Research Advances of Thermochronology in Mineral Deposits
摘要: 同位素地质年代学是一门传统的定年学科,广泛应用于地质各个领域研究中.随着同位素地质年代学理论创新与技术进步,现在逐步发展成为地质热年代学,即将地质年代数据赋予相应封闭温度属性,使之不仅揭示地质事件年龄,而且反映该事件发生的温度条件.不同定年方法以及测试样品的不同,其对应的封闭温度不同,从而可以揭示地质体在更大温度或年龄范围的形成演化过程,定量研究矿区或矿体的隆升与剥露,评价矿床形成后的保存与变化状况,提高找矿预测效果.主要总结和论述诸如40Ar-39Ar、裂变径迹和(U-Th)/He等中-低温热年代学技术方法及其在矿床地质中的应用研究状况,分析热年代学技术与应用发展趋势,以期为成矿作用研究提供新的应用技术手段.Abstract: Isotopic geochronology, a traditional subject to obtain absolute isotopic ages based on radioactive decay theory, has been widely used to date geological time in various fields. With theoretical innovation and technical developments, the isotopic geochronology gradually develops into the thermochronology that is of closure temperature feature and could not only date geological event, but also ascertain both temperature and thermal history of economic geological event. Since various methods have different closure temperatures, several thermochronology techniques could be synthetically applied to recover whole geological evolution history in a wide range of temperature and/or age. The thermochronology methods are especially used to reveal mineralization ages and epochs, rates of exhumation-erosion of ore deposit or ore district, and ore deposit preservation potential, providing evidences for deep ore prospecting and mineralizing potentiality evaluation.This paper summarizes the middle-low temperature thermochronology methods that have been utilized in mineralization, such as 40Ar/39Ar, fission track and (U-Th)/He techniques, and then presents research developments. It is expected that this work should provide new research contents and helpful technical methods for ore deposit field.
Key words:
- geological thermochronology /
- measure technique /
- dating method /
- ore deposits
表 1 不同矿物40Ar/39Ar封闭温度
Table 1. Closure temperatures of different minerals for 40Ar/39Ar method
矿物 封闭温度及其出处 角闪石 580~480 ℃(Harrison and McDougall, 1981);500 ±50 ℃(Reddy et al., 1997) 白云母 325~270 ℃(Snee et al., 1988);380 ℃(Robbins,1972) 黑云母 340~280 ℃(McDougall and Harrison, 1999);348 ℃(Grove and Harrison, 1996) 长石 150~350 ℃(McDougall and Harrison, 1999) 钾长石 223 ℃(Foland,1994) 表 2 不同矿物的(U-Th)/He体系封闭温度
Table 2. The different mineral closure temperatures for (U-Th)/He systems
矿物 封闭温度区间 参考文献出处 磷灰石 105±30 ℃ Wolf et al., 1998 ~80~120°(1 ℃/Ma) Warnock et al., 1997 ~95~135 ℃(10 ℃/Ma) 70 ℃ Braun,2002 65~75 ℃ Farley,2000 55~80 ℃ Flowers et al., 2009 80~90 ℃ Crowley et al., 2002 62 ℃ Flowers et al., 2009 70 ℃ Farley,2000;Reiners and Farley, 1999, 2001 60~75 ℃ Ehlers and Farley, 2003 75 ℃ Wolf et al., 1996 75±5 ℃ Wolf et al., 1998 锆石 183 ℃ Reiners et al., 2004 140~220 ℃ Guenthner et al., 2013 200~230 ℃ Reiners et al., 2002 181 ℃ Wolf and Stockli, 2010 180 ℃ Reiners et al., 2002, 2003 160~210 ℃ Reiners et al., 2002 200 ℃ Farley,2000;Reiners and Farley, 2001 190 ℃ Ehlers and Farley, 2003 175~195 ℃ Tagami et al., 2003 榍石 191~218 ℃ Reiners and Farley, 1999 200 ℃ Farley,2000 磁铁矿 ~250 ℃ Blackburn et al., 2007 独居石 206±24 ℃,230±4 ℃,286±13 ℃ Boyce et al., 2005 注:采用(U-Th)/He方法. 表 3 不同矿物的FT体系封闭温度
Table 3. The different mineral closure temperatures for FT systems
矿物 封闭温度区间 参考文献出处 锆石 ~250 ℃ Tagami and Shimada, 1996 205±18 ℃ Bernet,2009 235~245 ℃ Brandon,1992 ~240 ℃ Yamada et al., 1995 210±20 ℃ Zaun and Wagner, 1985 ~220~235 ℃ Liu et al., 2000 215~240 ℃ Garver et al., 1998 240 ± 20 ℃ Brandon et al., 1998 240 ± 50 ℃ Hurford,1986 磷灰石 ~115 ℃ Batt and Braun, 1999 110 ± 10 ℃ Gleadow et al., 1983 ~110~135 ℃ Liu et al., 2000 100~120 ℃ Garver et al., 1998 125 ℃ Gleadow et al., 1983 81~200 ℃ Ketcham et al., 2003 榍石 265~310 ℃ Coyle and Wagner, 1998 注:采用FT方法. -
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