Porosity Evolution Differences of the Lingshui Formation Reservoir between Baodao and Changchang Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin
摘要: 宝岛-长昌凹陷陵水组砂岩储集体目前是琼东南盆地油气勘探的重点目标.本文综合铸体薄片、激光粒度、元素地球化学、X衍射、扫描电镜、流体包裹体以及电子探针分析,探究宝岛凹陷北坡与长昌凹陷陵水组砂岩储层的成岩演化差异性.宝岛凹陷北坡的砂岩储层具有“粒度粗、稳定组分高”的强水动力特征,是海南岛物源体系下的三角洲沉积;而长昌凹陷砂岩储层具有“粒级偏细、泥质杂基重”的弱水动力特点,是神狐隆起、西沙隆起物源体系下的海底扇沉积.机械压实导致宝岛凹陷北坡的陵水组砂岩储层颗粒普遍呈现线状或凹凸接触.高热流背景导致长昌凹陷陵水组砂岩在海底以下浅埋条件(海底以下约1 400 m)下即可进入化学压实阶段,颗粒呈点-线接触,并伴生重晶石、片钠铝石等热液矿物.宝岛凹陷北坡存在早、晚两期烃类充注(14.5~10.0 Ma、2~0 Ma),期间被一期CO2充注分隔(7~3 Ma).长昌凹陷仅发育早期烃类充注(14.5~6.0 Ma),以及随后的一期CO2充注(5~0 Ma).陵水组砂岩储层演化在宝岛凹陷北坡总体以“海底以下缓慢深埋、缓慢升温”,天然气充注促进溶蚀和抑制胶结为特点,而长昌凹陷则以“海底以下浅埋、快速升温”,CO2持续充注促使碳酸盐或粘土或热液矿物胶结为特点.Abstract: Sandstone reservoirs of Lingshui formation in Baodao-Changchang depression are currently the key targets for oil and gas exploration in Qiongdongnan Basin. In this paper, the differences of diagenesis evolution in sandstone reservoirs of Lingshui formation between the northern slope of Baodao sag and Changchang sag are studied by means of casting thin sections, laser particle size, element geochemistry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, fluid inclusions and electron probe analysis. The results show that the sandstone reservoirs on the northern slope of Baodao sag are delta deposits under the provenance system of Hainan Island which have strong hydrodynamic characteristics of "coarse grain size and high stable component", while the sandstone reservoirs in Changchang sag have weak hydrodynamic characteristics of "fine grain size and heavy argillaceous", which are submarine fan deposits under the provenance system of Shenhu uplift and Xisha uplift. Mechanical compaction results in linear or convex contact of sandstone particles in Lingshui formation in the northern slope of Baodao sag. The high heat flow leads to the chemical compaction stage of sandstone in Lingshui formation of Changchang depression under the condition of shallow burial below sea floor (about an depth of 1 400 m below sea floor) and point-line contact of particles, accompanied by hydrothermal minerals such as barite and dawsonite. There are two stages of hydrocarbon filling (14.5~10.0 Ma, 2~0 Ma) in the northern slope of Baodao sag, which were separated by one stage of CO2 filling (7~3 Ma). In Changchang sag, only early hydrocarbon filling (14.5~6.0 Ma) and subsequent CO2 filling (5~0 Ma) were developed. The evolution of sandstone reservoirs in Lingshui Formation on the northern slope of Baodao Sag was generally characterized by "slowly deep-buried below sea floor and slow temperature rise". Natural gas filling promoted dissolution and inhibits cementation, while Changchang Sag was characterized by " shallow-buried below sea floor and rapid temperature rise" and continuous CO2 filling promoted cementation of carbonate or clay or hydrothermal minerals.
图 6 宝岛-长昌区陵水组储层成岩作用类型显微照片
a.B-3, 4 104.5 m, 中-粗砂岩, 颗粒呈线接触, 石英次生加大, 壁心(-);b.W-1, 4 855.5 m, 细砂岩, 颗粒呈点-线接触, 石英次生加大, 壁心(-);c.B-3, 4 104.5 m, 中-粗砂岩, 长石与岩屑颗粒溶蚀, 壁心(-);d.W-1, 4 855.5 m, 细砂岩, 长石颗粒溶蚀、片丝状伊利石充填粒间, 扫描电镜, 壁心;e.B-3, 3 936.0 m, 中-粗砂岩, 片丝状伊利石充填颗粒之间, 扫描电镜, 壁心;f.B-3, 4 102.0 m, 中-粗砂岩, 连晶铁方解石胶结与铁白云石交代, 壁心(-);g.W-1, 4 920.0 m, 极细砂岩, 电子探针片, 背散射成像, 壁心;h.探针点1:重晶石, 探针点2:铁白云石;i.C-1, 3 360.8 m, 极细砂岩, 放射状片钠铝石, 壁心(-)
Fig. 6. Microphotographs showing digenesis of Lingshui Formation Reservoir in Baodao-Changchang area
表 1 宝岛-长昌凹陷陵水组储层岩石组分特征
Table 1. Parameters of sandstone components of Lingshui Formation Reservior in Baodao-Changchang Sag
井号 粒度 砂体类型 岩石类型 单晶石英(%) 长石(%) 岩屑(%) 碳酸盐胶结物(%) 泥质杂基(%) 黏土矿物含量(%) 多晶石英 花岗岩 变质岩 喷出岩 沉积岩 云母 伊利石 高岭石 绿泥石 伊蒙混层 A-1 中、粗 三角洲 岩屑石英砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩 51.3 7.2 16.3 0.2 3.7 1.0 0 0.2 3.7 6.7 D-1 48.5 9.9 15.0 0.6 4.2 1.0 0 0.3 6.3 3.3 B-3 54.8 8.8 12.8 0.1 6.5 2.5 0 0.1 7.3 4.4 64.9 4.9 4.5 25.7 W-1 粉、细 海底扇 岩屑石英砂岩 51.5 6.8 8.2 0 6.6 0.8 0 0.5 6.2 12.5 76.9 4.1 0.9 18.1 -
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