Micromorphology and Structure Changes of Microcrystalline Graphite during Process of Oxidation and Expansion
摘要: 为深度揭示微晶石墨氧化和膨胀过程中结构的变化规律,分别采用SEM-EDS、XRD、Raman和FTIR等测试分析手段对其产物结构进行表征研究.结果表明:微晶石墨经氧化后,层间域被撑大,结构层上接入大量的羟基、羧基和环氧基等亲水性含氧官能团.随氧化剂(KMnO4)用量增加,产物层间距、结构缺陷和无序度逐渐增大.高温膨胀后,氧化微晶石墨被还原,结构中的部分吸附水和含氧官能团被除去,结构缺陷与无序度减小,部分sp2区域得到了恢复.膨胀微晶石墨颗粒含有丰富的网络型孔隙结构,孔径集中在2~5 nm.Abstract: In order to reveal the structure changes of microcrystalline graphite in the process of oxidation and expansion, the products were characterized by means of SEM-EDS, XRD, Raman and FTIR in this study. The results show that the interlayer distance of microcrystalline graphite oxide is enlarged and many functional groups including hydroxyl, carboxyl and epoxy groups are bonded on the graphene layer in the oxidation process. In addition, with the increase of oxidant (KMnO4), the space distance, structural defects and disorder of oxidized product increased gradually. After being expanded with high temperature, some of the oxygen-containing functional groups in the structure were removed, and the oxidized microcrystalline graphite was reduced partly. In addition, the structural defects and disorder degrees of expanded microcrystalline graphite reduced, and local sp2 regions were recovered. The expanded microcrystalline graphite particles contained abundant network pore structures with pore sizes of 2-5 nm.
Key words:
- microcrystalline graphite /
- oxidation /
- expansion /
- structure /
- mineralogy
表 1 各膨胀微晶石墨样品的比表面积和孔容
Table 1. The specific surface areas and pore capacity of expanded microcrystalline graphite samples
样品名称 BET比表面积(m2/g) 孔容(cm3/g) 平均孔径(nm) HJC-C-0.4P 59.88 — — HJC-C-0.8P 65.89 — — HJC-C-1.2P 137.53 — — HJC-C-1.6P 189.75 1.02 29.33 注:“—”表示未检测. 表 2 样品的FTIR谱图中官能团类型及波数
Table 2. The type of functional group and the wavenumbers in the FTIR
官能团类型 C-OH C=C C=O C-O C-O-C H2O(OH) ν β ν ν ν ν ν β 波数(cm-1) 1 048, 1 090 1 384 1 578, 1 462 1 739 1 270 880, 1 120 3 434 1 631 表 3 HJC-C-nKP系列和HJC-C-nP系列样品的Raman光谱参数
Table 3. Raman spectral parameters of HJC-C-nKP and HJC-C-nP samples
样品编号 D峰(cm-1) G峰(cm-1) 峰间距(cm-1) ID/IG 峰位 半峰宽 峰位 半峰宽 HJC-C 1 352.21 38.01 1 581.53 22.00 229.32 0.43 HJC-C-0.4KP 1 350.05 86.45 1 589.12 47.78 239.07 1.07 HJC-C-0.8KP 1 349.50 93.30 1 590.34 52.27 240.84 1.14 HJC-C-1.2KP 1 351.20 115.96 1 589.39 65.75 238.19 1.29 HJC-C-1.6KP 1 354.96 130.20 1 587.16 74.78 232.20 1.44 HJC-C-0.4P 1 356.43 70.79 1 583.27 30.92 226.84 0.88 HJC-C-0.8P 1 356.61 69.51 1 589.80 54.40 233.19 1.15 HJC-C-1.2P 1 355.10 89.74 1 586.34 54.18 231.24 1.15 HJC-C-1.6P 1 355.29 123.53 1 588.52 67.38 233.23 1.40 -
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