The Development and Application of High Performance Water Base Muds for HTHP Wells in Yingqiong Basin
摘要: 位于南海西部的莺歌海-琼东南盆地(下称:莺-琼盆地)具有井底压力与温度双高、安全作业密度窗口极窄等特点,在高温高压工况下引发钻井液流变性难以控制、井下恶性漏失、电测仪器阻卡和储层保护难度大等情况.因此,基于此区块复杂的地质条件,经过多次的室内试验研究,在常规聚磺高温高压水基钻井液的基础上,通过引入甲酸钾作为配方抑制剂,同时优选抗高温聚合物以及磺化钻井液材料,在提高了体系的抑制性同时,有效地降低了钻井液的活度,并且通过加重材料的优选,钻井液的流变性得到了改善,使得体系具有较低的高温高压滤失量,密度2.5 g/cm3的体系可以抗高温达240℃.现场实践表明,新型高温高压水基钻井液体系具有良好的抗高温性和流变性,较低的高温高压滤失量,优良的滤饼质量,同时根据电缆测井井壁取心结果,此新型水基钻井液体系的储层保护效果良好.Abstract: High temperature and high pressure deep wells drilled in Yinggehai penetrated formations with narrow density windows.Conventional polymer sulfonate drilling fluids become highly viscous and difficult to flow in complex geological environment, and false thick mud cakes are generated. These generally result in resistance to drill pipe tripping, pipe sticking and lost circulation. A high performance water base drilling fluid has been formulated in laboratory with new high temperature polymers replacing conventional polymers. Laboratory evaluation shows that the high performance water base drilling fluid with density 2.50 g/cm3 maintained its thermal stability for a long time at 240℃, was resistant to the contamination caused by 50 g/L drilled cuttings, 50 mL/L formation water and 5 g/L CO2, and performed well in reservoir protection, the return permeability reaches 84.6%. This high performance drilling fluid has been used on a well in Yinggehai with formation pressure coefficient of 2.20~2.40 and formation temperature between 190℃ and 200℃, which conventional polymer sulfonate drilling fluid has failed the drilling operation previously. This proved that the high performance water base drilling fluid had good high temperature stability and superior rheology. The successful application of the high performance drilling fluid has provided an reference for selecting drilling fluids for HTHP complex well drilling.
表 1 不同密度下的基本配方钻井液性能
Table 1. Property of drilling fluid under different density
ρ(g/cm3) 表观黏度
(mL)pH 2.1 50 45 6.5 3/7 6.0 10.0 2.3 56 48 9.0 3/8 6.3 10.0 2.5 59 51 13.0 3/13 7.1 10.0 注:实验条件为240 ℃老化16 h. 表 2 饱和状态下的盐溶液的活度值
Table 2. Activity index of saturated salinity
编号 溶液名称 平均吸附量(%) 活度值 1 饱和甲酸钾HCOOK 3.307 0.145 2 饱和甲酸钠HCOONa 5.250 0.236 3 饱和有机盐KLS-1 6.101 0.290 4 饱和有机盐KLS-2 6.705 0.325 5 饱和氯化钠Nacl 7.045 0.368 6 饱和氯化钙CaCl2 7.525 0.420 表 3 抑制性能评价
Table 3. Inhibition evaluation
配方 线性膨胀率(%) 滚动回收率(%) 基础配方 22.23 68.5 基础配方+10%NaCl 17.23 89.2 基础配方+10%HCOOK 15.02 96.4 注:实验条件为240℃老化16 h. 表 4 钻井液润滑性测试结果
Table 4. Lubrication test result of drilling fluid
配方 润滑系数 基础配方 0.201 3 基础配方+1.5%PF-BLA B(小球) 0.164 2 基础配方+1.5%PF-LUBE(油性润滑材料) 0.158 9 基础配方+1.5%GRA(石墨) 0.151 0 表 5 新型高温高压水基钻井液A与常规聚磺高温高压水基钻井液B的高温工况下的稳定性能评价结果
Table 5. High temperature stability evaluation of type A novel HTHP drilling fluid and type B conventional HTHP drilling fluid
配方 实验条件 ρ
(mL)A 室温 2.5 41 8 2/7 5.5 热滚 2.5 48 10 3/10 6.2 静置老化 2.5 51 13 3/13 7.1 B 室温 2.3 44 9 7.0/12.5 7.2 热滚 2.3 49 16 8.0/14.5 8.5 静置老化 2.3 55 21 9.0/16.5 9.6 注:A配方热滚的实验条件是240 ℃、16 h,静止老化实验条件是240 ℃、静置7 d; B配方热滚的实验条件是180 ℃、16 h,老化实验条件是180 ℃、静置7 d; A、B配方室内评价显示均无重晶石沉淀 表 6 抗钻屑污染实验结果
Table 6. Anti-cutting pollution test result
测试对象 ρ
Φ6/Φ3高温高压滤失量(mL) 未污染钻井液 2.5 59 51 13 3/13 7.1 10%岩屑污染 2.5 61 53 14 4/15 7.5 表 7 储层保护评价结果
Table 7. Evaluation result of reservoir protection
岩心号 K1(mD) K2(mD) 渗透率恢复值(%) 10 # 1.496 1.376 92 13 # 4.435 4.124 93 表 8 沉降稳定性评价结果(热滚后)
Table 8. Evaluation of sag stability
试验温度(℃) 上部钻井液密度(g/cm3) 下部钻井液密度(g/cm3) 密度差
(g/cm3)沉降因子 70 2.2 2.31 0.11 0.512 240 2.4 2.53 0.13 0.513 表 9 新型高温高压水基钻井液高温工况下的稳定性
Table 9. Stability of novel HTHP drilling fluid
井名 备注 井深
(m)ρ(g/cm3) FV
(mL)X1 钻进 368 2 2.06 43 27 8.0 3.5/7.0 7.5 钻进 373 6 2.17 45 30 8.5 4.0/8.0 7.4 钻进 377 3 2.24 52 34 9.5 4.0/8.5 6.9 室温 381 1 2.24 56 44 9.0 7.0/16.5 7.5 180 ℃静止120 h 2.24 59 55 21.0 9.0/16.5 9.4 井底静置100 h后返出 2.24 61 56 20.5 9.0/17.0 9.3 X2 钻进 399 1 2.11 41 20 8.5 3.0/7.0 7.4 钻进 402 5 2.16 44 22 8.0 3.0/6.5 7.0 钻进 410 2 2.22 47 26 9.5 4.0/7.5 7.1 X3 钻进 379 6 2.03 39 21 8.0 3.0/6.0 7.5 钻进 388 1 2.15 41 24 8.0 3.0/6.5 7.4 钻进 396 3 2.39 48 31 8.5 3.5/7.0 7.0 室温 2.39 45 24 8.5 4.0/7.0 6.7 200 ℃静止120 h 2.39 57 54 13.0 8.5/14.0 8.4 井底静置100 h后返出 2.39 59 56 13.0 9.0/15.0 8.5 表 10 钻井液摩阻数据对比表
Table 10. Drag and friction comparison of drilling fluid
井名 井深(m) Φ上层套管(mm) Φ井鞋(mm) ρ(g/cm3) 循环排量(L/min) ρ摩阻当量(g/cm3) X1 3 811 244.475 212.73 2.24 1 300~1 800 0.10~0.13 X2 4 102 177.800(尾管) 149.22 2.22 700~1 200 0.05~0.08 X3 3 963 244.475 212.73 2.39 1 300~1 800 0.05~0.08 -
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