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    钱程 汪岩 陆露 秦涛 李林川 崔天日 陈会军 杨柳

    钱程, 汪岩, 陆露, 秦涛, 李林川, 崔天日, 陈会军, 杨柳, 2019. 大兴安岭北段扎兰屯地区斜长角闪岩年代学、地球化学和Hf同位素特征及其构造意义. 地球科学, 44(10): 3193-3208. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.027
    引用本文: 钱程, 汪岩, 陆露, 秦涛, 李林川, 崔天日, 陈会军, 杨柳, 2019. 大兴安岭北段扎兰屯地区斜长角闪岩年代学、地球化学和Hf同位素特征及其构造意义. 地球科学, 44(10): 3193-3208. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.027
    Qian Cheng, Wang Yan, Lu Lu, Qin Tao, Li Linchuan, Cui Tianri, Chen Huijun, Yang Liu, 2019. Geochronology, Geochemistry and Hf Isotopic Composition of Amphibolite from Zhalantun Region in Northern Great Xing'an Range and Its Tectonic Significance. Earth Science, 44(10): 3193-3208. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.027
    Citation: Qian Cheng, Wang Yan, Lu Lu, Qin Tao, Li Linchuan, Cui Tianri, Chen Huijun, Yang Liu, 2019. Geochronology, Geochemistry and Hf Isotopic Composition of Amphibolite from Zhalantun Region in Northern Great Xing'an Range and Its Tectonic Significance. Earth Science, 44(10): 3193-3208. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.027


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.027

    中国地质调查局项目 1212011220435

    中国地质调查局项目 DD20190039

    中国地质调查局项目 DD20160345-17

    中国地质调查局项目 D20160048-01


      钱程(1985—), 男, 硕士, 工程师, 构造地质学专业, 主要从事区域地质研究

    • 中图分类号: P581;P595

    Geochronology, Geochemistry and Hf Isotopic Composition of Amphibolite from Zhalantun Region in Northern Great Xing'an Range and Its Tectonic Significance

    • 摘要: 扎兰屯地区位于贺根山-黑河构造带中段,发育叠加韧性变形的晚古生代岩浆岩,可较好地记录这一时期的构造演化历史,但其研究程度较低.在野外调查基础上,对扎兰屯头道沟花岗质糜棱岩中的斜长角闪岩构造透镜体进行年代学和地球化学研究,探讨其成岩、变质及构造意义.头道沟斜长角闪岩原岩为玄武安山岩,锆石LAICP-MS U-Pb年龄为373.0±2.6 Ma,相当于大民山组火山岩.该岩石属钠质岩石,富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素,锆石原位εHft)为+5.39~+10.06,类似兴安岛弧的Hf同位素特征.上述特征暗示其原岩可能起源于蚀变洋壳流体交代亏损地幔演化而来的年轻下地壳,形成于板块消减带之上的前弧盆地.晚泥盆世在额尔古纳-兴安地块东南缘发育弧后、弧间和弧前盆地.斜长角闪岩变质年龄为~241.5±9.6 Ma,该变质可能与天山-兴蒙造山带演化晚期的伸展作用有关.


    • 图  1  研究区地质简图

      a.中亚地区构造简图(据Jahn et al., 2004修改);b.中国东北地区构造简图(据潘桂棠等, 2009修改);c.扎兰屯南部地区地质简图. F1.塔源-喜桂图构造带;F2.贺根山-黑河构造带;F3.西拉沐伦-长春构造带;F4.赤峰-开源断裂带;F5.嘉荫-牡丹江构造带

      Fig.  1.  Geological sketch map of the study area

      图  2  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩岩貌(a)及显微岩石学照片(b)

      Fig.  2.  The field and microscopic characteristics of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      图  3  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩锆石阴极发光CL图及U-Pb年龄

      Fig.  3.  CL images and U-Pb data of zircons of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      图  4  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图(a)和206Pb/238U加权平均年龄柱状图(b)

      Fig.  4.  The zircon U-Pb concordia diagram (a) and 206Pb/238U weighted average histogram (b) of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      图  5  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩原岩名称及岩石系列图解

      a. K2O+Na2O-SiO2图;b. Zr/TiO2*0.0001-Nb/Y图;c. FeOT/MgO-SiO2

      Fig.  5.  Classification and series diagrams of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      图  6  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩稀土元素模式(a)及微量元素蛛网图(b)

      OIB、N-MORB、E-MORB数据及标准化据Sun and McDonough(1989)

      Fig.  6.  Chondrite-normalized REE patterns(a) and primitive mantle-normalized trace element spider diagram(b) of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      图  7  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩锆石Hf同位素特征图解

      a. εHf (t)-t图解(灰色区据Yang et al., 2006; 虚线区据Han et al., 2015);b. 176Hf/177Hf-t图解;c. εHf (t)-t图解

      Fig.  7.  Diagrams of zircon Hf isotopic of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      图  8  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩原岩成因判别图解

      a.Nb/Zr-Th/Zr图(据Ben Othman et al., 1989);b.Ba/Zr-Th/Zr图(据Ishizuka et al., 2003);c.Sm/Yb-La/Sm图(据Aldanmaz et al., 2000);d. La/Yb-Zr/Nb图(据Aldanmaz et al., 2006);DM.亏损地幔;N-MORB.正常大洋中脊地幔;PM.原始地幔;E-MORB.富集地幔;MORB.洋中脊玄武岩;OIB.洋岛玄武岩

      Fig.  8.  Petrogenesis discrimination diagrams of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      图  9  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩原岩构造环境判别图解

      a. La/Nb-La图;b. Ti-Zr图(据Pearce et al., 2003);c. Th/Yb-Ta/Yb图(据Pearce, 2003);d. V-Ti/1 000图(据Shervais, 1982);e. Th/Hf-Ta/Hf图(据汪云亮等, 2001);f. Cr-Y图(据Pearce, 2003);在图e中,Ⅰ.板块发散边缘N-MORB区,Ⅱ.板块汇聚边缘(Ⅱ1.大洋岛弧玄武岩区,Ⅱ2.陆缘岛弧及陆缘火山弧玄武岩区),Ⅲ.大洋板内洋岛、海山玄武岩区及T-MORB、E-MORB区,Ⅳ.大陆板内(Ⅳ1.陆内裂谷及陆缘裂谷拉斑玄武岩区,Ⅳ2.陆内裂谷碱性玄武岩区,Ⅳ3.大陆拉张带(或初始裂谷)玄武岩区),Ⅴ.地幔热柱玄武岩区;在其他图中,CA.钙碱性玄武岩,TH.拉斑玄武岩,TR.过渡性玄武岩,ALK.碱性玄武岩,IAB.岛弧玄武岩,IAT.岛弧拉斑玄武岩,ICA.岛弧钙碱性玄武岩,SHO.钾玄岩,MORB.洋中脊玄武岩,WPB.板内玄武岩,OIB.洋岛玄武岩,BABB.弧后盆地玄武岩,CFB.大陆溢流玄武岩

      Fig.  9.  Tectonic discrimination diagrams of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      表  1  扎兰屯市头道沟斜长角闪岩锆石Lu-Hf同位素测试结果

      Table  1.   The results of zircon Lu-Hf isotopic analysis of the amphibolite from Toudaogou in Zhalantun

      测点号 年龄(Ma) 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf IHf εHf(0) εHf(t) TDM1 (Ma) TDM2(cc) (Ma) fLu/Hf
      1 373.0 0.038 875 0.001 321 0.282 707 0.282 710 -2.2 5.69 774 928 -0.96
      2 0.028 970 0.001 021 0.282 716 0.282 719 -1.9 6.09 755 906 -0.97
      3 0.030 143 0.001 044 0.282 754 0.282 758 -0.5 7.43 702 831 -0.97
      4 0.038 843 0.001 281 0.282 726 0.282 729 -1.5 6.37 746 890 -0.96
      5 0.027 357 0.000 956 0.282 723 0.282 726 -1.6 6.35 744 891 -0.97
      6 0.046 786 0.001 575 0.282 719 0.282 722 -1.8 6.05 762 908 -0.95
      7 0.035 180 0.001 199 0.282 707 0.282 710 -2.2 5.72 772 926 -0.96
      8 0.029 675 0.001 025 0.282 737 0.282 741 -1.1 6.85 725 863 -0.97
      9 0.054 850 0.001 822 0.282 730 0.282 733 -1.4 6.39 751 889 -0.95
      10 0.024 972 0.000 864 0.282 783 0.282 787 0.5 8.51 657 770 -0.97
      11 0.029 171 0.001 004 0.282 828 0.282 832 2.1 10.06 596 684 -0.97
      12 0.071 996 0.002 355 0.282 705 0.282 709 -2.2 5.39 798 945 -0.93
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