Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Implications of Sandstones from the Yaojia Formation in Qianjiadian Uranium Deposit, Southern Songliao Basin
摘要: 沉积物的地球化学成分在沉积岩物源分析及构造背景的研究中具有重要的作用.对研究区4口钻孔中的姚家组砂岩进行了详细的岩石学和地球化学研究,结果显示,砂岩碎屑颗粒石英含量最高,长石次之,岩屑含量最低,平均值分别为42%、37%和21%,具有锆石+钛磁铁矿+石榴子石的重矿物组合,反映源岩以酸性岩浆岩或变质岩为主,Dickinson判别图解表明物源主要来自于大陆物源区;姚家组砂岩的稀土元素以轻稀土富集、重稀土平坦、中度铕负异常为特征.砂岩CIA值为52.02~60.16,平均值为56.69,反映了干燥气候背景下弱的化学风化作用.源岩属性判别图解表明源岩为再旋回的古老沉积物及长英质火山岩.主量、微量和稀土元素的构造背景判别图解综合表明姚家组砂岩物源区为被动大陆边缘构造环境,结合区域构造演化,认为姚家组砂岩的物源为华北克拉通北缘燕山陆内造山带发育的火山-沉积岩系.Abstract: The geochemical composition of sandstones in sedimentary basin plays an important role in the study of sedimentary provenance and tectonic settings. In this paper, detailed petrography and geochemical analyses were carried out on the sandstones of the Yaojia Formation from 4 drilling cores in the study area. All sandstone samples have the highest content of quartz (Q), followed by feldspar (F), and the lowest amount of lithic fragments (L), with an average of 42%, 37% and 21% respectively, featuring with heavy mineral assemblage of zircon-titanium magnetite-garnet, which suggests an acidic or metamorphic source. Dickinson discrimination diagrams show provenance mainly from continental block provenance. The REE distribution patterns are uniform, with LREE enrichment, flat HREE, and moderate negative Eu anomalies (average 0.63). Chemical index of alteration CIA (52.02-60.16, average 56.69) of the sandstones displays that they have experienced low grade of chemical weathering and alteration under arid paleoclimate condition. The discrimination diagrams for provenance attribute indicate a mixed source material composition of old sedimentary rocks and felsic igneous rocks. Based on major elements, trace and rare earth elements tectonic setting discrimination diagrams, suggested that source materials of the Yaojia Formation sandstones were from passive margin environment, and its provenances were from Yanshan intracontinental orogenic belts of the northern margin of Huabei Craton.
图 3 姚家组砂岩微量元素和稀土元素标准化配分曲线
a.微量元素上地壳标准化配分曲线(上地壳标准值据Rudnick and Gao, 2003);b.稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线(球粒陨石标准化值据Taylor and McLennan, 1985)
Fig. 3. Trace element and REE patterns for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 4 姚家组砂岩三角判别图解
a.QmFLt分类判别图解,单位%;b.QtFL图解(据Dickinson et al., 1983);c.QmFLt图解(据Dickinson et al., 1983)
Fig. 4. Ternary diagrams for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 5 姚家组砂岩类型的地球化学判别图解
a.(Fe2O3T+MgO)-Na2O-K2O判别图解(据Blatt et al., 1980);b.lg(Fe2O3T/K2O)-lg(SiO2/Al2O3)判别图解(据Herron,1988)
Fig. 5. Geohemical classification diagrams for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 6 姚家组砂岩的SiO2-(Al2O3+K2O+Na2O)古气候判别图解
Fig. 6. Bivariate SiO2 versus (Al2O3+K2O+Na2O) palaeoclimate discrimination diagram of sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 7 姚家组砂岩判别图解
a.A-CN-K图解(据Fedo et al.,1995);花岗闪长岩和花岗岩数据引自Condie(1993);PAAS.澳大利亚后太古代平均页岩;UCC.平均上地壳,数据引自Taylor and McLennan(1985);b.Zr/Sc-Th/Sc图解(据McLennan et al., 1993),不同岩石类型的平均值引自Condie(1983)
Fig. 7. Discrimination diagrams of sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 9 姚家组砂岩主量-微量元素源区物质组成判别
a.K2O-Rb图解(据Floyd and Leveridge, 1987);b.TiO2-Ni图解(据Floyd et al., 1989)
Fig. 9. Source material composition discrimination diagrams for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 10 姚家组砂岩La/Th-Hf和Co/Th-La/Sc源岩判别图解
a.La/Th-Hf图解(据Floyd and Leveridge, 1987);b.Co/Th-La/Sc图解(据Gu et al.,2002)
Fig. 10. Discrimination diagrams for provenance attribute for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 11 姚家组砂岩构造背景主量元素判别图解
a.K2O/Na2O-SiO2图解(据Roser and Korsch, 1986);b.SiO2/Al2O3-K2O/Na2O图解(据Maynard et al., 1982);c.K2O/Na2O-(Fe2O3T+MgO)图解;d.Al2O3/(Na2O+CaO)-(Fe2O3T+MgO)图解(据Bhatia,1983);ARC.岛弧;A1.弧;A2.演化弧;ACM.主动大陆边缘;PM.被动大陆边缘;OIA.大洋岛弧;CIA.大陆岛弧
Fig. 11. Tectonic setting discrimination diagrams using major elements for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 12 姚家组砂岩构造背景微量元素判别图解
a.La/Y-Sc/Cr图解;b.La-Th-Sc图解;c.Th-Co-Zr/10图解;d.Th-Sc-Zr/10图解(据Bhatia and Crook, 1986);ACM.主动大陆边缘;PM.被动大陆边缘;OIA.大洋岛弧;CIA.大陆岛弧
Fig. 12. Tectonic setting discrimination diagrams using trace elements for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 13 姚家组砂岩的稀土元素-主量元素源区判别图
Fig. 13. Provenance discrimination diagrams of REE vs. major elements for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
图 14 姚家组砂岩用于区分主动大陆边缘和被动大陆边缘的新的判别函数图
a.基于主量元素的图解;判别函数DF(A-P)M由下列式子计算得出:DF(A-P)M=(3.000 5×ilr1TiM)+(2.824 3×ilr2AlM)+(-1.596×ilr3FeM)+(-0.705 6×ilr4MnM)+(-0.304 4×ilr5MgM)+(0.627 7×ilr6CaM)+(-1.183 8×ilr7NaM)+(1.591 5×ilr8KM)+(0.152 6×ilr9PM)-5.994 8;b.联合主量元素和微量元素的图解,判别函数(DF(A-P)MT)由下列式子计算得出:DF(A-P)MT=(3.268 3×ilr1TiMT)+(5.387 3×ilr2AlMT)+(1.554 6×ilr3FeMT)+(3.216 6×ilr4MnMT)+(4.754 2×ilr5MgMT)+(2.039 0×ilr6CaMT)+(4.049 0×ilr7NaMT)+(3.150 5×ilr8KMT)+(2.368 8×ilr9PMT)+(2.835 4×ilr10CrMT)+(0.901 1×ilr11NbMT)+(1.912 8×ilr12NiMT)+(2.909 4×ilr13VMT)+(4.150 7×ilr14YMT)+(3.487 1×ilr15ZrMT)-3.208 8;据Verma and Armstrong-Altrin(2016)
Fig. 14. Evaluation of the new multidimensional discriminant function diagrams for the discrimination of active and passive margin settings for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation
表 1 姚家组砂岩薄片碎屑组分的原始统计
Table 1. Raw point-counting data of sandstone compositions in thin sections from the Yaojia Formation
样品号 深度(m) 粒度 Qm Qp P K Lv Lm Ls Ms MC O Total Qt F L Lt QC17-34 272.3 f 152 8 61 49 64 5 6 7 82 4 416 160 110 75 83 QC19-9 323.2 f 154 10 68 53 48 4 8 7 103 7 428 164 120 60 70 QC19-11 346.2 f 129 9 71 60 52 4 3 5 72 2 364 138 131 59 68 QC19-15 374.6 f 128 11 67 57 56 5 6 6 81 2 387 139 124 67 78 QC19-19 385.5 m 121 10 63 54 54 6 6 8 94 4 403 131 117 66 76 QC19-21 390.0 f 130 11 67 46 54 4 8 5 76 3 375 141 113 66 77 QC19-24 392.0 f 137 9 62 59 42 3 13 11 98 9 416 146 121 58 67 QC19-26 394.0 f 140 8 59 55 59 5 3 9 83 4 394 148 114 67 75 QC19-28 397.7 f 142 7 77 49 47 3 6 12 106 7 418 149 126 56 63 QC19-34 423.0 f 151 6 68 52 58 7 2 8 88 5 405 157 120 67 73 QC19-36 437.8 f 147 7 66 48 51 4 6 6 81 3 392 154 114 61 68 QC90-6 398.5 f 137 6 62 51 54 6 5 8 96 3 397 143 113 65 71 QC90-10 445.0 f 145 8 72 61 67 9 9 11 86 6 416 153 133 85 93 QC90-15 507.0 f 134 9 68 58 58 7 6 5 82 2 382 143 126 71 80 注:Qm:单晶石英;Qp:多晶石英;P:斜长石;K:钾长石;Lv.火山岩岩屑;Lm.变质岩岩屑;Ls.沉积岩岩屑(不包括碳酸盐岩);Ms.白云母和黑云母;MC.杂基和胶结物(包括碳酸盐岩);O.其他矿物(重矿物和透明矿物);表中数值为碎屑颗粒个数; Total.总颗粒数;Qt=Qm+Qp;F=K+P;L=Lv+Lm+Ls;Lt=L+Qp;f.细砂岩;m.中砂岩. 表 2 姚家组砂岩与不同构造背景杂砂岩主量元素特征参数比较
Table 2. Comparison of major elements for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation and graywackes from different tectonic settings
构造背景 主量元素特征参数 Fe2O3T+MgO TiO2 Al2O3/SiO2 K2O/Na2O Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O) 大洋岛弧 11.73 1.06 0.29 0.39 1.72 大陆岛弧 6.79 0.64 0.20 0.61 2.42 主动大陆边缘 4.63 0.46 0.18 0.99 2.56 被动大陆边缘 2.89 0.49 0.10 1.60 4.15 姚家组砂岩(N=12) 2.39 0.44 0.14 1.58 3.85 注:主量元素含量的单位为%,不同构造背景杂砂岩主量元素特征参数引自Bhatia(1983). 表 3 姚家组砂岩与不同构造背景杂砂岩稀土元素特征参数比较
Table 3. Comparison of REE characteristics for sandstones from the Yaojia Formation and graywackes from different tectonic settings
构造背景 源区类型 REE参数 La(×10-6) Ce(×10-6) ∑REE(×10-6) La/Yb LaN/YbN ∑LREE/∑HREE Eu/Eu* 大洋岛弧 未切割的岩浆弧 8±1.7 19±3.7 58±10 4.2±1.3 2.8±0.9 3.8±0.9 1.04±0.11 大陆岛弧 切割的岩浆弧 27±4.5 59±8.2 146±20 11.0±3.6 7.5±2.5 7.7±1.7 0.79±0.13 主动大陆边缘 隆升的基底 37 78 186 12.5 8.5 9.1 0.6 被动大陆边缘 克拉通内部构造高地 39 85 210 15.9 10.8 8.5 0.56 姚家组砂岩(N=12) 35.3 64.6 153.7 16.9 11.4 10.1 0.63 注:LaN/YbN和Eu/Eu*采用Taylor and McLennan(1985)推荐的球粒陨石平均值标准化;不同构造背景杂砂岩稀土元素特征参数引自Bhatia(1985). -
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