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    张立中 陈蕾 王国平 邓晓东 李建威

    张立中, 陈蕾, 王国平, 邓晓东, 李建威, 2020. 石榴石U-Pb定年对山西义兴寨金矿床角砾岩筒时间的限制和金矿成因的指示. 地球科学, 45(1): 108-117. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.547
    引用本文: 张立中, 陈蕾, 王国平, 邓晓东, 李建威, 2020. 石榴石U-Pb定年对山西义兴寨金矿床角砾岩筒时间的限制和金矿成因的指示. 地球科学, 45(1): 108-117. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.547
    Zhang Lizhong, Chen Lei, Wang Guoping, Deng Xiaodong, Li Jianwei, 2020. Garnet U-Pb Dating Constraints on the Timing of Breccia Pipes Formation and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Yixingzhai Gold Deposit, Shanxi Province. Earth Science, 45(1): 108-117. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.547
    Citation: Zhang Lizhong, Chen Lei, Wang Guoping, Deng Xiaodong, Li Jianwei, 2020. Garnet U-Pb Dating Constraints on the Timing of Breccia Pipes Formation and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Yixingzhai Gold Deposit, Shanxi Province. Earth Science, 45(1): 108-117. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.547


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.547

    国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFC0600104

    国家自然科学基金项目 41325007


      张立中(1985-), 男, 工程师, 主要从事矿产普查与勘探

    • 中图分类号: P611

    Garnet U-Pb Dating Constraints on the Timing of Breccia Pipes Formation and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Yixingzhai Gold Deposit, Shanxi Province

    • 摘要: 山西义兴寨金矿床是五台山-恒山金矿集区内最为典型的金矿床,也是山西省最大的金矿床.矿区产出有4个角砾岩筒,与金矿的形成具有紧密的联系.然而,有关该矿床角砾岩筒的形成时间和机制的研究十分欠缺,角砾岩筒与金矿化的关系仍不清楚.通过对角砾岩筒内的矽卡岩角砾中的石榴石和切割角砾岩的石英斑岩中的锆石开展了LA-ICPMS原位U-Pb同位素分析,结果表明角砾岩和石英斑岩的形成时间分别为140±2 Ma和141±1 Ma,从而精确限制了角砾岩筒的形成时间.以上研究表明,义兴寨矿区4个角砾岩筒的形成时间与石英斑岩侵位时代和金矿形成时间完全一致,表明角砾岩筒是岩浆分异的气液流体导致围岩发生隐爆而形成,而金矿化也可能与岩浆释放的热液流体直接相关.


    • 图  1  义兴寨金矿床矿区地质简图


      Fig.  1.  Geological map of the Yixingzhai gold deposit

      图  2  铁塘硐直立的石英斑岩切割矽卡岩角砾(a);石英斑岩脉中包裹矽卡岩角砾(b);2号含金石英脉矿体切割铁塘硐中角砾岩(c);黑色自形的石榴石赋存于矽卡岩角砾中(d)

      Fig.  2.  Photographs showing the quartz porphyries cut through (a) and contain skarn breccias (b) at the Tietangdong; No. 2 gold-bearing quartz vein cut through the breccias (c); black and idiomorphic garnet in skarn breccia (d)

      图  3  BSE图像显示角砾岩中石榴石结构较为均匀,且包裹有透辉石(Di)和赤铁矿(Hem)(a);石榴石中钙铁榴石(Ad)和钙铝榴石(Gs)成分相关性(b);石榴石中气液两相流体包裹体(c);石榴石中含NaCl子晶的流体包裹体(d)

      Fig.  3.  BSE image showing the homogenous garnet includes diopside (Di) and hematite (Hem) (a); the diagram of the correlation between andradite (Ad) and grossular (Gs) (b); microphotographs showing garnet includes vapor-liquid (c) and vapor- liquid-salt fluid (d) inclusions

      图  4  石榴石稀土元素球粒陨石标准配分图(a);石榴石的U含量和稀土含量相关性(b);LA⁃ICPMS点分析时间和元素信号变化关系(c)

      Fig.  4.  Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of garnet (a); the diagram of the correlation between uranium and total REE contents (b); representative time-resolved signals by depth profile analysis (c) of garnets from the Yixingzhai deposit

      图  5  矽卡岩角砾中钙榴石U⁃Pb谐和图(a)和207Pb校正的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄图(b);石英斑岩中锆石U⁃Pb谐和图(c)和206Pb/238U加权平均年龄图(d)

      Fig.  5.  Concordia plots and weighted average 206Pb/238U plots of the garnets from the skarn breccia (a, b) and zircon grains from the quartz porphyry (c, d)

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