Western Hunan-Hubei Fold Belt Exhumation Characteristics and Its Tectonic Implication in Mesozoic-Cenozoic:Evidence from Apatite Fission Track
摘要: 恢复湘鄂西褶皱带中-新生代以来的剥蚀历史, 探讨其变形的时空格架, 对于研究陆内褶皱造山以及指导该地区的油气勘探具有重要的意义.利用该地区磷灰石样品进行裂变径迹年龄测定与热史模拟, 对中-新生代的剥蚀厚度和速率进行分析.结果表明, 湘鄂西地区磷灰石裂变径迹的年龄为71~100 Ma, 与川东隔挡式褶皱带中的磷灰石样品年龄进行对比, 具有由SE到NW向递进变新的趋势; 中新生代以来的热史呈现出"三段式"的特征, 这3个阶段的转折时期为115~90 Ma和35~20 Ma, 分别对应了从晚侏罗世-早白垩世挤压造山到晚白垩世伸展成盆再到新生代整体抬升的构造转换; 燕山期为湘鄂西褶皱带的主变形期, 变形时序呈现出由SE到NW向递进变新的趋势, 剥蚀程度呈现出由SE到NW向变弱的趋势.这些认识为燕山期湘鄂西-川东褶皱带陆内递进变形的形成演化研究提供了有力的证据.Abstract: Reconstruction of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation history in western Hunan-Hubei fold belt and establishing its temporal and spatial evolution play important role in the research of intracontinental orogeny as well as the petroleum exploration in this area.Based on apatite fission track (AFT) analysis and time-temperature thermal history modeling results, this work quantitively constrains the exhumation rate and thickness of the western Hunan-Hubei fold belt.The AFT ages here range from 71 to 100 Ma.Integrating with the AFT ages from fold belt in the East Sichuan basin, all the data present a younger trend from southeast to northwest.The time-temperature thermal history since Mesozoic shows a "three-stages" feature with the turning period occurred at 115-90 Ma and 35-20 Ma.The three stages correspond well with the geological evidence and respectively indicate different deformations.The deformations are respectively orogeny during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, basin formation in Late Cretaceous and tectonic uplift since Cenozoic.Yanshannian event is the main cause of the deformation.The deformation occurred earlier in the southeast and later in the northwest and the exhumation also presented a pattern being stronger in the southeast and weaker in the northwest.All the recognization during this work provides strong evidences for the deformation and evolution process of the western Hunan-Hubei to East Sichuan fold belt.
表 1 湘鄂西地区已发表的地层接触关系
Table 1. Published strata contact relationship in western Hunan-Hubei
不整合面位置 所处构造单元 不整合面 不整合面性质 下伏地层及产状 上覆地层及产状 指示事件 资料来源 石门新关南 桑植石门复向斜 J1xn/T2b 微角度不整合 T2b:164°∠69° J1xn:170°∠82° 印支运动 胡召齐(2011) 张家界北赵家岗 桑植石门复向斜 J2gz/T2b 微角度不整合 T2b:177°∠10° J2gz:125°∠5° 印支运动 胡召齐(2011) 恩施七里坪 中央复背斜 T3s/T2b 微角度不整合 T2b:80°∠18° T3s:112°∠21° 印支运动 胡召齐等(2009) 咸丰尖山 花果坪复向斜 T3s/T2b 微角度不整合 T2b:295°∠39° T3s:274°∠36° 印支运动 胡召齐等(2009) 石门雷山洞 桑植石门复向斜 J1/T1j 微角度不整合 T1j:145°∠63° J1:148°∠53° 印支运动 梅廉夫等(2010) 石门新关 桑植石门复向斜 K2/J2 高角度不整合 J2:153°∠61° K2:132°∠31° 燕山运动 梅廉夫等(2010) 龙山北 宜都鹤峰复背斜 K2/P 高角度不整合 P:154°∠45° K2:137°∠15° 燕山运动 梅廉夫等(2010) 恩施西 中央复背斜 K2/S1 高角度不整合 S1:290°∠27° K2:300°∠10° 燕山运动 梅廉夫等(2010) 利川忠路溪 利川复向斜 K2/T3s 高角度不整合 T3s:291°∠44° K2:120°∠6° 燕山运动 梅廉夫等(2010) 建始南郊 中央复背斜 K2z/S1ln 高角度不整合 S1ln:140°∠33° K2z:290°∠10° 燕山运动 胡召齐等(2009) 恩施芭蕉 中央复背斜 K2z/P1q 高角度不整合 P1q:326°∠44° K2z:336°∠14° 燕山运动 胡召齐等(2009) 黔江东舟白 中央复背斜 K2z/T1j 高角度不整合 T1j:130°∠67° K2z:252°∠18° 燕山运动 胡召齐等(2009) 注:S1ln为下志留统龙马溪组, P1q为下二叠统栖霞组, T1j为下三叠统嘉陵江组, T2b为巴东组, T3s为上三叠统香溪组, J1为下侏罗统, J1xn为下侏罗统香溪群, J2为中侏罗统, J2gz为中侏罗统归州群, K2为上白垩统, K2z为上白垩统正阳组. 表 2 磷灰石样品采集信息及裂变径迹(AFT)测试结果
Table 2. Apatite sample collection information and apatite fission track (AFT) analysis results
样品号 采样层位 采样位置 采样岩性 颗粒数 自发径迹 诱发径迹 标准玻璃 P(χ2) (%) 中值年龄t ±1σ (Ma) 池年龄t±1σ(Ma) 围限径迹 Dpar (μm) 经度E(°) 纬度N(°) ρs(105/cm2) Ns ρi(105/cm2) Ni ρd(105/cm2) Nd 条数 平均长度±1σ(μm) 宜昌斜坡-秭归盆地 15-001 K1w 111.296 8 30.759 1 中细砂岩 35 5.616 1 532 10.023 2 734 7.888 7 124 67.3 90±5 90±5 100 13.4±1.7 1.81 15-006 T3s 110.760 1 30.957 1 粉砂岩 37 6.746 309 26.982 1 236 11.447 7 124 26.3 59±5 58±5 18 12.1±1.8 1.54 15-007 J1x 110.759 6 30.956 5 石英砂岩 35 0.203 49 1.001 241 10.819 7 124 96 45±7 45±7 12 12.0±2.8 / 15-009 T3s 110.677 5 30.896 1 粉砂岩 35 3.187 619 11.11 2 158 10.4 7 124 48 61±4 61±4 53 12.9±2.3 2.29 湘鄂西褶皱带 15-012 K2z1 109.504 7 30.368 4 石英砂岩 35 6.733 1 816 15.296 4 126 9.981 7 124 0 90±7 89±5 105 12.5±1.7 1.89 15-015 J1x 109.072 6 29.757 2 粉砂岩 35 4.385 550 9.001 1 129 9.563 7 124 66.4 98±7 95±7 52 13.1±2.2 1.97 15-016 J1x 109.072 2 29.756 0 石英砂岩 35 6.729 2 061 14.375 4 403 8.935 7 124 0 87±6 85±4 104 11.7±2.3 1.77 15-018 K 109.401 8 29.529 9 钙质砂岩 34 4.932 847 9.183 1 577 8.098 7 124 89.6 87±6 89±6 101 11.7±2.0 1.76 15-021 T2b2 110.121 3 29.415 7 泥质粉砂岩 35 7.98 1 026 13.719 1 764 7.888 7 124 0.7 97±7 93±6 103 12.3±1.8 1.77 15-022 T2b1 110.161 0 29.409 6 泥质粉砂岩 35 7.206 1 083 19.355 2 909 11.447 7 124 13.8 88±6 87±5 112 12.5±1.8 1.69 15-023 J2 110.688 8 29.493 9 石英砂岩 35 9.107 1 196 21.214 2 786 10.61 7 124 0 90±7 93±5 104 11.6±1.9 1.43 15-024 K1 110.716 7 29.269 3 泥质粉砂岩 35 4.502 1 078 8.866 2 123 9.772 7 124 0 100±8 101±6 106 12.6±1.9 1.95 15-025 K2 111.202 7 29.461 0 砾岩 33 2.642 684 6.025 1 560 7.888 7 124 53.6 69±5 71±5 88 11.8±1.7 1.51 15-029 K 111.336 4 29.614 8 砂岩 35 5.454 1 172 11.392 2 448 9.144 7 124 1.2 93±6 89±5 102 12.8±1.7 2.07 注:ρs表示自发径迹密度,Ns表示自发径迹数,ρi表示诱发径迹密度,Ni表示诱发径迹数,ρd表示铀标准玻璃的诱发径迹密度,Nd表示铀标准玻璃的诱发径迹数,Dpar为每个样品所统计的Dpar值的平均值;K1w为下白垩统五龙组,J1x为下侏罗统香溪组. 表 3 基于热史模拟的剥蚀厚度及速率分析
Table 3. Analysis of denudation thickness and velocity based on thermal history model
样品号 采样层位 燕山期快速隆升剥蚀 晚燕山-早喜山缓慢隆升剥蚀 喜山晚期快速隆升剥蚀 持续时间(Ma) 剥蚀厚度(m) 剥蚀速率(m/Ma) 持续时间(Ma) 剥蚀厚度(m) 剥蚀速率(m/Ma) 持续时间(Ma) 剥蚀厚度(m) 剥蚀速率(m/Ma) 15-016 J1x 135~102 2 200 66.67 102~30 600 8.33 30~0 2 000 66.67 15-018 K 130~110 2 400 120.00 110~20 600 6.66 20~0 1 800 90.00 15-023 J2 140~115 2 400 96.00 115~22 800 8.60 22~0 1 600 72.72 15-024 K1 140~105 2 400 68.57 105~30 1 040 13.86 30~0 1 360 45.33 15-029 K 120~90 2 720 90.60 90~35 560 10.18 35~0 1 520 43.43 -
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