Advances in LA-ICP-MS Analysis for Individual Fluid Inclusions and Applications
摘要: 独立封存的单个流体包裹体,能够准确地反演被捕获时期的流体信息.激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)是单个流体包裹体微区分析的重要手段,展现了原位、实时、高空间分辨率、高灵敏度、高精密度、低检出限、多元素同时检测的优点.单个流体包裹体组成信息的LA-ICP-MS测定技术,在单个流体包裹体选取、激光剥蚀采样方式、气溶胶传输与电离、质谱瞬时信号采集效率、定量校准与内标元素准确测定等方面逐步突破,且该技术应用于成矿元素来源及分配、成矿流体来源及特征、建立成矿模式等方面的研究广泛.因此提高单个流体包裹体分析成功率、降低小体积流体包裹体元素检出限、测定矿石矿物流体包裹体成分等成为该分析技术亟待解决的问题.
- 单个流体包裹体 /
- 激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子质谱 /
- 分析技术 /
- 成矿流体 /
- 地球化学
Abstract: Individual fluid inclusions can accurately indicate the fluid characteristics of the trapped period and avoid the mixed interference of multi-stage inclusions. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is an important method for microanalysis of individual fluid inclusions, owing to its analytical superiority of in-situ, timeliness, high spatial resolution and sensitivity, high precision, low detection limits and a large dynamic line range. The technique of LA-ICP-MS for determining the composition of individual fluid inclusions focuses on selection criteria for fluid inclusions suitable for analysis, ablation procedure, aerosol transport and ionization within the ICP, transient signals acquisition efficiency, quantitative calibration and determination of internal standard elements. Meanwhile, the source and distribution of the ore-forming elements, the source and characteristics of the ore-forming fluid, the establishment of the metallogenic model also are widely studied. The results show that it is urgent for LA-ICP-MS analysis technology to improve the success rate of individual ore-forming fluid inclusions, reduce the detection limits of elements for small-sized fluid inclusions, and determine mineral fluid inclusions.-
Key words:
- individual fluid inclusion /
- analytic technique /
- ore-forming fluid /
- geochemistry
图 2 典型的2种打开单个流体包裹体策略示意图
a~d.分段剥蚀;e~h.直接剥蚀.图a~d修改自Günther et al. (1998); 图e~h修改自Pettke (2008)
Fig. 2. Two typical strategies for opening fluid individual inclusions
图 6 Cu和Au在气相和液相之间的分配与流体密度差异对照(a)和宿主石英中流体包裹体的H+、Na+和Au+再平衡扩散示意图(b, c)
图a引自Pokrovski et al. (2013), Schlöglova et al. (2017b);图b、c引自Guo and Audétat (2018)
Fig. 6. Partitioning of Cu and Au between vapor and brine (lgKV/L) based on the fluid density contrast (lgρV/L) (a); diffusion paths of H+, Na+ and Au+ of fluid inclusions through the host quartz(b, c)
图 7 LA-ICP-MS测定天然流体包裹体的卤素摩尔含量比值与来源分析
Fig. 7. Halogen of natural fluid inclusions analyzed by LA-ICP-MS
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