Reservoir Characteristics and Differential Evolution Process of Xujiahe Formation in Jiannan Area, East Sichuan
摘要: 川东建南地区须家河组储层非均质性极强,致密化程度极高,为了查明储层差异演化过程,剖析储层差异演化控制因素,运用岩石学和岩石地球化学的多种实验方法,在详细刻画储层岩石学特征的基础上,划分了储层成岩相类型,查明了不同类型砂岩的物性特征和孔隙结构特征,分析了储层的差异性演化过程.研究区砂岩可以划分为4种成岩相类型,即强压实相、溶蚀相、硅质胶结相和强钙质胶结相.溶蚀相砂岩物性最好,强压实相砂岩次之,硅质胶结相和钙质胶结相砂岩物性最差.碎屑组分的差异是造成储层非均质性强和差异性演化的重要原因.塑性岩屑含量的差异,导致早成岩时期压实减孔程度的不同;长石含量的差异,影响了砂岩中溶蚀强度和方解石胶结程度;石英含量的差异,控制了砂岩中硅质胶结作用的强弱;最终,使得储层演化有先有后,空间分布非均质.Abstract: The reservoir of Xujiahe Formation in the Jiannan area of East Sichuan basin is highly heterogeneous and the densification is extremely high. To clarify the process and the controlling factors of reservoir differential evolution, a variety of experimental methods of petrology and petrogeochemistry are used in this study. Based on the detailed description for petrology characteristics of the reservoir, the diagenetic facies are classified; then the rock properties and pore structures are characterized, and finally the reservoir differential evolution process is investigated. Sandstones in study area can be divided into four diagenetic facies, namely, tight compaction facies, dissolution facies, siliceous cementation facies and tight calcite cementation facies. Sandstones from dissolution facies have the best rock properties, followed by the tight compaction sandstone. Siliceous cementation sandstone and calcite cementation sandstone are highly densified with the poorest rock properties. The variations of detrital component are the key factors controlling the heterogeneity and differential evolution of the reservoir. The various contents of ductile rock fragments result in the different degrees of compaction and pore reduction in the early diagenetic period, while feldspar and quartz contents affect the dissolution and calcite cementation degree, and the siliceous cementation degree, respectively. Finally, the detrital component controls the evolution process of reservoir in a different time order, and results in the spatial heterogeneity for the distribution.
图 4 建南地区须家河组砂岩成岩作用类型薄片和扫描电镜镜下特征
a. 岩屑砂岩,压实作用强烈,白云母受到强烈压实作用后发生弯曲、断折,须四段,JP1井,1 767.11 m,正交偏光;b. 岩屑砂岩,压实作用强烈,石英颗粒压溶呈缝合线接触,颗粒间粘土矿物普遍伊利石化,须四段,JP1井,1 767.11 m,正交偏光;c. 岩屑砂岩,泥质条带因强烈压实发生完全变形,石英颗粒普遍呈凹凸‒缝合线接触,须四段,JP1井,1 767.27 m,单偏光;d. 岩屑砂岩,含铁方解石充填孔隙并交代长石形成嵌‒连晶胶结,须四段,JP1井,1 739.24 m,单偏光;e. 岩屑砂岩,压实程度较弱,石英颗粒点‒线接触,含铁方解石充填孔隙呈连晶式胶结,须六段,J111井,808.39 m,单偏光;f. 岩屑砂岩,铁方解石交代长石,并呈斑块状充填剩余孔隙,须四段,J43井,1 361.29 m,单偏光;g. 岩屑砂岩,石英颗粒普遍Ⅱ-Ⅲ级加大,颗粒与加大边之间可见清晰尘边,须四段,JP1井,1 773.75 m,正交偏光;h. 岩屑砂岩,石英加大边包裹伊利石等粘土矿物,须四段,JP1井,1 742.29 m,扫描电镜;i. 岩屑石英砂岩,石英颗粒普遍具Ⅱ-Ⅲ级加大边,石英颗粒周围见自生菱铁矿环边,须四段,JP1井,1 744.04 m,单偏光;j. 岩屑砂岩,长石沿节理选择性溶蚀,溶蚀孔中见残余长石,须四段,JP1井,1 769.22 m,单偏光;k. 岩屑砂岩,长石沿节理选择性溶蚀,溶蚀孔中见残余长石,须四段,JP1井,1 744.82 m,扫描电镜;l. 岩屑砂岩,长石沿节理选择性溶蚀,溶蚀孔中见残余长石,须四段,JP1井,1 770.72 m,扫描电镜
Fig. 4. Diagenetic characteristics and scanning electron microscope of Xujiahe sandstones in Jiannan area
图 8 建南地区须家河组4类成岩相薄片、阴极发光和扫描电镜镜下特征
a. 强压实相,岩屑砂岩,石英颗粒压溶呈缝合线接触,云母压弯变形充填缝合线,须四段,JP1井,1 768.42 m,正交偏光;b. 强压实相,岩屑砂岩,塑性岩屑在压实作用下强烈变形,偶见少量溶蚀孔隙和早期石英加大,须四段,JP1井,1 774.52,单偏光;c. 强压实相,岩屑砂岩,泥岩、千枚岩等塑性岩屑强烈变形,不规则充填孔隙空间,岩屑普遍伊利石化,须四段,JP1井,1 768.2 m,正交偏光;d. 溶蚀相,岩屑砂岩,长石和岩屑选择性溶蚀,溶蚀孔中见残余长石、岩屑颗粒,须四段,J43井,1 305.81 m,单偏光;e. 溶蚀相,长石岩屑砂岩,溶蚀物质主要为长石,可见少量石英加大,须四段,JP1井,1 770.72 m,单偏光;f. 溶蚀相,长石岩屑砂岩,长石沿节理选择性溶蚀,丝状伊利石交代剩余长石并充填孔隙,须四段,JP1井,1 770.72 m,扫描电镜;g. 强钙质胶结相,长石岩屑砂岩,含铁方解石沿节理选择性交代方解石并充填粒间孔隙形成嵌‒连晶胶结,须六段,J111井,802.89 m,单偏光;h. 强钙质胶结相,岩屑砂岩,方解石大面积胶结并交代长石等骨架颗粒,形成方解石嵌‒连晶式胶结,交代残余长石发亮蓝色光,偶尔可见少量石英裂缝中充填方解石,须四段,JP1井,1 739.14 m,阴极发光;i. 强钙质胶结相,岩屑砂岩,方解石大面积胶结并交代长石等骨架颗粒,形成方解石嵌‒连晶式胶结,须四段,JP1井,1 739.24 m,阴极发光;j. 硅质胶结相,岩屑石英砂岩,石英颗粒普遍Ⅱ-Ⅲ级加大,颗粒与加大边之间可见少量菱铁矿环边胶结,须四段,JP1井,1 744.04 m,正交偏光;k. 硅质胶结相,岩屑石英砂岩,少量石英见破裂愈合现象,充填的石英多不发光,石英次生加大发育,加大边多不发光,须四段,JP1井,1 744.04 m,阴极发光;l. 硅质胶结相,岩屑石英砂岩,石英颗粒普遍具Ⅱ-Ⅲ级加大边,加大边多不发光,须四段,JP1井,1 744.34 m,阴极发光
Fig. 8. Thin section, CL and SEM images showing diagenetic characteristics of four diagenetic facies in Xujiahe sandstones, Jiannan area
图 10 建南地区须家河组4类成岩相压汞曲线和铸体薄片照片
a1和a2.强压实相,偶尔可见少量粒内溶孔,喉道类型以管束状喉道为主,须四段,J43井,1 361.8 m;b1和b2.溶蚀相,孔隙较发育,孔隙类型以粒内溶孔为主,喉道类型多为管束状喉道,可见少量窄片状喉道,须四段,J43井,1 304.58 m;c1和c2.硅质胶结相,砂岩通常致密无孔,偶见少量粒间溶孔,喉道类型以窄片状喉道为主,须四段,JZ1井,1 505.78 m;d1和d2.强钙质胶结相,砂岩致密无孔,喉道类型以管束状喉道为主,须六段,J111井,808.39 m
Fig. 10. Curves and casting thin section of four diagenetic facies in Xujiahe sandstones, Jiannan area
表 1 建南地区须家河组砂岩成岩相类型与划分方案
Table 1. Classification of diagenetic facies in the Xujiahe sandstones, Jiannan area
成岩相 强压实相 溶蚀相 强钙质胶结相 硅质胶结相 原始岩性 岩屑砂岩 岩屑砂岩 长石岩屑砂岩 岩屑石英砂岩 岩屑石英砂岩 岩屑砂岩 岩屑砂岩 长石岩屑砂岩 塑性岩屑含量(%) ≥20 <20 <20 <20 颗粒接触关系 凹凸‒缝合线 线接触 点‒线接触 点‒线接触 主要成岩作用 压实作用 压实作用 压实作用 压实作用 压溶作用 溶蚀作用 方解石胶结 硅质胶结 伊利石化 方解石交代 次要成岩作用 方解石胶结 方解石胶结 伊利石化 菱铁矿胶结 方解石交代 方解石交代 自生粘土 硅质胶结 硅质胶结 溶蚀作用 伊利石化 视压实率(%) 80~100 70~90 30~60 70~80 视胶结率(%) 0~20 0~20 40~70 20~30 面孔率(%) ≤2 >2 0 0 表 2 建南地区须家河组砂岩岩石结构特征
Table 2. Texture characteristics of the Xujiahe sandstones in the Jiannan area
成岩相类型 粒径(mm) 分选 磨圆 范围 均值 强压实相 0.1~0.9 0.37 中等‒好 次棱‒次圆 溶蚀相 0.25~0.90 0.50 中等‒好 次棱‒次圆 硅质胶结相 0.25~0.80 0.65 中等‒好 次圆 强钙质胶结相 0.1~0.5 0.26 中等 次棱‒次圆 表 3 建南地区须家河组4类成岩相压汞参数统计
Table 3. NMR T2 pore throat radius and mercury injection data statistics of four diagenetic facies in Xujiahe sandstones, Jiannan area
成岩相 压汞特征参数 分选系数 歪度 中值压力(MPa) 最大联通孔喉半径(μm) 排驱压力(MPa) 最小非饱和孔隙体积百分数(%) 强压实相 1.5~2.0 0.005~0.050 30~130 0.05~0.20 3~15 70~80 溶蚀相 0.8~1.5 0.05~0.1 5~30 0.2~0.8 1~3 80~90 硅质胶结相 > 2.0 < 0.005 > 130 < 0.05 > 15 30~50 强钙质胶结相 > 2.0 < 0.005 > 130 < 0.05 > 15 30~50 -
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