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    李东旭 谭以安

    李东旭, 谭以安, 2019. 铜官山S状背斜构造综合解析. 地球科学, 44(5): 1511-1525. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.974
    引用本文: 李东旭, 谭以安, 2019. 铜官山S状背斜构造综合解析. 地球科学, 44(5): 1511-1525. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.974
    Li Dongxu, Tan Yi'an, 2019. Structural Synthesis Analysis of S-Shaped Anticline in Tongguanshan. Earth Science, 44(5): 1511-1525. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.974
    Citation: Li Dongxu, Tan Yi'an, 2019. Structural Synthesis Analysis of S-Shaped Anticline in Tongguanshan. Earth Science, 44(5): 1511-1525. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.974


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.974

      李东旭(1933-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 长期从事构造地质学及地质力学研究与教学工作.

    • 中图分类号: P54

    Structural Synthesis Analysis of S-Shaped Anticline in Tongguanshan

    • 摘要: 通过褶皱、断裂、节理、线理等构造形迹的系统观测对铜官山S状背斜的形成过程和机制进行了综合构造解析,发现该背斜经过了3次构造变形,2次构造叠加复合.早期NE向褶皱的S状弯曲是由于前期EW向断裂限制的结果;晚期S状弯曲是由于新华夏构造应力场导致轴近水平的麻花状旋扭的结果;还通过物理模拟和数字模拟验证了限制型及麻花型S状构造形成机制.值得注意的是,通过铜官山S状背斜的综合构造解析可以扩大到整体下扬子台褶带的构造演化力学解析.从而证明根据局部地区的构造综合解析才是认识区域大地构造运动方式、方向及其变化最直接、最可靠的证据.


    • 图  1  下扬子构造带简图


      Fig.  1.  Sketch map of Lower Yangtze River tectonics

      图  2  铜陵地块中S状褶皱群


      Fig.  2.  S-shaped folds within Tongling massif

      图  3  铜官山背斜地质图


      Fig.  3.  Geological map of Tongguanshan anticline

      图  4  铜官山S状背斜联合横剖面图及π圆图解数据

      1.三叠系南陵湖组; 2.塔山组; 3.小凉亭组; 4.二叠系大隆组; 5.龙潭组; 6.孤峰组; 7.栖霞组; 8.二叠系;9.石炭系;10.泥盆系五通组; 11.茅山群;12.坟头组;13.高家边组;14.闪长斑岩; 15.石英闪长斑岩;16. π圆(β:枢纽产状; S1:轴面产状; A/λ:波幅/波长);17.正断层;18.断层

      Fig.  4.  United cross sections of the TGS S-shaped anticline and graphic solution date of π circle

      图  5  两翼层间同向牵引褶皱(a)、剪力流(b)和层面斜向擦线(c)

      Fig.  5.  The same form drag folds plane in both limbs (a), shear flow (b) and oblique striation on the bending (c)

      图  6  铜官山S背斜不同段落褶皱形态、形成机制及力学性质

      Fig.  6.  Geometric shape, formation mechanism and mechanical properties of different sections of S-shaped anticline in TGS

      图  7  铜官山S状背斜伴生断层


      Fig.  7.  Associated faults of Tongguanshan anticline

      图  8  撕开型剪刀式断层生长演化过程示意


      Fig.  8.  Tear-off scissor-type fault growth evolution process

      图  9  铜官山背斜枢纽起伏示东西向褶皱叠加

      Fig.  9.  The hinge of anticline is wavy and the axis in EW direction

      图  10  灰岩采场走向EW的叠瓦状逆冲断层野外照片(a)和灰岩采场走向EW的叠瓦状逆冲断层素描图(b)

      C2+3.黄龙、船山组灰岩;P1q.栖霞灰岩;f1, f3, f7.扭性断层NW330°∠80°;f2, f4, f5, f6, f8.压性断层;f9.白色燧石层;f10.黄铁矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿;f11.透镜状构造

      Fig.  10.  The photo of EW strike imbricate thrust (a) and the sketch of EW strike imbricate thrust (b)

      图  11  碎石岭近EW向压性破碎带


      Fig.  11.  EW strike pressure fracture zone

      图  12  近EW向叠加小褶皱被轴近水平旋扭(a)和沿NNE向轴旋扭的近EW向小褶皱(b)

      ①②③④⑤表示5个倾伏小褶皱(表 2)

      Fig.  12.  Nearly EW to the small folds (a) and nearly EW-trending small folds twisting along the axis of NNE (b)

      图  13  铜官山S状背斜共轭节理等密图(a)、石耳山节理分期配套照片(b)和石耳山节理分期配套素描图(c)


      Fig.  13.  Conjugate shear joint density diagram of the Tongguanshan S-shaped anticline (a), the photo of joints division period division and matching (b) and the sketch of joints period and matching (c) in Shiershan

      图  14  NE向构造期主应力轨迹线


      Fig.  14.  The map showing principal stress trajectories of NE tectonic period

      图  15  EW向构造期主应力轨迹


      Fig.  15.  The map showing principle stress trajectories of E-W tectonic period

      图  16  新华夏系主应力轨迹


      Fig.  16.  The map showing principal stress trajectories of Neocathaysian

      图  17  铜陵地块边界条件(a)和递进变形模拟(1)(b)

      Fig.  17.  Boundary conditions of Tongling land mass (a) and model experiment of progressive deformation (1) (b)

      图  18  模拟边界条件及应变主轴线变位(a)、有限单元模型(b)和最大主应变迹线(据有限单元法)(c)


      Fig.  18.  Simulation of boundary conditions and geometrical parameters of fold axis changes (a), finite element model (b) and trajectory of maximum strain (by finite element method) (c)

      图  19  递进变形模拟(2)

      Fig.  19.  Model experiment of progressive deformation (2)

      图  20  网格法扭转前后应变花(a)和扭转后轴面形态(b)

      Fig.  20.  Strain flower grids before and after deformation (a) and axial surface shape after twisting (b)

      图  21  扭转变形后的展平(a)和展平后的主应力迹线(b)

      Fig.  21.  Main stress traces after flattening (a) and flattening after twisting deformation (b)

      表  1  铜陵地块中S状背斜的形态及产状

      Table  1.   Morphology and attitude of the S-shaped anticlines in Tongling massif

      褶皱名称 褶皱轴面产状 褶皱形态
      北段 中段 南段 北段 中段 南段
      铜官山背斜 走向NE45°,倾向SE,倾角72° 走向NE30°,倾向SE,倾角72° 走向NE65°,倾向NW,倾角60° 倒转 直立 倒转
      背山背斜 走向NE60°,倾向SE,倾角62° 走向NE35°,倾角90° 走向NE70°,倾向NW,倾角60° 斜歪 直立 斜歪
      永村桥背斜 走向NE70°,倾向SE,倾角72° 走向NE50°,倾角90° 走向NE85°,倾向NW,倾角60° 斜歪 直立 斜歪
      仙水冲背斜 走向NE65°,倾向SE,倾角82° 走向NE40°,倾角90° 走向NE65°,倾向NW,倾角82° 斜歪 直立 斜歪
      丫山背斜 走向NE60°,倾向SE,倾角62° 走向NE50°,倾角90° 走向NE75°,倾向NW,倾角40° 倒转 直立 倒转
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      表  2  旋扭叠加小褶皱枢纽形状及产状

      Table  2.   Morphology and attitude of small fold hinge with rotating compound

      编号 倾向(°) 倾角(°) 形态
      302 78 向上凸
      275 20~50 向上凸
      305 24 较平直
      300 30~50 向下凹
      278 46 向下凹
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