Research and Application of Formation Pressure Monitoring While Drilling in Deepwater with High Temperature and High Pressure
摘要: 随着深水高温高压油气勘探的逐步深入,目前钻遇地层普遍存在着储层系统多样、压力系统复杂且高低压相间的情况,钻井过程中井下复杂情况频发,严重影响钻井作业安全.结合深水高温高压X1井的钻井实例,分别使用dC指数法和岩石强度法开展地层压力随钻监测工作.结果表明,岩石强度法对深水高温高压井的压力监测精度更高,可以为后续深水高温高压井的地层压力监测工作提供参考.Abstract: With the deepening exploration of oil and gas in deepwater with high temperature and high pressure conditions,there are various reservoir systems,which are complex and interlaced. Downhole complications occur frequently in the drilling process,which seriously affects the drilling safety.In this paper,combined the drilling example of deepwater with high temperature and high pressure well X1,dC index method and rock strength method are used to monitor formation pressure while drilling.The results show that the rock strength method is more accurate for pressure monitoring of deepwater with high temperature and high pressure wells,and it can provide a reference for subsequent monitoring of formation pressure in deepwater with high temperature and high pressure wells.
表 1 岩石强度法、dC指数法监测地层孔隙压力梯度值与实测值对比表
Table 1. Comparison table of pore pressure values monitored by rock strength method and dC index method
井号 井深(m) 实测压力梯度当量密度(g/cm3) 岩石强度法 dC指数法 压力梯度(g/cm3) 误差(%) 压力梯度(g/cm3) 误差(%) X1 3 065 1.66 1.58 4.8 1.51 9.0 3 987 2.17 2.25 4.7 2.02 6.9 4 023 2.20 2.12 3.6 1.86 5.5 4 057 2.20 2.21 0.5 2.04 7.3 4 098 2.25 2.23 0.9 2.06 8.5 -
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