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    田立新, 2022. 珠江口盆地惠州凹陷古近系规模性砂砾岩储层凝灰质成因及其油气地质意义. 地球科学, 47(2): 452-463. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.234
    引用本文: 田立新, 2022. 珠江口盆地惠州凹陷古近系规模性砂砾岩储层凝灰质成因及其油气地质意义. 地球科学, 47(2): 452-463. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.234
    Tian Lixin, 2022. Genesis Mechanism of Tuffaceous Materials in Paleogene Large-Scale Glutenite Reservoirs and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Huizhou Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 47(2): 452-463. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.234
    Citation: Tian Lixin, 2022. Genesis Mechanism of Tuffaceous Materials in Paleogene Large-Scale Glutenite Reservoirs and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Huizhou Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 47(2): 452-463. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.234


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.234

    中海石油(中国)有限公司生产科研项目“惠州26洼南缘古近系源汇体系及规模优质储层研究” CCL2020SZPS0148


      田立新(1970-), 男, 教授级高级工程师, 主要从事油气勘探研究及管理工作.E-mail: tianlx@cnooc.com.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618.130.2

    Genesis Mechanism of Tuffaceous Materials in Paleogene Large-Scale Glutenite Reservoirs and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Huizhou Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin

    • 摘要: 随着全球能源需求日益增长,砂砾岩油气藏研究逐步深入,新疆准噶尔盆地玛湖大型砾岩油藏、渤海海域渤中19-6大型整装凝析气田及珠江口盆地H6-6构造超百亿方天然气勘探获重大发现,使得砂砾岩体成为油气勘探新领域.基于镜下薄片、扫描电镜与振幅-方差体地震属性分级-拾取-融合分析,综合表征砂砾岩储层中凝灰质性质、分布、来源及其对储层物性与含油气性影响.结果表明弥散分布凝灰质是H6-6构造古近系规模性砂砾岩储层异常的内在原因,其中文昌组和恩平组存在3个火山口,文昌期火山活动持续强烈,以基性和中酸性岩浆溢流或爆炸式喷发,凝灰质大多以相对粗的火山碎屑颗粒形式存在,缺少细粒凝灰质充填孔隙;恩平期火山活动减弱,以中酸性岩浆爆炸式喷发,凝灰质多以细粒凝灰质充填粒间孔隙,对储层破坏作用明显,整体上低凝灰质含量有利于储层孔隙保存,储层含油性好.系统解析砂砾岩储层中凝灰质成因机制对揭示珠江口盆地古近系形成演化有理论意义,同时可服务大中型砂砾岩油气田的勘探需求.


    • 图  1  珠江口盆地惠州凹陷构造位置(a)、构造单元特征(b)及地层综合柱状图(c)

      Fig.  1.  Tectonic location (a), structure units characteristics (b), and generalized stratigraphic column of the Huizhou Depression(c), Pearl River Mouth Basin

      图  2  珠江口盆地H6⁃6构造文昌组与恩平组中凝灰岩或凝灰质岩石的镜下鉴定特征

      a,b. 为棱角状-次棱角状的长石和石英晶屑;c,d. 为具有内凹的不规则熔蚀边的石英晶屑;e,f. 为具有火山岩结构的岩屑,其中e为具交织结构的安山岩岩屑,f为具斑状结构的流纹岩岩屑,且见碎屑石英嵌入流纹岩中(箭头所指);g. 为具霏细结构的火山玻璃;h. 为具鸡骨状和镰刀状的火山玻璃质碎屑

      Fig.  2.  Microscopical identification of sedimentary tuff or tuffaceous materials from Wenchang Formation and Enping Formation in the H6⁃6 structure, Pearl River Mouth Basin

      图  3  珠江口盆地H6⁃6构造文昌组-恩平组火山机构三维雕刻(a, b)及火山喷发模型(c)


      Fig.  3.  3⁃D volcanic sculpture (a, b) and eruption model (c) of the Wenchang Formation and Enping Formation in the H6⁃6 structure, Pearl River Mouth Basin

      图  4  珠江口盆地H6⁃6构造古近系储层沉积特征

      EP. 恩平组;WC. 文昌组

      Fig.  4.  Sedimentary characteristics of Paleogene reservoirs in the Huizhou 6⁃6 structure, Pearl River Mouth Basin

      图  5  珠江口盆地H6⁃6构造凝灰质微观赋存特征

      a. 颗粒分选差,粒间充填凝灰质,H6⁃6⁃1井3 158.4 m,恩平组;b. 凝灰质蚀变为自生绿泥石强烈充填孔隙,H6⁃6⁃1井3 158.4 m,恩平组;c. 长柱状呈集合体形态的浊沸石与绿泥石伴生,HZ6⁃6⁃1井3 158.4 m,恩平组;d. 颗粒分选好,原生孔隙发育,H6⁃6⁃1井3 399.4 m,文昌组;e. 火山岩岩屑发生溶蚀形成次生孔隙,H6⁃6⁃1井3 399.4 m,文昌组;f. 粒间孔隙比较发育,可见局部发育次生石英和绿蒙混层矿物,H6⁃6⁃1井3 399.4 m,文昌组;Q. 石英;C/S. 绿蒙混层矿物

      Fig.  5.  Photomicrographs of tuffaceous materials in the H6⁃6 structure, Pearl River Mouth Basin

      图  6  珠江口盆地H6⁃6构造古近系储层物性垂向变化

      Fig.  6.  Vertical variation of Paleogene reservoir properties in the H6⁃6 structure, Pearl River Mouth Basin

      图  7  珠江口盆地H6⁃6构造古近系储层凝灰质含量与物性及含油性关系

      Fig.  7.  Relationship between the content of tuffaceous materials, physical properties and oiliness of Paleogene reservoirs in the H6⁃6 structure, Pearl River Mouth Basin

      表  1  珠江口盆地H6⁃6构造井中凝灰质岩石垂向分布特征

      Table  1.   Vertical distribution characteristics of tuffaceous materials in the H6⁃6 structure, Pearl River Mouth Basin

      H6-6-1 H6-6-4A H6-6-4 H6-6-3 H6-6-2 H6-6-5
      EP21 / 中酸性
      / 中酸性
      EP22 流纹质
      / 中酸性
      / 中酸性
      EP23 流纹质/
      WC41 流纹质/
      WC42 流纹质
      未钻遇 未钻遇
      玄武岩 玄武岩
      WC43 流纹质
      下载: 导出CSV
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