07 1.00 δCe 1.09 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07 0.92 1.05 0.98 0.95 Pb 1.91 6.30 6.70 2.95 7.80 12.5 8.02 3.31 15.5 13.6 Cr 1 050 413 819 570 144 21.8 9.77 180 22.5 212 Ni 534 234 189 359 196 50.2 178 185 50.1 219 Co 95.8 94.8 60.2 93.2 77.9 92.7 52.3 77.7 166 74.7 Rb 4.12 18.0 5.65 12.1 21.3 8.57 5.50 7.87 3.05 39.8 Sr 624 521 550 410 837 2 290 1 120 806 3 820 1 300 Ba 51.5 76.8 145 46.9 28.6 24.3 30.2 59.9 26.4 36.2 V 350 451 324 438 540 516 620 417 499 462 Sc 61.8 55.9 73.3 56.8 58.4 26.8 56.1 40.7 22.5 39.5 Nb 14.6 32.6 10.2 16.2 25.3 47.6 22.8 35.2 83.6 36.9 Ta 0.21 1.24 0.50 0.36 0.77 1.84 0.90 1.69 4.19 1.48 Zr 87.1 193 113 119 127 213 114 102 351 138 Hf 1.98 4.94 3.24 3.03 3.50 5.10 3.13 2.61 9.30 3.72 U 0.10 0.62 0.11 0.18 0.20 0.79 0.14 0.14 2.30 0.43 Th 0.86 2.31 0.94 1.36 1.29 3.52 0.80 0.82 7.95 1.12 表 3 东河地区超基性岩锆石原位Hf同位素组成
Table 3. Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic compositions of the Donghe ultramafic rocks
点号 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf 2σ 年龄(Ma) (176Hf/177Hf)i εHf(0) εHf(t) fLu/Hf tDM t2DM DH1-1 0.015 200 0.000 413 0.282 748 0.000 014 430 0.282 745 -0.85 8.52 -0.99 703 873 DH1-2 0.012 661 0.000 364 0.282 775 0.000 017 421 0.282 737 -1.17 8.03 -0.99 714 898 DH1-3 0.037 026 0.001 121 0.282 761 0.000 034 447 0.282 760 -0.28 9.42 -0.98 683 829 DH1-4 0.032 398 0.000 885 0.282 756 0.000 017 434 0.282 778 0.35 9.77 -0.99 656 794 DH1-5 0.027 753 0.000 773 0.282 755 0.000 019 436 0.282 761 -0.18 9.22 -0.98 682 833 DH1-6 0.027 525 0.000 733 0.282 751 0.000 016 426 0.282 744 -0.71 8.39 -0.97 708 877 DH1-7 0.019 274 0.000 530 0.282 753 0.000 016 433 0.282 706 -2.12 7.20 -0.98 759 958 DH1-8 0.022 381 0.000 621 0.282 796 0.000 020 442 0.282 782 0.50 10.09 -0.98 652 782 DH1-9 0.019 556 0.000 540 0.282 741 0.000 016 427 0.282 781 0.46 9.72 -0.98 654 794 DH1-10 0.028 259 0.000 765 0.282 735 0.000 018 435 0.282 772 0.11 9.58 -0.99 665 809 DH1-11 0.017 352 0.000 474 0.282 776 0.000 015 423 0.282 752 -0.39 8.61 -0.97 698 861 DH1-12 0.010 994 0.000 321 0.282 739 0.000 016 441 0.282 749 -0.57 8.90 -0.97 701 858 DH1-13 0.022 548 0.000 619 0.282 712 0.000 015 435 0.282 749 -0.60 8.77 -0.98 700 861 DH1-14 0.019 478 0.000 535 0.282 764 0.000 016 489 0.282 744 -0.74 9.79 -0.98 705 837 DH1-15 0.016 175 0.000 447 0.282 782 0.000 016 441 0.282 749 -0.67 8.90 -0.98 698 857 DH1-16 0.024 815 0.000 683 0.282 767 0.000 016 427 0.282 791 0.85 10.08 -0.98 640 771 DH1-17 0.036 630 0.000 999 0.282 752 0.000 016 430 0.282 737 -1.10 8.23 -0.98 715 891 DH1-18 0.025 703 0.000 689 0.282 712 0.000 016 441 0.282 729 -1.31 8.19 -0.98 728 903 DH1-19 0.019 464 0.000 528 0.282 786 0.000 018 430 0.282 772 0.14 9.47 -0.99 665 811 DH1-20 0.020 349 0.000 563 0.282 785 0.000 015 432 0.282 707 -2.12 7.22 -0.98 757 957 表 4 东河超基性岩脉全岩Sr-Nd同位素组成
Table 4. Whole-rock isotope compositions of the Donghe ultramafic rocks
样品号 Rb(10-6) Sr (10-6) 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr 2σ (87Sr/86Sr)i εSr(t) Sm(10-6) Nd(10-6) 147Sm/ 144Nd 143Nd/ 144Nd εNd(t) INd fSm/Nd tDM(Ga) t2DM(Ga) DH-B3 1.574 52.14 0.087 010 0.703 88 5 0.703 34 -9.2 3.781 14.03 0.163 0 0.512 782 4.68 0.512 320 -0.17 1.111 0.792 DH-B4 18.170 471.30 0.111 100 0.704 22 3 0.703 53 -6.5 7.820 35.28 0.134 1 0.512 705 4.78 0.512 325 -0.32 0.855 0.784 DH-B5 4.454 486.90 0.026 370 0.704 02 5 0.703 86 -1.9 6.866 27.99 0.148 4 0.512 760 5.05 0.512 339 -0.25 0.914 0.761 DH-B8 12.670 368.00 0.099 180 0.703 87 3 0.703 26 -10.4 4.404 17.53 0.152 0 0.512 755 4.76 0.512 324 -0.23 0.980 0.785 DH-B11 4.512 1 006.00 0.012 920 0.704 23 7 0.704 15 2.3 3.780 13.90 0.164 5 0.512 813 5.21 0.512 347 -0.16 1.050 0.749 DH-B13 7.335 703.20 0.030 060 0.703 71 2 0.703 52 -6.7 8.882 37.71 0.142 5 0.512 713 4.47 0.512 309 -0.28 0.939 0.809 DH-B14 21.550 720.40 0.086 190 0.704 17 4 0.703 64 -5.0 8.193 36.16 0.137 1 0.512 718 4.86 0.512 329 -0.30 0.863 0.777 DH-B15 6.942 2 148.00 0.009 312 0.704 04 2 0.703 98 -0.1 13.780 65.28 0.127 7 0.512 696 4.96 0.512 334 -0.35 0.808 0.770 DH-B16 2.164 2 945.00 0.002 117 0.704 06 3 0.704 05 0.9 14.550 73.34 0.120 0 0.512 690 5.27 0.512 350 -0.39 0.751 0.744 DH-B17 43.320 1 207.00 0.103 400 0.704 40 1 0.703 76 -3.3 9.849 43.50 0.137 0 0.512 692 4.37 0.512 304 -0.30 0.914 0.818 -
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